Sentences with word «prioress»

It will include many famous Pre-Raphaelite works, and will also re-introduce some rarely seen masterpieces including Ford Madox Brown's polemical Work 1852 — 65 and the 1858 wardrobe designed by Philip Webb and painted by Edward Burne - Jones on the theme of The Prioress's Tale.
Many had tears in their eyes at her death, she noted, especially Sister Christina, whose grief meant the most to the old prioress.
Their hopes are dashed, however, when the young and inexperienced Eleanor of Wynethorpe is appointed their new prioress over someone of their own choosing.
During the dark morning hours of a winter day in the year 1270, an aged prioress realized she was dying.
They erected a building in 1243 and, the following year, established it as a monastery with the election of their first prioress.
Our representative, Sister Minke de Vries, prioress of the Community of Grandchamp, a community of women related to Taizé and sharing its Reformed roots, was then invited to prepare meditations for the celebration in Rome of the Via Crucis during Holy Week of 1995.
In the fifteenth century, Chaucer's nun prioress fed her little dogs «roast meat, or milk and fine bread.»
Among them we meet the redoubtable Prioress, Mother Marie de Gonzague, whose vanity, volatility and desire for control caused serious friction in the community.
After Marie came Pauline, Sister Agnes of Jesus, who would become Prioress and whose natural leadership would help to heal a dysfunctional community.
Mother Dolores eventually became prioress of the community and also dean of the sisters» education.
They were educated at convent schools, could rise to become prioresses or abbesses of great houses and were numbered amongst the scholars, Saints, mystics and martyrs of the church.
Queens and princesses, abbesses and prioresses held positions of wealth, power and influence in Church and State which they were solemnly adjured to use for the benefit of the common good.
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