Sentences with phrase «principles keep us under control»

Our principles keep us under control but still let us have fun.

Not exact matches

He's been able to keep his diabetes under control without taking a single drug by following these principles.
There are much better ways to extinguish problem behaviour than ignoring, such as keeping the dog under threshold, desensitisation and counter conditioning, reinforcement of an incompatible behaviour, heavily reinforcing any choice that isn't the problem behaviour, management, using the pre-mack principle, controlling access to resources and so on.
The further possible exception to equal sharing alluded to in para 86 was «where both parties had worked throughout the marriage, had pooled some of the assets built up by their efforts but had chosen to keep other such assets under their separate control, the latter, although unequal in amount, were unilateral assets which might not be subject to the sharing principle... we would prefer, so far as it is proper for us to do so, to keep the room for application of the concept closely confined».
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