Sentences with phrase «prior important studies»

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The new rules are «a tremendous step forward,» says Ebright, who says the obligation for prior review of research proposals is «critically important» and should prevent cases such as the two H5N1 studies, whose potential biosecurity and biosafety implications were raised only on the eve of publication of their results.
«While tumor profiling holds the promise of improved therapeutics through personalized medicine, it is important that both clinicians and patients discuss the possibilities of incidental findings prior to ordering the testing, as the findings can have serious implications for both the patient and their family members,» said Melinda Yushak, M.D., M.P.H., first author on the study and a medical oncology fellow in Yale School of Medicine.
Rie Davies said: «This study provides support for prior research by Kirschner and Tomasello (2010) 1 and also highlights the need for schools and parents to understand the important role music making has in children's lives in terms of social bonding and helping behaviours.
Prior research showed that the mPOA is important for social and reproductive behavior in all vertebrate species studied from fish to human, but it has been unclear whether this area drives social motivation through circuit connections with reward systems in the brain.
«Our findings newly show that hippocampal structure prior to ECT may be an important indicator of treatment outcome,» the study states.
A new study led by researchers at the Swedish Museum of Natural History shows that prior to the extinction, mammoths lost genetic diversity at a functionally - important immunity gene, which possibly made them more susceptible to disease.
He said the new research is important because, «no prior study to date has demonstrated the impact of the family history of depression in both the parents and the grandparents with direct interviews of the three generations.»
In our study, teachers had no prior experience using a project - based approach, and we had limited time to devote to professional development (about three hours initially, with brief videos introducing subsequent units and an average of 11 visits from coaches), so it was important for the unit and session plans to provide considerable support through explicitness and detail.
A second important outcome was that the lower - performing students, so these were students who were about the bottom third of our sample, these were students who were earning Grade Point Averages (GPAs) of a C or below in the semester prior to the intervention [and were] most likely going to be struggling in school; for these students, the intervention increased their GPAs and also increased their likelihood of passing core courses like Math, English, Social Studies and Science - and increased that by around 6.5 percentage points.
This study examined Career Academies in the early 1990s, before many of the occupations common today even existed and prior to the introduction of policies with important implications for secondary schools (e.g., school accountability).
Another important finding of this study was that, while prior effort did have an effect on current achievement — learning is cumulative, after all — the effect was much smaller than that of current effort.
However, accounting for prior math, science, and other scores is still important because those scores adjust for general cognitive and study skills that also influence subsequent scores.
In such studies, it is important to recognize that the performance of Science IDEAS students on nationally - normed reading comprehension tests is, in itself, a significant transfer effect (i.e., students have no prior exposure to test content).
Prior to exploring the historical case study of this unit — the collapse of democracy in Germany and the steps leading up to the Holocaust — it is important that students and teachers spend some time reviewing class norms.
Prior to exploring the historical case study of this unit — the collapse of democracy in Germany and the steps leading up to the Holocaust — it is important that students and teachers spend some time establishing and nurturing classroom rules and expectations of respect and open - mindedness.
Accessing prior knowledge may be especially important in social studies, where students must make connections between a variety of disciplines and must find relevance in events that happened long ago (NCSS, 2008).
It is important to take time to study the behavior of assets that interest you prior to making an investment.
This means that spaying is important even if a tumor has already developed; in one study, female dogs spayed at the time of their tumor removal (or in the two years prior to the tumor removal) lived 45 percent longer than those who remained unspayed.
* has spent a number of years studying and learning about their breed * is active in one or more breed clubs or similar groups and thus is in regular contact with other people in the breed * knows their breeding stock inside and out for several generations back * has an «eye for a dog» and has developed a detailed picture of the type of dog they're breeding toward * almost always compete in some in some sort of activity with their dogs (conformation, working activities, obedience etc.) so as to have a realistic idea of how their dogs compare to others of the same the breed * is knowledgable about the hereditary problems that occur in their breed and has the appropriate tests done prior to breeding in order to decrease the likelihood of their occurance in their pups * considers temperament important * is knowledgable about the mating and whelping of dogs in general, so as to minimize the chances of injury or death to the breeding dogs * is extremely concerned with the quality of the homes that their puppies are destinied for, to the point of not performing a breeding if they don't feel good homes will be available for the pups * never has more dogs of their own than they are properly able to care for * is willing and able to educate and build a relationship with their puppy buyers * is honest * uses spay / neuter contracts and / or limited registration to prevent the casual breeding of their puppies * is ALWAYS willing to take back a dog of their breeding if a puppy buyer can not keep it for any reason.
Josef Albers retired from teaching in 1958, prior to the publication of his important Interaction of Color (1963), a treatise on color studies and an essential handbook for artists and teachers.
Several journals release important studies on - line, after peer review and prior to formal publication, which can be even faster.
I have concentrated on the Bayesian inference involved in such studies, since they seem to me in many cases to use inappropriate prior distributions that heavily fatten the upper tail of the estimated PDF for S. I may write a future post concerning that issue, but in this post I want to deal with more basic statistical issues arising in what is, probably, the most important of the Bayesian studies whose PDFs for climate sensitivity were featured in AR4.
It'd be good to know why you think / others might think this one study is important enough to alter your priors so much (seems like a big thing to do just from one presentation?)
If you find that the studies that have high upper bounds either only use some weak data and don't use some important information or use a prior that is rather pathological.
Specifically, the paper considers: why and how subgroup findings are important for applied research, the importance of prespecifying subgroups before analyses are conducted, and the importance of using existing theory and prior research to distinguish between subgroups for which study findings are confirmatory, as opposed to exploratory.
Nevertheless, it is also important to keep in mind that because these questions about weddings have received so little attention in prior studies and because only a small percentage of respondents reported not having a wedding, these findings should be tested in other samples.
In general, attachment to parents was significantly linked to delinquency in these studies (e.g. Bernburg and Thorlindsson 1999; Ford 2005; Laundra et al. 2002; LeBlanc 1994) or attachment was even the most important predictor of delinquency (e.g., compared to other family factors and economic factors, Mack et al. 2007), while some studies found only weak links between social bonding and delinquency (e.g., compared to prior delinquency and delinquent peers, Agnew 1991).
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