Sentences with phrase «private user information»

While they do make revenue by allowing advertisements, these sites also tend to share or sell private user information to other companies or firms in exchange for money.
The UK now wants a high - level executive, preferably Zuckerberg himself, to go to London and testify about the «catastrophic failure» of Facebook's handling of private user information.
Since 2003, Maxthon has supported millions of people, including online daters, with a secure web browser that automatically blocks pop - up ads, saves passwords, and shields private user information.
Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, called for Cambridge Analytica to be «thoroughly investigated» and said Facebook must answer questions about how it came to provide private user information to an academic with links to Russia.
Considering Facebook's inability to check if CA stole private user information, we have no way of knowing how many other companies could be hoarding and selling data to influence democratic elections.
Coinbase has won a partial victory in their ongoing legal battle with the IRS regarding the disclosure of private user information.
Facebook now has three strikes against it: Beacon, the privacy modifications it made in 2009 to force private user information public, and now the Kogan / Cambridge Analytica revelation.
These AceDeceiver - related apps then repeatedly asks users to enter their Apple IDs and passwords, which gives hackers access to private user information.
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