Sentences with phrase «probably see a decline»

Even this early in the school year, they'd probably see a decline in purchasing if families were opting out of school lunch.

Not exact matches

But the truth is that we probably won't see a meaningful decline until later this month.
In contrast, if you see a plunge in A without a plunge in B, you can probably infer that Y has declined, even if you can't observe Y directly.
MMM has hit my radar, too, but I'll probably wait to see if it declines further.
Less experienced and less fit runners, on the other hand, still saw a bit of performance decline, probably because the unfamiliar stretches fatigued them a bit.
They probably are also watching brick and mortar sales decline, and are seeing the returns go up as shelf space shrinks, and are less willing to fight a war against their readers and writers just to prop up old business partners.
Here is why I think it matters: 1) Actively subverting FOIA intent 2) Admitting a) Hockey stick flawed & Steve is right, b) hide decline was dishonest, c) climate models are pretty bad, and d) cherry picking results like Japan hurricanes to emphasize a pre-ordained message 3) Trying to manipulate (and probably succeeding) who gets to be IPCC author 4) Trying to manage the message (PR concern) 5) Viewing science results as helping or hurting «the cause» — Mann especially All the above subverts the official messages of «overwhelming consencus» and «science is settled», world's best scientists just doing their science, and that it would be «absurd» to see a conspiracy.
Last summer you probably saw a number of encouraging reports showing that deforestation in Brazil was declining.
It's the end of a trend Massachusetts drivers and pedestrians would probably like to have seen continue, but after 7 years of declines, the number of traffic fatalities in the U.S. increased in 2012.
At that time, netbooks were starting to decline in popularity so naturally, many people saw Chromebooks as the next netbook — or in other words, a trendy, budget notebook that'd probably only stick around for a couple of years.
will probably still continue to grow, as market demand will increase by Bitcoin acting as the gateway to the space (a phenomenon predicted to decline towards the end of the year — see alt - coins and exchanges sections).
With this in mind, Bitcoin will probably still continue to grow, as market demand will increase by Bitcoin acting as the gateway to the space (a phenomenon predicted to decline towards the end of the year — see alt - coins and exchanges sections).
We will probably see rent declines by 10 percent this year,» Sikaitis says, citing oversupply and lack of demand for the product.
In one part of the interview, Dr. Lea had this to say: «I think the bigger effect is you're gonna see a weak market [in 2011] with declining house prices probably in the single digits... We're not gonna really start to see a recovery until 2012, assuming that you can get the shadow inventory through the system.»
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