Sentences with phrase «print readership»

"Print readership" refers to the number of people who read or engage with printed materials such as newspapers, magazines, or books. Full definition
Although millennials consume lots of digital and online media, polls have shown that «the highest print readership rates are among those ages 18 to 29, and the same age group is still using public libraries in large numbers.»
Pew studies show the highest print readership rates are among those ages 18 to 29, and the same age group is still using public libraries in large numbers.
In 2013, the Financial Times, which operates a metered model, saw circulation grow 8 % to 652,000 — the highest paid readership in its 126 - year history — although print readership continued to fall.
With all of the demographic changes in print readership, the book publishing industry has weathered the challenge, in part through the publication of more specialized titles in shorter print runs, in part through increased publication of «non-books» (novelty titles) and in part through improved distribution, including via the web.
Meanwhile, the company is trying to maintain growth in online subscriptions, which totaled about 875,000 at the end of the third quarter, and print readership has continued to decline.
As a magazine that's been around since 1955, Bon Appétit has long defined itself by our print readership.
This transitional market bodes well for authors looking to explore multi-platform publishing, as they will be able to test the waters of both a digital and print readership, and see which one works best for their content.
However, the YA market is still heavily print - dominated on the traditional publishing side, which would suggest that print readership is still an important component of building a young adult fan base.
There's no reason that the digital readership shouldn't be given every bit of attention and consideration that publishers give the print readership.
When it comes to Marvel, «it starts with the print product and the print readership, and then we expanded this into a digital experience,» says Peter Phillips, senior vice president and general manager of Marvel Digital Media Group.
-LSB-...] as the best financial publication in the world, with a daily combined online and print readership of 1.8 million, the title boasts -LSB-...]
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