Sentences with phrase «probably about a hundred»

But chaos aside, there are probably about a hundred billion different granola bar recipes out there and with you guys as my witness I will make them all.

Not exact matches

When I think about that QA testing software company, and he's probably calling a thousand CEOs, and he's probably got a hundred sales reps over there, and they're just destroying their brand.
I get hundreds of «press release» story pitches every year and I've probably read about 30 of them, and written about maybe five.
This trade was probably common as early as 2000 B.C.E. Interestingly, Gen. 37:25 - 28 mentions Ishmaelite merchants who used camels to transport incense to Egypt about a hundred years after the time of Abraham.
In 1978, General Creighton Abrams was said to have interrupted a discussion about limited nuclear war «with an expletive, followed... by the statement, «One mushroom cloud will be reported as one hundred, and that will probably be the end of the world.
The number of these involuntary exiles was not large — about forty - six hundred according to Jeremiah 52:28 - 30; but since this is probably the number of adult males, we would not be far wrong in assuming a grand total of, say, fifteen to twenty thousand.
Some of the books of the Bible were probably still being written about 100 AD, but a few hundred years later the bishops met to set canon, which meant ruling the various books based on accepted theology at the time.
One thing I would ask you to reconsider is your statement about Christianity not allowing thinking, or as you said, «This is probably why there is not one passage in the Bible in support of intelligence and healthy skepticism, but literally hundreds in support of blind acceptance and blatant, sheep - like gullibility.»
If you could travel back in time a hundred years and share some of the discussions we're having in the 21st century about Islam, the folks there probably would not believe you.
With the exception of a very small minority of Roman Catholics, they were Protestant by background, but at the mid-eighteenth century probably only about five out of a hundred were church members.
If you could go back and see the idiot they based the Jesus story on, you'd see someone who would spit on you for being a non-Jew and who would probably snarl about how his race is superior to yours despite being saddled with ridiculous random rules handed down by fat greasy slobs of rabbis for hundreds of years.
I just drizzle it on so I'm not one hundred percent sure of the exact amount, but probably if you were measuring it would be about 1/2 a tablespoon — you can always try this, taste it and add more if you like
Maesri is my favorite brand, but be forewarned that it's about eight hundred times hotter than Thai Kitchen, which is probably why it's my brand of choice, when I actually have the forethought to get my hands on some.
But I suspect a veteran like Kyle Williams who has put in 12 seasons and hundreds of games probably doesn't want to hear a kid come in, who has never taken a pro snap, talking about how he's coming for Tom Brady's crown on day one.
And if you were to stack up everyone who cares about Kettering Town, and everyone who cares about (say) Manchester United, well, there's THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE MILLION, HONEST, DAVID GILL COUNTED THEM ALL of the latter, and there's only 81,000 people in Kettering, more than a few of whom probably follow the red side of Manchester.
Wow, for someone that knows everything there is to know about feeding a baby, you should probably know that its been a little longer than «hundreds of years» that women and infants have «flourished from breast feeding» You sound very ignorant and judgemental and I hope whatever child you're breastfeeding doesn't pick that up from you, that is way more unhealthy than a mother than uses formula!
I knew about a medication that would probably increase my milk supply drastically as it has a side effect of increasing prolactin levels (domperidone), but it's not legal in the United States, so I had to get it from another country and pay full price for it, many hundreds of dollars.
The team argues that when the quality and accuracy of the dating — which was based on radiocarbon and other techniques — is examined closely, only three of the 29 sites actually fall within the time frame of the Younger Dryas onset, about 12,800 years ago; the rest were probably either earlier or later by hundreds (and in one case, thousands) of years.
In 1983, astronomers discovered dust orbiting the star, suggesting it had a solar system, and Carl Sagan (pictured) chose to make Vega the source of a SETI signal in his 1985 novel Contact, though the responsible aliens weren't native to the star: At the time, Vega was thought to be only about a couple hundred million years old, probably too young for any planets to have spawned life.
Asteroid strikes this size probably happen about once every one hundred years.
