Sentences with phrase «private insurance market»

The federal government basically backs the program and assumes some of the risk / cost to keep the insurance premiums artificially low, largely because there is not much of a viable private insurance market for flood insurance.
NAR is seeking another long - term reauthorization combined with additional reforms to increase the accuracy of flood mapping, provide financial assistance for more homeowners to mitigate their risk before a flood occurs, and develop a more robust private insurance market.
Senator Tom Cotton, a conservative Arkansas Republican, said the bill would not reduce premiums for people on the private insurance market.
Eventually, the switch from employer - based insurance to individually purchased insurance will lower prices in the private insurance market, allowing the uninsured to then buy in.
My last post focused on ways in which the private insurance market doesn't operate like much of a market at all.
At the very least, officials should rethink the design of the Essential Plan — to protect the viability of the private insurance market for those New Yorkers who still need it.
Cuomo's proposal would create a new panel to set price ceilings for drugs reimbursed by the state's Medicaid system and would impose a surcharge on drugs that exceed those ceilings in the private insurance market.
Do either of you favor voucherizing Medicare, giving future beneficiaries the option of taking a voucher and shopping the private insurance market?
«As a follow - up, it was particularly important to examine the extent to which the aggressive cost - sharing policies for specialty drugs seen under Medicare Part D, which are increasingly making their way into the private insurance market, adversely impact access to these treatments even for a condition like cancer,» said Doshi.
«In Florida, because of the hurricanes, there are certain areas that are deemed extremely high risk by the private insurance market and as a result, they do not want to take on new insurance clients,» says Lawrence Barker of the Canadian Snowbird Association.
If you reach out to the private insurance market, you will find many types of policies, but the most common policy for young families is a term life insurance policy, which covers a predefined number of years and coverage amount.
Most Canadian governments can't afford to replace the private insurance market if it decides to walk even further away from flood - prone properties.
But non-Marketplace plans — the ones available on the private insurance market - must include pediatric dental unless you already have dental insurance that covers your kids.
And plans sold on the private insurance market must include dental coverage for kids.
Remember: More than 55 million women have gained access to no - copay birth control in the private insurance market.
Under the ACA, more than 55 million women gained access to no - copay birth control in the private insurance market.
To thrive under health reform and best serve their clients, publicly supported health centers will need to become very good at working with and securing contracts from the health plans that dominate the public and private insurance markets.
NAR believes that the private insurance market has failed to ensure access to affordable property insurance for hurricanes, earthquakes and other major catastrophes, including floods.
The statements and questions focused on TRIA's successes in helping the insurance market provide terrorism coverage, how making changes to the program - such as raising the «trigger» amount for the federal backstop - could affect the market for terrorism insurance, the cost of the program to taxpayers, and whether the private insurance market has developed enough that the federal backstop provided by TRIA is no longer necessary.
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