Sentences with phrase «pro choice»

The issue is that free speech was provided for anti choice proponents, but an alternative plate giving the same right to free speech to pro choice proponents was voted down by the legislature.
I'm pro choice in life, and don't want to be told what to do, nor have others dictate what I do.
Go to any elite college, and survey the students and professors, and you will find they are overwhelmingly pro choice.
Looks at the difference between pro choice and pro life and examines Christian views about abortion.
I felt there was a definite leaning toward pro choice and advocacy of women's rights.
I say this because there was one pro choice person who tried to say if you have an apple seed you don't have an apple tree, but that's not true.
A spokeswoman for NARAL Pro Choice New York, says the group has already applied for the waiver and received a letter from JCOPE confirming that it qualified for the exemption.
Capital Tonight has obtained an exclusive copy of a forensic audit conducted for NARAL Pro Choice New York that uncovered extensive alleged financial misconduct by the nonprofit's former president, Kelli Conlin, dating back at least to 2008 and perhaps even longer.
Amanda Farias has the endorsements of the National Organization for Women NYC, Council Members Elizabeth Crowley and Helen Rosenthal, Vote Pro Choice, Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club and the Filipino American Democratic Club of New York.
«I've been a long supporter of pro choice initiatives going way, way back, and I always will be.»
Creationism vs evolution, democrat vs. republican, pro life vs. pro choice etc...
An abortion / medical conscience controversy is riling the decidedly pro choice state of Washington, presaging what I think will become one of our own most contentious bioethical controversies.
«There's no question in our minds that the governor supports this act,» said Miller who says it's now «incumbent» upon her group and other pro choice advocates to demonstrate the depth of the support.
Neither Miller nor any of the other pro choice lobbyists had meetings scheduled with Cuomo, though she says she hopes to get one soon and hopes that the governor will lend his political capital to the issue.
we all have our beliefs and opinions on every subject, whether they agree or disagree, but taking an innocent life is murder (I'm pro choice when it comes to making the decision on whether or not to have a child) but if it is living in the world why take away what it has grown to know and love for your opinions on what is right and wrong.
They say conference leader, Senator Jeff Klein, an ardent pro choice supporter, should demand that the bill come to the floor for a vote before the session ends.
Groupshow at Gallery Meyer - Kainer, Vienna, Curated by Pro Choice (Lucie Stahl and Will Benedict) KW69 # 7 Kalin Lindena.
The concept Pro choice means you get ot choose between the options.
While I agree with the many pro choice sentiments on this page I simy must point out that when it comes to our supposedly democratic system I must disagree with those of you who clamor for a 3rd party.
Pro Choice voters are more intelligent than pro lifers, and that is a fact.
As a Catholic a liberal pro choice one by the way.
Ron Paul is a devote christian with proud pro choice beliefs.
Many people in highly publicized positions probably would legalize it, but there is some type of pressure to say no for the «common good» boy that got us somewhere fast, just check, I'm still left standing... He might even be Pro Choice due to free will no to say that he would endorse abortions as many folks feel this way, but the folks would call him a hypocrite, so he stands by their word.
It seems that before a child is born, the state is fine with the mother deciding what to do with it (ie PRO CHOICE).
«We need an attorney general in New York who is 100 percent in words and actions pro choice
You can not come to Family Planning Advocates» day of action and say that no longer is it acceptable for Democrats to pound their chests and proclaim they are pro choice while undermining reproductive health care,» said Brooks.
Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins, of the legislative pro choice caucus speaks at lobbby day for the Reproductive Health Act
Democrats in the Senate did not have enough votes on their own to pass it, and no Republicans, even pro choice members, would sign on.
A spokesman for Astorino, Jessica Proud, clarifies that the GOP candidate said abortion in the ninth month was «ghastly», which she says is a position held by most pro choice New Yorkers.
We have teamed up with Miley and Marilyn to release two exclusive t - shirts: «Miley Hearts Planned Parenthood» and «Pro Choice Miley».
Representative clients include NARAL Pro Choice America, NextGen Climate and Americans for Responsible Solutions.
Political: NOW - NYC, Council Member Elizabeth Crowley, Council Member Helen Rosenthal and VOTE PRO CHOICE
It makes about as much sense as the notion that pro choice proponents have a cavalier atti.tude that it's no biggie deal.
the fourth: pro choice people aren't christians look, it true, the Bible condemns murder, many times, in many ways, killing kids is murder, even if they're unborn, sorry, you can't change God's mind on that
Andrea Miller, with NARAL Pro Choice says she's taking a long term view.
The commission decided to require the not for profits to make public their donors, with some exceptions for groups like NARAL Pro Choice New York and others, who argued that making the names public could endanger their donors.
Pro Choice in Mass., but Pro-Life while running for President; for health care mandate in Mass. but not for the USA, flip - flop, fli - flop.
it is so tragic that no one talks about that side of pro choice.
If they made 2 plates, one pro life and one pro choice, this wouldn't have been an issue, You can have your Choose Life plates here in NC as soon as North Carolina lawmakers pass an amendment that creates a pro-choice alternative
You as.sume that no pro choice person has any education on the subject, and you as.sume we have some lighthearted, cavalier att.itude towards it.
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