Sentences with phrase «problem for cats»

Obesity can lead to serious health problems for cats so this condition should be addressed.
However, ticks are now more wildly spread, and they are causing problems for cat owners all over.
Behavioral issues such as aggression or damaging furniture can lead to serious problems for cat owners.
Skin disease can be a frustrating problem for both cat owners and veterinarians.
Unfortunately, urinary tract disease is an all too common problem for both cats and their owners.
Obesity is a major problem for cats; even a few extra pounds can make a big difference on their tiny frames.
Stress can trigger physical, emotional and behavioral problems for cats in animal shelters.
As well as causing life threatening problems for your cat, dehydration is also a symptom of many other feline illnesses.
This approach makes the food cheap, but it can cause a host of physical problems for our cats.
It also is helpful to change your cat's food to a special diet that eliminates any possible reactive proteins or other ingredients that might be creating problems for your cat.
«Cool cats» is just a saying and should never be a real life problem for your cat.
We feel that it is a physically cruel and unnecessary procedure that often causes more problems for the cat that it supposedly solves.
Changes in litter box routine, either increased frequency of use or inappropriate elimination in areas other than the litter box can signal a medical problem for your cat.
This can result in skin and coat problems for your cat.
Eating a small amount of grass is probably not going to cause too many problems for your cat, though he is likely to vomit the grass back up.
Plants are of course a source of protein as well, but plant - based diets can cause digestive problems for cats.
This is important because too much fat can cause serious health problems for your cat, including high cholesterol, heart disease, and even pancreatitis.
Hair loss is a relatively common problem for cats, and it can occur for a variety of different reasons.
When eaten, the yeast contained in even a small amount of raw bread or pizza dough can quickly produce enough alcohol and carbon dioxide to cause serious problems for a cat.
The ingredients in human food can often cause problems for cats and dogs.
Hypertension also increases wear and tear on the kidneys and the heart, compounding problems for cats with kidney or thyroid disease.
5) Lack of exercise / boredom — This is a big problem for all cats which leads to obesity as well as undesirable habits.
High temperatures and oppressive humidity bring a number of problems for cats and dogs, ranging from the annoying to the life - threatening, Dr. William Delaporte told about 50 people Thursday at the monthly meeting of the Mount Dora Chamber of Commerce.
# 2 Allergies are often a huge problem for some cat owners.
Upper respiratory infection (URI) is a real problem for cats in shelters — not only are cats with URI frequently quarantined, delaying adoption — they must experience both social isolation and medical treatment, just adding to an already stressed cat's stress.
Alternative litters may work (flushable cat litter, pine, crystals, Cat Genie granules, non-clumping litters, etc.), but generally, scoopable unscented clumping clay litter seems to cause the fewest problems for cats.
Spaying a female cat is the only method to prevent litters of kittens as well as potential health and behavioral problems for your cat.
Allergens are a very common dermatological problem for cats and dogs in Florida.
Aggression is a serious and dangerous behavior problem for cat owners.
It's almost like an asthmatic problem for cats, or it creates one big nodule in their lungs.
Declawing is a major and irreversible surgery that can cause significant pain and lasting and long - term problems for cats.
IBD or idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease is a terrible problem for your cat.
FORLs, or feline oral resorptive lesions, are common dental problems for cats.
All of the products in the Advanced Series break new ground in using unique ingredient combinations to solve specific problems for cat owners like you.
Hyperthyroidism is a serious problem for cats because it causes the heart to beat faster.
Two things are (almost) universal though: The first is that «free feeding» a cat in the manner described above is a pretty sure recipe for obesity, «scarf - and - barf,» urinary obstruction, and a host of other problems for your cat.
Also, since obesity is a growing problem for cats, awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy weight should drive cat parents to make smarter choices about what we feed our felines and about the types of toys we buy for them.
Overall, a sneezing cat can be an irritating problem for any cat owner as well as for the cat.
Fleas are an annoying problem for cats and their humans.
«No one wants to deal with litter box problems for their cat; it's not enjoyable,» says Jacob Zuppke, vice president of sales and marketing at Automated Pet Care.
«It has been incredibly exciting to solve another big problem for cat lovers,» said Wisenfeld.
They are known to cause skin problems for cats and dogs during late summer and autumn and mostly collect on the tummy, groin, and around the paw area, where small red lumps might appear.
Although some forms of demodicosis may be contagious among cats, the good news is that demodicosis is an infrequent problem for cats and NOT contagious to humans!
The # 1 cause of health problems for cats in the US today is obesity which can lead to diabetes, arthritis, or even premature death.
It is almost never bacteria causing problems for these cats with cystitis, but the seeping of urine back into the inflamed lining causes more bleeding and pain.
ASPCA / National Animal Poison Control Center Fleas can be a major problem for cat owners.
Ticks In the warmer months, ticks can be a big problem for cats, especially in suburban areas.
A urinary blockage will quickly become a life - threatening problem for your cat.
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