Sentences with phrase «prime purpose»

The natural course of events will make it clear why this is so — and why it has to be so within the wider context of the discussion's prime purpose of placing process in its proper location in the philosophical landscape.
I have the honor & privilege to be a Single Mum to an amazing daughter, whose prime purpose in life is to make me laugh!
Many of its resources are focused on the proton - smashing LHC and its experiments, but the centre also runs an antiproton ring whose prime purpose is to study the intriguing physics of antimatter.
Is it a major strike against Sodastream's prime purpose of waste reduction?
A sexuality that is shared with everyone loses its prime purpose: intimacy.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.
2) It should not be a method to raise financing as it's prime purpose.
Their prime purpose is to protect your skin and body from environmental stressors such as sun, pollution and other harmful substances, also known as free radicals.
The prime purpose of the establishment of well - known company Mayloz was to make shopping easier for working women.
In the words of the Dalai Lama, «Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.
A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical, or scholarly principles underlying such skills and methods, maintaining by force of organization or concerted opinion high standards of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to continued study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of a public service.
Their prime purpose seems to be have... Read More
Their prime purpose seems to be have been to identify schools for Program Improvement under NCLB.
One of the prime purposes of the additive package is to protect the internal metal parts (the parts in contact with the brake fluid) of the brake system from corrosion.
The prime purpose of a website for an author just getting going is to build their mailing list, so their reader magnet should usually be the first thing visitors see
The prime purpose of this report is to examine the marketing strategy of a company in order to determine which new strategy it will follow in the near future.
The prime purpose of academic writing is to inform the reader.
Today, I'll show you what is the prime purpose of the demo account, how to use it and...
So that the dobie would made a strong bond with your family and guarding becomes his prime purpose.
The prime purpose of puppy husbandry is to produce a friendly, confident, and biddable pup, so that you can face the behavior and training challenges of your dog's adolescence, and your dog can deal with the immense social upheaval that dogs, especially males, face as they navigate adolescence.
Its prime purpose is to help your puppy produce digestive enzymes that deal with diarrhea and gas, while also giving your dog's immunity a boost.
Although it was not necessary to do so for the purposes of the present appeal, Lord Scott thought it might become necessary in the future «for a decision to be taken as to which purpose should be regarded as the prime purpose».
The purpose of the exclusionary rule is not to redress the injury to the privacy of the search victim... Instead, the rule's prime purpose is to deter future unlawful police conduct and thereby effectuate the guarantee of the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures... In sum, the rule is a judicially created remedy designed to safeguard Fourth Amendment rights generally through its deterrent effect, rather than a personal constitutional right of the party aggrieved.
Therefore it should definitely serve the prime purpose for which you contacted the company on the first hand and that is your family's financial protection.
The Echo Dot does voice recognition much better, and that's its prime purpose.
They are tailored to the individual and we market the client to ensure they generate interviews, which is the prime purpose of a resume and cover letter.
Our prime purpose is to prevent that downward spiral (with all its unintended consequences) from happening.
The prime purpose of an admitting clerk resume is to win an interview.
Customer service managers are hired for the prime purpose of ensuring that a company's customers remain happy and provide recurring business opportunities.
When you make your cover letter so interesting that a hiring manager feels that his company can not do without your input, that is when you become important to him — and this is the prime purpose of a cover letter anyway.
A Sous Chef resume summary is written for one prime purpose, and that is to encourage hiring managers to keep reading.
A Sous Chef resume summary is written for one prime purpose, and that is to encourage hiring managers to keep... Read More»
A resume summary is written for the prime purpose of enticing a hiring manager to read the rest of the resume as well.
To work for a dynamic International company, I desire to be a Sales Director leading a group of highly motivated sales professionals, with the prime purpose of meeting and exceding all budgets and forecasts.
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