Sentences with phrase «probabilistic model»

A probabilistic model is like a mathematical tool that helps us make predictions or understand uncertain situations. It uses probability theory to analyze data and calculate the likelihood of different outcomes happening. It helps us understand the chances or probabilities of something occurring, rather than giving a definite answer. Full definition
Learning Probabilistic Models of Hydrogen Bond Stability from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Trajectories
When kids play with a new toy, they use probabilistic models to determine how it works.
They transformed their goal from being focused solely on probabilistic modelling to actively forming strong partnerships with a diverse range of experts, including risk communication experts.
«We have seen many instances when probabilistic models turned out not to have made sufficient allowance for an «improbable disaster» Howard Marks
Our «combined probabilistic model», which calculates the sum of each party's win chances in all the seats in which it is standing, estimates 357 Tory seats, or a potential majority of 64 (up four from the previous update published last Friday).
Right now the most popular approach in artificial intelligence is making probabilistic models.
They also have to employ low fidelity probabilistic models to link data from different platforms to one profile and they operate entirely without data creators» expressive consent.
Jared's research group focuses on developing new algorithms to analyze large biological data sets including genome assembly, probabilistic modeling of sequencing data, the detection of modified bases and the application of genomics to better understand cancer.
Using probabilistic modeling and analysis, as well as advanced computer simulation, Dan Frangopol, the inaugural Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture at Lehigh University, and his research team develop the tools and techniques necessary to assess the effects of multi-hazards, such as natural disasters, on infrastructure.
and I give you credit for having no use for probabilistic models, I do however find them in most case extremely useful.
First a caveat: even if the statistical model was perfect (and it is not), it is a probabilistic model, and even countries that have a very high probability of holding a referendum will not necessarily hold one.
The team used real - time seasonal rainfall, temperature and El Niño forecasts, issued at the start of the year, combined with data from active surveillance studies, in a probabilistic model of dengue epidemics to produce robust dengue risk estimates for the entire year.
According to a probabilistic model they created, there was an 88.9 % chance that bin Laden was hiding out in a city less than 300 km from his last known location in Tora Bora: a region that included Abbottabad, Pakistan, where he was killed last night.
Based on information from satellites and other remote sensing systems, and reports on his movements since his last known location, the students created a probabilistic model of where he was likely to be.
A new article by the researchers suggests the brain uses nonlinear message - passing between connected, redundant populations of neurons that draw upon a probabilistic model of the world.
Given the wide range of topics represented at Cosyne — from perception to probabilistic models, from dendrites to deep learning — the presentations fall outside the scope of most attendees» expertise.
They used this to create a probabilistic model that assigned a number between 0 and 1 to each signal (a 0 being an absolute certainty that the signal represents an imposter and a 1 meaning it's definitely a planet).
While the Space Warps web app was live, and classifications were being made, we performed a daily online analysis of the classifications, updating a probabilistic model of every anonymous volunteer's data, and also updating the posterior probability that each subject (in both the training and test sets) contains a lens.
In contrast to simpler «yield - curve spread» measurements of bond premium using a fixed cash - flow model (I - spread or Z - spread), the OAS quantifies the yield premium using a probabilistic model that incorporates two types of volatility:
TransUnion» s investigations unit analyzed known cases of synthetic identity fraud and built a probabilistic model that can be applied to find the patterns of behavior that are consistent with synthetic IDs used in the past.
In particular, it is a probabilistic model to screen for bankruptcy risk of a company.
Comboul, M., J. Emile - Geay, N. Mirnateghi, M. N. Evans, K. M. Cobb, and D. M. Thompson (2014), A probabilistic model of chronological errors in layer - counted climate proxies: Applications to annually banded coral archives, Clim.
The track record of this probabilistic model underscores the findings of a recent paper by Kashiwase et al..
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