Hundreds of millions, probably billions of people would have to move if you talk about 4 -, 5 -, 6 - degree increases»
Hundreds of millions, probably billions of people would have to move if you talk about 4 -, 5 -, 6 - degree increases» Homeland Security Newswire 24 Feb 2009
Observations with radio and infra - red telescopes show that NGC 5128 swallowed a spiral galaxy probably about five hundred million years ago and the effects of the collision powers the strong radio emission.
Dr. Terry Wahls: So if we look at the mineral content of the soil, apparently, we've had about an 85 % decline over the last hundred years according to USDA reports probably because of lack of crop rotation and the use of chelated fertilizers and herbicides like RoundUp.
There are probably a hundred patients over the years that we — you know, after our consult, we review what's going on, they go to their MD, they — they show them the tests, they talk about and they say, «You know, your doctor's crazy.
When you in front of your make - up mirror each morning, you're probably thinking about a hundred things at once.
There was about just a hundred or so of us, probably enough to fill 1 / 10th of the stadium.
You've probably read hundreds of such profiles that really tell you nothing about the person.
As you probably would know that there are about hundreds and thousands of online websites offering dating services to people that are free, while some may even come in the form of paid sites.
You probably have profiles on dating sites and business sites that disclose a hundred things about you that even your close friends might otherwise never know.
If you had used the terms Asian singles a hundred years ago when speaking to someone in an Asian country they would probably have wondered what you were going on about.
Even giving a word count requirement would help a lot because if someone can't take the time to actually analyze a game, they probably won't even take the time to make a one hundred word rant about it.
If you feel impatient about that, it's probably because we've dreamt of creating intelligent robots for far longer — hundreds and hundreds of years — than we have had the technological means to build them.
A story involving alien visitors from outer space, an epileptic kid who doesn't really know where he came from, knackeries and dead horses falling a hundred sideways miles, abandoned prisons, a shadow play, moons and stars, and jumping from a bridge into a flood should probably begin with a big explosion in the sky about fourteen billion years ago.
Apart from the methods of promotion mentioned here, there are probably hundreds of others that authors can use to tell people about their books.
It's probably like a hundred degrees in the shade, man, about as hot as it is now, but I'm so cold I can't stop shivering.»
Then we're talking about a potential audience size of hundreds of thousands of users — probably not enough to sustain many apps.
Hang around people anywhere, there's a 99 % probably that ninety in a hundred don't know about self - publishing.
You have probably heard about vanity press, that publish your book and make you order hundreds of copies.
Probably the best known figure in British history is Queen Victoria, mainly due to the many TV shows and movies that have been made in recent years about her long reign, or to the hundreds of books and magazine articles published since she first ascended the throne in June 1837.
I've probably seen every movie about the Holocaust and I have literally hundreds of detailed links to historical web sites.
Ali Luke on Aliventures Everything You Need to Know About Writing Brilliant Blog Posts «Over the last eight years, I've written hundreds (probably thousands!)
If you felt strongly enough about a theme to write three hundred and fifty hopefully gut - wrenching pages, then you probably can speak passionately on the topic for twenty minutes.
You have probably read about hundreds of different retirement income strategies.
Because if we're talking about stealing, we're going to have to data from probably hundreds of thousands of employees because theft is a low base rate.
«When I realized that there were probably hundreds of Sunnys languishing in shelters, I knew I had to do something about it.
Fleas lay about 40 eggs every day so even if you only see one or two adult fleas on your rabbit they've probably already laid hundreds of eggs.
There were probably over a hundred vets / vet techs in the audience and the lecturer asked how many people brushed their dogs & cats teeth and about 6 people raised their hands.
The reduction in number was linked to a progressive abandonment of traditional breeding sites: a typical example is the Elephant Point area of Saunders Island (from about four hundreds breeding females in 1981 to less than ten in 1997, with a net production probably equal to 0; Poole - Evans, pers.
It is all about great content (you will hear that probably a hundred times more in the next steps).
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