Sentences with phrase «pro abortion»

The phrase "pro abortion" refers to supporting the right for a woman to choose whether or not to have an abortion, emphasizing that it should be legally available and accessible. Full definition
I am pro abortion because I feel the need to defend the free will of women.
Also he has resorted to accusing brother Chris as being pro abortion rights because he cut a few checks for some republicans who go there.
Pro choice proponents are just that — pro CHOICE, not pro abortion.
This article (CNN) isn't curious as to why pro abortion protesters were chanting such things?
I still am curious why people (anti and pro abortion alike) make the issue about religion.
ROMNEY to me maybe a Mormon, but his values & proven record, do not go against Christian principles, as opposed to Obama who claims to be a Christian but his record prove otherwise... NO TO PRO ABORTION CANDIDATE, NO TO PRO MURDER OF INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS... YESSSSS ROMNEY ROCKS!
Therefore, I can not worship God, as he is highly pro abortion.
Abortion Matrix used for revision When does life begin debate Personhood debate - potentiality, consciousness, primitive streak, viability, John Lock principle of reciprocity peter singer - pro abortion Judith Thompson - The violinist Mother vs Child debate Feminism and abortion (used as an extra lesson Ethical theories applies - including mindmaps i have made used as revision tools for pupils
He is also pro gay marriage and pro abortion rights, two issues that make him more appealing to left leaning voters but potentially damages his credibility with his own party.
Saying you are pro abortion is like saying you are pro tonsillectomy.
Does anyone seriously think if the state instead offered only a pro abortion plate the ACLU would make a peep?
-- Well I won't vote for and never have voted for someone who is pro abortion or pro gay marriage, if that is what you are asking.
No one is «pro abortion».
Our current Pres. is pro gay, pro abortion, pro every thing that makes people happy, and we voted him in.
And as far as labels go, Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice certainly sound better than what really happens: Pro Abortion.
These preachers are fired up over gay marriage but why wouldnt they be fired up over the pro abortion stand of this president?
Majority of you voted for Obama who is pro abortion, pro-everything that goes against your so called ideals and teachings.
Or to pick another example, this time from the democratic party, why is being pro gay marriage also means being pro abortion, and protecting the environment.
The pro abortion extremist show their cards.
Some people were Pro McCarthyism, some people were Pro Nazi, some people may be pro abortion but might cringe at the idea of putting an animal to sleep.
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