Sentences with phrase «private research»

Moreover, during the past 25 years the share of master's and doctoral degrees in education granted by top - tier public and private research universities has declined dramatically.
The organizations are creating a market for developing - world medical technologies, and many organizations — including for - profit companies and private research institutions — are stepping up.
Now we're in the final stage: Private research companies are being bought by large advertising agencies.
-- Research psychologists work primarily in academia, government, or private research organizations.
After graduating, he joined a public - private research venture, working in the lab for a while.
For example, science information officers work for universities, private research foundations, government agencies and laboratories, technology corporations, science and technology museums, charities and non-profit science and health organisations.
The data underlying private research do not have to be made public, unlike the data from federally sponsored research.
But such initiatives mainly pull existing technologies into the market, experts say, and do little to propel private research toward the next big advances.
Members come from corporations, law firms, universities, colleges, professional schools, government, industry, and public and private research institutions.
Steve Moore is a visiting senior fellow in economics at The Heritage Foundation, the largest private research institute in Washington, DC.
The Washington - based private research group's survey of 1,028 randomly selected teachers, released Aug. 18, found that 42 percent of teachers are age 50 or older, compared with 24 percent in 1996.
Lab coordinators may also work for private research institutes, colleges or government institutes.
Almost 65 % of faculty members are contingent at private research universities and 71 % at private comprehensives.
Yet from 2015 to mid-2017, only 73 chimpanzees entered sanctuaries, leaving nearly 600 of the animals in labs; half were owned by the government, half by private research facilities.
A growing recognition that game skills carry over into real - world skills has also prompted the establishment of private research teams, including an MIT - sponsored group called the Education Arcade and an international consortium of scholars called the Serious Games Initiative, which are exploring how to incorporate the positive effects of gaming in traditional educational environments.
In 2008, the Art Museum became part of Nova Southeastern University, one of the largest private research universities in the United States.
He graduated in 1993 but stayed on at Danone for 2 years, taking part in several European research projects involving Danone, the Autnoma University of Barcelona, and other public and private research centers.
While the past few years have seen substantial federal and private research funding for infectious disease genomics research, there has been little discussion of the possible ELSIs - for individuals, groups or larger society - of using genomic information in the management of infectious disease.
Message board, Chat The University of Southern California is a leading private research university located in Los Angeles — a global center for arts, technology and
In that capacity, he was the Parliament's lead negotiator during the launch of the prestigious European Research Council, as well as a series of partnerships between public and private research bodies, called Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs).
The increasing inefficiency of the RAS and its obstinate reluctance to adopt organizational changes has prompted the Russian government to focus science spending on universities, national research centers, public — private research partnerships such as Rusnano, a multibillion - rouble nanotechnology initiative, and the planned Skolkovo science - and - technology city outside Moscow.
Raleigh, NC About Blog Public Policy Polling is best known for putting out highly accurate polling on key political races across the country, but we also do affordable private research for candidates and organizations.
U.S. private research firm, JD Power & Associates, Inc., published the results of the «2012 Automotive Initial Quality Study».
Michaels does private research, including that on global warming, outside his duties as a U.Va.
The Innovista district currently encompasses six city blocks but is projected to grow to five million square feet, mixing public and private research buildings, residential units and commercial space.
Public and private research teams are committed to publishing their genomic data simultaneously later this year, for the benefit of researchers in every corner of the globe.
► «Hoping to a fill a void left by the closure last summer of Russia's only private research funder, scientists here are gearing up to launch a new foundation,» Vladimir Pokrovsky reported from Moscow in a Monday ScienceInsider.
Most private research institutes are nonprofits, too, but those jobs fit better in a discussion of academic careers.
There were some broadcasters and program agencies of different churches who gave me access to their files and made otherwise private research available to me for use in the study.
Of the four large paid - time religious broadcast organizations that responded to the author's search for research, three indicated that they had conducted private research but that they did not make it available to «outsiders.»
«This proposed massive investment in Wadsworth will create world - class life science labs, while positioning the Capital Region to attract greater private research dollars and further cement this area as a national epicenter of health, science, and technological research,» Fahy wrote.
Gryb credits not just Barbour but also the idyllic surroundings of College Farm, which serves as a kind of private research campus, for inspiring the work.
«This budget has been framed to protect the significant public and private research capacity built in Ireland over the past decade.
He says one of Spain's goals is to «mobilize an additional $ 6 billion into private research activity [1.9 percent of the GDP].»
Entrepreneurship among scientists will be stimulated by helping young Ph.D. s set up spin - off enterprises, giving tax breaks to companies that invest in R&D, encouraging public - private research collaboration, and cutting red tape.
Pursuing scientific or engineering careers in industry, government or private research after getting a Ph.D. used to be considered a one - way ticket out of academia.
For its current missions the U.S. National Science Foundation charters private research ships such as the Nathaniel B. Palmer, which can crunch through three feet of ice at three nautical miles per hour.
A major blow landed last week, when the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), one of the world's largest private research philanthropies, confirmed that it will trim spending by about 10 %, or $ 100 million, over the next 2 years.
Westlake University, which Shi is pitching as the nation's first private research university, will focus on natural sciences, medical sciences, and engineering.
Originally, it had been planned for the rally to also protest against the decision of the Justice Ministry to label the Dynasty Foundation — a prominent private research funder — as a «foreign agent,» which could result in its closure.
As energy - efficient technologies continue to attract funding from government and private research agencies, Miller said he hopes that by 2016, solar cell technology will reach cost parity with other fuels and be used in many homes across the country.
Prof Mummery says the UK has already recognised the potential for stem - cell based drug testing by established a special public - private research programme called «Stem Cells for Safer Medicine» or SC4SM.
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