Sentences with phrase «probably discuss each case»

In fact, you should probably discuss each case that you have read during your research.

Not exact matches

It's a sub-genre that probably started with Tennessee Williams and typically contains an inciting incident (Beverly's disappearance in this case) that brings a brood together to discuss, reveal and fight about thing that happened before the story begins.
Many of the points made in the book are probably well known for the RC readership — albeit used in different situations to the case studies discussed in the book.
Probably no - one is reading this, but I wanted to go on record anyway in case someone wants to discuss further.
The Copernican Revolution is probably the far most used case to discuss paradigms, progress, etc. in science.
In a subsequent post (probably the very next one) I'll also report on the standard - essential patent case that was discussed, for a second time, on Friday.
However, as discussed below, it seems that this did not affect the result in the case, which is probably best seen as a case of common interest privilege.
Sam will be discussing how to use software you probably already own — such as your e-mail client, word processor, and desktop search software — to form an effective and safe case management system.
Option 3 is the most common and probably for good reason: it is more direct («this is your case, I've reviewed it and this is my case in reply, now let's meet to discuss the differences»).
With malaria is probably the most important tropical infection that he has provided opinions about acting for the Claimant and the Defendant in different cases, Stephen discusses more about tropical diseases and the law.
If you and your spouse are comfortable talking with each other about your financial issues, child - related issues, or other issues related to the divorce process, and you have no objection to discussing them on a confidential basis with an impartial mediator, the case is probably a good candidate for mediation.
We could probably go through every profession and discuss the merits of youth versus veteran in every case but as this is REM and I have limited space, I do want to cover the real estate profession.
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