Sentences with phrase «probably do over»

So it's something you'll probably do over and over again throughout your life.
With the Lightning Network, you can probably do over 100,000 transactions for about $ 20.
We talked more in one month than we probably do over three or four months in our non-tiny house.
I would probably do them over on Instagram, so be sure you are following along there.
And if your child is really ready to stop breastfeeding (or wean), he or she will probably do it over a period of weeks or months.

Not exact matches

And how do we allow you to write a new class of apps, so that over a period of probably a couple of decades, quite frankly, the software world can transform?
Cloud gaming: Services such as Onlive, which stream video games over an Internet connection in much the same way that Netflix does with movies, are already here, but they probably won't be fully viable until the majority of homes have ultra-fast connections.
First, you probably won't own the car to begin with, but second, even if you do, it would be like projecting aggression over how shiny your shoes are.
Indeed, he muses that it was probably best that he didn't know just how much detail sweating would be involved in shipping electronic devices all over the world, one at a time.
Not only do you need enough miles to make an upgrade a possibility, you probably have to be one of the airline's top customers (Bagshawe told Bloomberg she flies over 100,000 miles each year), aviation analyst Henry Harteveldt told Business Insider.
Here are a few of the most interesting facts about Colonel Sanders that many people don't know — including a few that KFC probably would rather gloss over.
So the next time you go over your paystub and see how far your gross pay has been adjusted to your take - home amount, take heart that it's probably the lesser of all evils, even if it doesn't feel like it.
«Promoters [of ICOs] are perpetuating a massive scam of the highest order on everyone,» Befort told FT. «Probably over 85 percent of people out there don't have bad intentions, but the problem is, if five or 10 percent are trying to scam you it's a f**king disaster.»
Even if you do your searches from a specialized browser, tape over all your webcams and monitor your privacy settings without fail, your personal data has probably still been collected, stored and used in ways you didn't intend — and don't even know about.
Keep in mind that participants self - selected from a pool of over 300,000, and therefore are probably more interested in social media marketing than people who did not respond.
At a Forbes summit in New York this month, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, he said if he could have done it over, «I probably would have raised the price higher,» adding, «My investors expect me to maximize profits.»
If I had to do it all over again would probably churn for airline miles and be a mile millionaire instead.
Because the purpose of a bond ladder is to provide predictable income over a long period of time, taking excessive amounts of credit risk probably doesn't make sense.
Tech company CEOs are probably happy, since they are selling hand over fist (admittedly, they almost always do — it rarely happens that insiders at these firms do anything else, sincea lot of their compensation comes in the form of stock options).
As you probably know, Slush Pool does not support Bcash mining thus we kept mining Bitcoin and with over 20 percent network share even became the largest Bitcoin mining pool for a while.
Even if you've kept records of all of the links that you've built through the years, there are probably plenty of links pointing to your site that occurred naturally over time that you don't have any record of.
As my co-founder Gregg constantly points out, over the long - run you will probably do better building a portfolio of companies that makes you uncomfortable than building one that makes you comfortable.
Notwithstanding the unwinding of the effect of the GST on the housing industry, shortages of labour and materials and the large amount of work yet to be done at the end of the March quarter means that a lot of pre-GST related work will probably spill over into the second half of 2000 (Graph 17).
You've done a lot of the ground work, and are probably feeling pretty excited over what's to come.
I have probably grown a little bit more skeptical over the years about whether economists really do know what they are talking about, but I am not ready to give up on them.
Not pleasant buying into a probably over priced asset, but that is only probably, and didn't someone say you are not diversified enough unless you have stuff you would rather not own.
Though you're probably aware that over time, homeownership makes more sense than renting, but that doesn't always mean it's appropriate to your unique situation.
People bucket housing as a different mental, I think, capacity than they do say dollar cost averaging into stocks, despite the fact stocks will do better, probably, over time.
We probably would not have the fuss over the fiduciary rule if total and prominent disclosure of fees were done.
Overall, I don't think QE will be good for the eurozone currency, and I think the euro will probably lose value in the wake of this plan over time.
It probably has much to do with the glorification of sex over love, instant gratification over commitment.
I can, using evolution, predict that early forms of dna are probably primitive and less complex and gained complexity over time as species did.
I don't even know how many jelly beans are in a contest jar, so don't know about the people on earth part, but being brainwashed to believe, going with dogma over enlightenment is likely part of the reason most probably do come back — makes sense.
@david johnson... and non religious... the indifferent probably well over 990,000,000 who do not by their indifference accept atheist theory, but atheists try to claim them to bolster their numbers.Atheism has always been the stuff of frauds.
When Jesus said in Mark 14:7 «The poor you will always have with you,» He probably was referring to the fact that 2000 years later we'd still be arguing over how, what, when, where, etc. to do with the poor, just as all of the above comments bear out.
The truth about these lights is that they probably do exist - there's too much evidence, too many sightings over too many years.
«While I am sure most of the Christians you encounter of the over 40 age group probably did celebrate the passing of that ridiculous amendment, rest assured that this 48 year old heterosexual married woman most definitely did not.
As I looked out over the 180 people taking New Testament interpretation, I saw folk who had never been to church in their lives, and for whom the YDS chapel was their first parish; who certainly did not know the Nicene Creed and probably not the Apostles» Creed.
I wouldn't have taken so many speaking engagements, including some of the things I did over the years that I probably didn't really need to do — weddings and funerals and building dedications, things like that.
«That will involve them walking me into the cathedral and then doing a sort of Maori ceremony to hand me over, so the service itself will incorporate that element from the beginning which I think will probably be something quite unique for the people there.»
However, if you'd like to write me privately I will do my best to respond, but I probably won't until my vacation is over.
All seemingly turned from God except Noah / God repents / and saves a core group to start over / trying to protect His children is a common theme in the OT / I don't know much of resistance or pacifism, but if you tried to harm my grandaughter I would probably respond with whatever it took.
Listen, over and over and over again (don't make me go in and count them — probably 100s of times) your book says the «The «LORD GOD» spoke to Moses and said: «blah blabbity blah», delineating each law that was supposed to be transmitted to the people.
For example, even though the laws in the Pentateuch probably emerged gradually over the course of centuries as people sought ways to live in community, what does it mean that these laws became viewed as stemming directly from God at one point in the life of Moses?
You have probably seen Sam comment on several posts over the past month or so, and after hearing some about what he is doing in San Diego, I wanted to hear more, and I know that many of you do to.
You can probably be an engineer, or any other job that doesn't require understanding how DNA changes over time.
While it's probably acceptable that public schools should go out of their way to blacklist MAJOR religious holy days from exams or deadlines (some kind of authoritative national list would be required, but I'll bet even with community involvement it won't please everyone, sheesh) I don't buy having our public school system bend over backwards for religion.
However that does not give any person the right to utilize mob style justice over a film that no one will probably even watch.
I don't know is frowned upon probably because it didn't go over well with our parents when we were little, but intellectually curious adults find «I don't know» to be honest and refreshing, and even a platform from which to take a subjest further.
CNN probably wont report it but a pediatrician was arrested for molesting kids from 3mo to 13 over a hundred kids and he was reported before and the cops and da's did nothing!
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