Sentences with phrase «principles outlined»

As I was reading a book by developer Jorge Perez about how to be successful in real estate, (Powerhouse Principles, The Billionaire Blueprint for Real Estate Success; Celebra, 2008) it struck me that most, if not all, of the principles he outlined in his blueprint to riches are principles that many of us in real estate already know and live by.
The Royal LePage Privacy Policy is based on, and complies with, Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act («PIPEDA»), which includes the Ten Privacy Principles outlined in the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Privacy.
I have seen so many investors starting enthusiastically in the business after reading books or attending seminars, but they forget to apply the basic principles outlined above; soon they get discouraged or fail, and unfortunately quit the real estate business, instead of giving it time to flourish.
Even if you do, it's a good idea to look at them with fresh eyes by comparing them with the basic principles outlined here.
In a very real way, this program demonstrates our commitment to the principles outlined in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's One America initiative.
Although the correct course of action in a particular transaction depends on the laws of your state and the dictates of the purchase agreement and other legal documents, following the basic principles outlined here will help you navigate the challenges of handling earnest money deposits.
I call upon governments to work with us to close the gap in a way that respects, protects and fulfils our fundamental human rights, and to follow the principles outlined above when considering land tenure reform.
The principles outlined below are specific standards, based upon the UDHR and other sources of human rights principles, for ethical conduct between Developers and Indigenous communities.
It also adheres to the principles outlined in the plan, which cover early action, reducing stigma and joining - up services.
However, use of the principles outlined above can lead to useful improvements.35
Based on my experience as a couples therapist and, as a husband who is still with the «love of my life» after four decades of marriage, the 11 principles outlined here represent what I considered to be the better part of wisdom when it comes to living «happily ever after» with that one special person in your life.
The question arises whether the mechanisms under the NTA by which the extinguishment of native title is either validated, confirmed or simply allowed to operate, are discriminatory according to the principles outlined above.
[2] The 29 locations were determined using the principles outlined in the Schedules A and B of the Remote Service Delivery National Partnership Agreement.
The principles outlined in this book teach partners new strategies for making their marriage work.
Straightforward in its approach, yet profound in its effect, the principles outlined in this book teach partners new and startling strategies for making marriage work.
Straightforward in its approach, yet profound in its effect, the principles outlined in this book teach partners new and startling strategies for making their marriage work.
This process will be consistent with the principles outlined in the Principles Taken into Account in Deciding Sequencing at Schedule B of the Agreement and with the Coordinator - General for Remote Indigenous Services Act 2009, which provides that the Australian Government Minister for Indigenous Affairs must consult with the relevant Northern Territory Minister prior to specifying new remote locations under the Act.
From our analysis of factors that moderated transfer into practice, we believe that future training could be refined through attention to the theoretical principles outlined by Bennett - Levy (2006), who posited that therapists in training need to (1) reflect on declarative knowledge (knowing the theory; e.g., principles and concepts), (2) reflect on procedural knowledge (knowing what they do; e.g., two chair work, imagery), and (3) reflect on both declarative and procedural aspects (knowing what to do and when to do it).
The human rights principles outlined above provide the basis for a co-existence that is productive, stable and enduring.
The AECEO will work with Professional Resource Centres in local communities and other professional learning providers across Ontario to build capacity and establish a clearinghouse of all professional learning activities that reflect the principles outlined above.
Process evaluation design with realist evaluation framework following realist evaluation principles outlined by Pawson et al41 and Pawson and Tiller42
This might include criterion such as demonstrating high ethical standards (such as commitment to the Nolan principles outlined earlier in this report) and looking at an individual's professional and personal history.
This is in accordance with the human rights principles outlined in my earlier submissions and for companies to embrace such an approach can only assist in better relationships between Indigenous people and miners over land use and management.
It is fundamental to the Inquiry, in developing recommendations for the administration of native title and mineral tenements within an overall strategy of sustainability, that it give consideration to the human rights principles outlined above.
Framework agreements provide an alternative course available to negotiating parties to ensure the adoption of minimum standards in agreement - making consistent with the human rights principles outlined above.
In the following section I want to take this process further and consider how the concepts, goals and processes that underpin the government's Indigenous policy can be applied to the principles outlined in chapter 2 that direct the native title system to the economic and social development of the traditional owner groups.
No matter the format, you are still expected to present your skills and convey enthusiasm about the job — follow the principles outlined above.
The principles outlined within the whitepaper became the basis for a number of altcoins based on the mechanism.
In addition to CryptoNote itself, Bytecoin, Forknote, Boolberry, DashCoin, and DigitalNote use the principles outlined by Saberhagen.
5 (2) and 18 together establish the presumptive limitation period for contribution and indemnity claims — a presumptive limitation period that incorporates the discoverability principles outlined in ss.
As we have already determined, the guiding principles outlined in the majority judgment in Taylor provide support for the conclusion that we have now reached regarding the issues of statutory interpretation raised in this complaint.
The recommendations which are now known as the Meredith Principles outlined a trade - off in which workers» relinquish their right to sue in exchange for compensation benefits.
Finally, and not for nothing; but, in attempting to write for an entire nation of lawyers, where various jurisdictions may expand on the principles outlined in this opinion, it's probably better to go broad anyway.
The principles outlined below are described in detail in that case.
The Panel shall, in reviewing the NEB structure, role, and mandate, consider the relationship between NEB processes and the Aboriginal and treaty rights of Indigenous peoples, as well as the relationship between NEB processes and the principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Let's review the principles outlined in these blog posts, then see how Keith applies them to his own practice management projects.
My initial post focused primarily on the six principles outlined for creating more workable cities — but the report also offered up four scenarios for how our cities, and our lives, might actually look.
This is consistent with the principles outlined in the first paragraph, which state that the implementation of activities should be country driven and respect national sovereignty.
While I don't draw and don't consider the creative type either (after all I am a Web Analytics Blogger), I found the guiding principles outlined in this manifesto to be inspirational and crystallizing.
UPDATE from Cory: While this post is a few years old, and Facebook's algorithms have changed, the principles outlined are still relevant.
While this post is a few years old, and Facebook's algorithms have changed, the principles outlined are still relevant.
I am a long term dividend stock investor based on company fundamentals and the principles I outlined in my Dividend Deep Dive post a couple weeks ago.
The specifics of everyone's approach will vary, but the broad principles outlined here will be present in one form or another in virtually all robustly successful trend following approaches.
As a recap, the four key mathematical principles outlined in «Math Matters» are:
To do this, we built IMA on value investing principles outlined by Benjamin Graham and popularized by Warren Buffett.
«We used the debt snowball method and followed many of the principles outlined by Dave Ramsey,» says Cherie.
The Defined Risk Strategy was built around the principles outlined by Micah Wakefield in his white paper «Math Matters.»
We know that the writer who inspired the renaissance in creative nonfiction, Gay Talese, followed the ideas and principles outlined by Clark — and inspired Clark himself.
EJ guidance for such activities will adhere to the principles outlined in the DOT EJ Order and this strategy.
In contrast, the approach under waivers, dubbed turnaround, was much more focused — applying only to the 5 percent of schools identified as «priority» schools and based on key principles outlined by the Department (see sidebar Turnaround Principles).62 Fewer schools were part of the effort, but in turn, the effort was much more intensive and required significant changes in school operations, culture, leadership, and practice.63 The hope was that a more disruptive and ambitious strategy will yield dramatic results: after three years, these schools would no longer be in the bottom 5 percent, and another group of schools could be identified to undergo turnaround.
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