Sentences with phrase «probably next decade»

Instant messaging has turned out to be the go - to communication channel in the current and probably next decade.

Not exact matches

If you're introverted or agreeable one decade, previous research has shown that you'll probably be the same the next.
As you can probably tell, these next - level torpedoes have undergone a considerable evolution from their predecessors of decades past.
What's more, 100,000 workers were in jobs having to do with hardware functions that probably wouldn't exist in the next decade.
Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substantial degree.
The Congressional Budget Office released a report on Friday that said a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), over the next decade, would «probably increase budget deficits with or without considering the effects of macroeconomic feedback.»
Now, the region will probably become the world's largest oil patch over the next decade.
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon said that tax reform will probably add $ 1 trillion to the U.S. deficit over the next decade, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost.
As these tools evolve over the next decade, the academics we work with expect to see radical change in training and workforce development, which will roll into (although probably against a longer timeline) more traditional institutions of higher learning.»
Given any positive inflation at all during the next few years, the real return on the S&P 500 in this decade through 2010 will probably be worse than the post-depression period, and about as bad as the 1970's.
Probably no organic merger will take place within the next decade; many stubborn problems still must be resolved.
However, I certainly expected more from Arsenal this year and even though this season has been one of the strangest that I can remember, and we probably won't see the same from Leicester and hopefully Tottenham next year, there is a strong possibility that this season could actually be the worst for the Gunners in a decade in terms of numbers.
However, he supports the tax reform bills before Congress which will increase the federal deficit by $ 1,500,000,000,000, and probably more, over the next decade.
Given how quickly the spots are waning, the ring will probably be destroyed sometime in the next decade, Claes Fransson, an astrophysicist at Stockholm University, and colleagues predicted in 2015 in Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The natural next step would be to bring samples back to Earth but with its current budget, NASA probably won't get around to that for at least a decade.
You've suggested in the past that, with some of the new ways we're looking for electromagnetic signals from exoplanets and evaluating the data, we'll probably find extraterrestrial life in the next few decades.
At some point soon, probably in the next decade or two, the atmosphere will freeze and condense into crystals on the surface.
«We're in the battle now between wind and natural gas for generation growth probably for at least the next decade» in Texas.
The pressure to make the right choices this time is intense because the White Paper will probably set the scene for at least the next decade, and underpin the success or otherwise of British industry in creating wealth well into the next century.
When the sexiness becomes the focus — and when 3 million people click on the sexiness, but our latest article in the Journal of NoOneCares will probably be read five times over the next decade — we curse the absurdity, the necessity, and the absurdity of the necessity to make our science sexy.
«Unabated climate change will probably further weaken summer circulation patterns which could thus aggravate the risk of heat waves,» says co-author Jascha Lehmann «Remarkably, climate simulations for the next decades, the CMIP5, show the same link that we found in observations.
To most of our readers, Dr Lee is probably best known for his keen understanding of how fluoride causes bone disorders, especially in relation to osteoporosis, as he explained in his 1990 editorial in Fluoride.4 In the next decade he made numerous contributions to this important subject.
But if Leigh has a De Niro to his Scorsese, a Kinski to his Herzog, it's probably Timothy Spall, who had a break - out role in 1990's «Life Is Sweet» before starring in «Secrets & Lies,» «Topsy Turvy» and «All Or Nothing» over the next decade or so.
Still, if this produces even one good comedy from the veteran actor in the next decade, we can all agree that it's probably better than nothing.
The Teacher Shortage: Solutions That Work Low pay, large classes, lack of respect for the profession: Those are probably the most common in a long list of reasons cited for the nation's teacher shortage, which most experts predict will worsen over the next decade.
An all - electric Continental GT is also on the cards for the future next - generation model, but we probably won't see it for over a decade.
That's probably because I'm facing going home in the next decade or so — so Truth and Reality mean a lot to me.
You can renew it if there isn't anyone on the wait list but that's probably not going to happen for next decade or so.
Whatever you do, get something in writing or you'll probably either end up in court or feeling bitter for the next few decades.
The source of the opportunity is this: it tends to grow its profits at a slower rate than Johnson & Johnson (Johnson & Johnson will probably grow around 8 - 10 % in the next decade, while GlaxoSmithKline figures to be closer to the 5 - 6 % range), giving the company limited appeal to those who want to build wealth in a hurry.
Our Humble Opinion: While a globally diversified stock portfolio might return 6 % a year over the next decade, bond investors probably shouldn't expect to earn much above 3 % — and that assumes you lean toward corporate bonds and hence take a moderate amount of credit risk.
Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substantial degree.
If they can persuade the banks to carry on, say for the next decade or two'til their retirements, they could probably pay down debt to manageable levels and make some real money...
While his promise to cut taxes, mostly to the benefit of upper income earners, will probably lead to a short - term boost in U.S. GDP growth, it also threatens to leave a significant shortfall in federal tax revenue down the road — as much as $ 6.2 trillion over the next decade.
The stage is set for stocks to underperform their long - term averages, probably dramatically, over the next decade or so.
Smith is probably best known as the compiler of the Anthology of American Folk Music recordings that helped ignite the fifties folk music revival in the United States, which in turn played a role in the next decade's counterculture and alternative politics.
And no matter how one chooses to say it this issue is being ignored in the global polity and probably is not been given the attention it deserves as a PROXY for agw / cc impacts today, tomorrow, next year and next decade.
I'm probably going to add it to another book I have been giving away for two decades, «The Next One Hundred Years,» by Jonathan Weiner, 1991 (he got a Pulitzer prize for «The Beak of the Finch,» written a few years later.)
If this repeats this year then I'll review my position, but at present I think a September extent of below 1M km ^ 2 is likely in the latter part of the next decade, and probably won't become a regular event until into the 2030s.
Without a drastic slowdown in emissions within the next decade, the phase - out date could happen much earlier, probably before 2050.
Probably not this year or next, but we think before the end of this decade.
The odd behavior of the NH polar vortex this winter is probably a good indication that the next decade will be quite indicative of Extremistan.
In other words, if one could completely replace my sensory input stream with a computer generated one, within the next decade or two we'll probably be able to produce a real time simulation of the projection of an alternate reality into a single person's consciousness.
So I think we are looking at, certainly for the next few decades, just what we've had in the last few decades, which is a mild and gradual warming that will not do catastrophic harm either to human beings or to biodiversity, in fact probably the reverse.»
No matter what happens in the next decade or so, many experts say, the second and probably hardest phase of stabilizing the level of carbon dioxide will fall to the generation of engineers and entrepreneurs now in diapers, and the one after that.
infilling, krieging, estimating, zombying to decades long past history will do;[ shades of Orwells «1984»,] is probably give some activist scientists of the next couple of generations a very nice living re-altering, re-estimating,.
Arctic summertime ice could get a short reprieve in the next decade, but will probably disappear in the long - term.
1) I like the suggestion above of a Bayesian option: if I were to do this, I'd probably take a normal distribution centered on 0.2 degrees / decade as my prior (based on the AR4 model mean warming over the next couple decades... perhaps another option would be a flat distribution from, say, -0.1 degrees to 0.5 degrees), and then see how that changes with added data points.
But whereas I think that SA has probably overstated the capacity of renewables to replace fossil fuels as things stand or as they're like to exist in the next decade or so (30 years out is another story entirely), I am absolutely certain that your «plan» is utter fantasy land.
Although we're probably still decades away from computers that can read our thoughts (which would be frightening), Google is offering the next best thing: shopping by voice using Google Assistant on the Google Home via Google Express.
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