Sentences with phrase «probably decades before it»

Yet out of spite, this one may be lost, even though it will be probably decades before it can be logged again.
By adding 1 +1 we therefore know that sea - level rise is increasing the damage from storm surges — probably decades before this can be statistically proven with observational data.

Not exact matches

It might be decades before technology forces us to truly confront the issue robot rights, but the debate surrounding the ethics of how we treat machines is probably worth having right now.
Also I must say Roy Keane is the only footballer past or present that has had the ability to make all others around them up their game, ive never known anybody else like him past or present, for a decade he was the first name on SAF team sheet before Cantana, scholes, giggs, beckham stam and the rest, the reason why he was the first name on the team was because he was the most important player, probably in the whole of the Sir Alex era, and to say Carrick was more important than Keane and Scholes does not surprise me with you Opik (You claimed we should sell RVP and Rooney to play Bebe and Welbeck) but it once again proves you talk complete bollocks
If you are a good rifleman you could probably kill them from several hundred yards out before then get close enough to use their crappy 40 year old AKs that probably haven't been properly cleaned in decades or RPGs.
However, he supports the tax reform bills before Congress which will increase the federal deficit by $ 1,500,000,000,000, and probably more, over the next decade.
Almost a decade later, in January 2017, he was spotted entangled once again, dragging 450 meters of rope and a 135 - pound crab trap that he'd probably picked up off the coast of Canada some six months before.
Though it would probably be many years (or decades) before nearly all will be forced to be free except those who provide specialized and tangible services.
But if Leigh has a De Niro to his Scorsese, a Kinski to his Herzog, it's probably Timothy Spall, who had a break - out role in 1990's «Life Is Sweet» before starring in «Secrets & Lies,» «Topsy Turvy» and «All Or Nothing» over the next decade or so.
Pitfall: The 40s are probably your peak earnings decade, and you still have 10 - 20 years before you retire.
Most non-hockey fans have probably never heard of Gartner, even though he played in the NHL for almost two decades before retiring in 1998.
You've probably heard it before, and while it sounds like a simple concept, it can take people years and even decades to finally realize the impact this idea can have on their life (some people never do).
On the positive side, since your job is fancy enough to involve suits and licenses, it is probably high - paying enough to allow you to retire decades before most people, bringing your average commute back down as you age.
If you had told me 14 months ago (a time before the Nintendo Switch was revealed,) that there would come a day that I could play not one, but two of Bethesda's biggest games in the last decade on a portable Nintendo platform, I probably would have shook my head, laughed «no» and that would be the end of it.
If we taper slowly, then we are probably looking at a decade before we will be able to tease out a flattening of the rate of increase.
[Response: Keep in mind that ice covers were probably on the high side 4 decades ago however, relative to a few decades before that.
But he said it would probably be decades before commerce expands from small specialized carriers like Beluga to giant freight haulers like Maersk (I once got to climb a ladder up the slab sides one if Maersk's behemoths as it entered New York Harbor).
The group finds, as others have before them, that the challenge of doubling global food production in coming decades can probably be met, albeit with considerable difficulty.
On climate, we probably have less than a decade before a rubicon is crossed (the equivalent of permanent brain damage or worse in your teenage metaphor), and on species extinction and habitat destruction every passing day damage is done that is irreversible.
So it will take time, and probably a lot of time (many decades) before our energy needs could possibly be met without emitting CO2 into the atmosphere.
About a decade ago I estimated a probable warming bias in Hadcrut3 of about 0.07 C per decade, based on satellite temperatures This warming bias probably extends back before the satellites were launched, to about 1940.
Without a drastic slowdown in emissions within the next decade, the phase - out date could happen much earlier, probably before 2050.
Probably not this year or next, but we think before the end of this decade.
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