Sentences with phrase «problem concentrating»

You may have problems concentrating when you drive, or when operating machinery at work.
And a 2009 study in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that children with attention problems concentrate better after a walk in the park.
Grateful, optimistic, positive people tend to be physically and psychologically healthier and it just feels great to concentrate on the good things in our lives rather than always journaling about the problems
The formal problems he concentrated on stem from the same issues traditional to figurative painting — composition, drawing, space, colour and technique.
They may have problems concentrating for long periods of time, feel «scatter - brained» or unable to organize their thoughts, and become easily confused.
Consumer food waste carries the highest environmental impact compared to losses earlier in the food chain, and it is no longer a problem concentrated only in higher income countries.
Thoughts of self - doubt, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, insomnia or oversleeping, feelings of anger or irritability, loss of energy, strong feelings of self - loathing, worthlessness or guilt, problems concentrating and suicidal thoughts are all common symptoms and can all make life seem pointless.
Is she having problems concentrating?
[She] has no problems concentrating.
The general prevalence of mental health conditions in the sample is of concern, with more than one third of the sample reporting five out of nine mental health diagnoses or conditions; almost 50 % reported symptoms of depressed mood and problems concentrating... ``
You may experience severe sleepiness during daylight hours, insomnia at night, problems concentrating, general confusion (making you a target for thieves and con artists), and more.
Follow - up with stroke victims revealed that 46 percent of those with a mild stroke said they were working slower, 42 percent said they were not able to do their job as well, 31 percent said they were not able to stay organized and 52 percent said they had problems concentrating.
They may be indecisive, have problems concentrating, and lack energy or motivation.
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