Sentences with phrase «problem for one's dog»

Too much fat can also cause problems for some dogs with chronic pancreatitis.
If you are only feeding ground meat with no calcium source, you can cause health problems for this dog long term.
Unfortunately it also contains meat by - products, which can cause problems for some dogs with existing digestion issues.
Dog aggression can be a serious problem for dog owners.
Even if fleas are your primary concern, you should look into products that control ticks as well — both are parasites and both can cause serious problems for your dog.
It's a common problem for dogs and they don't wish to suffer from it anymore than you!
When bacteria is ingested it can cause a range of problems for your dog.
A big problem for dog owners is reactive, out of control behavior when their dogs are on leash.
This will only cause more problems for your dog in the long run.
This additional weight can cause other health problems for your dog as well.
The use of corn in dog food is subject to an intense debate: while some state that corn is a nutritious dog food, others claim it can pose problems for dogs.
Finally, I decided to speak with a friend of mine who works with a local vet and she told me that fleas had been a major problem for every dog owner she knew.
Our trained staff can assist with correcting many types of behavior problems for both dogs and cats.
In conclusion, fleas, although tiny, can cause big problems for your dog including extreme itching and skin problems.
This is a huge problem for dog owners everywhere.
Plus, excessive head shaking can lead to other problems for your dog.
It can lead to hot spots, infections, bald spots, and other skin problems for our dogs.
Serving food with inadequate amounts of moisture will present several problems for your dog such as kidney diseases, and dehydration which will ultimately stress other organs in their body.
The reality is that corn has a high glycemic index, can cause allergies, creates digestive problems for dogs and doesn't offer much in terms of nutritional value, vitamins or minerals.
These collars can cause problems for dogs because they're often not fitted correctly, and when they're too loose, they require a great deal of force to work.
Skin infections are a common and frustrating problem for both dogs and their owners.
These devices cause so many long - term problems for dogs and dog owners that I wrote an article earlier just to cover them.
It is a similar problem for your dog if it is too loose it will keep coming off, if it is too tight your dog will be very uncomfortable and may even choke.
Many people are getting their pets certified as service animals these days which is causing problems for dogs like myself who are legitimate service dogs.
The yeast infection began slowly and turned into a serious, costly problem for our dog and bank account.
Canine cancer is a very real and prevalent problem for our dogs today.
Keep in mind that there are many other things that could be causing respiratory problems for a dog.
This will become a debilitating problem for the dog and may affect its guarding abilities.
The first problem for the dog's ear is structural.
Always be on the lookout for the early warning signs of an ear infection, which is a not - so - uncommon problem for dogs.
This can be a particularly distressing problem for the dog owner as well as the dog.
Although this appearance is cute, it can cause breathing problems for these dogs.
«Opening up the doors for some of those folks who have pets would absolutely alleviate some of the homeless problems for dogs and cats in this country,» she says.
Even the smallest piece of plastic or string or a tiny piece of toy stuffing may cause severe internal problems for your dog.
Endless hours in the crate can lead to severe social and isolation problems for your dog — and it will no longer see the crate as a special retreat.
While these are a persistent and common nuisance, there are many other kinds of parasites that can create serious health problems for your dog or cat.
In addition, the use of corn, soybean meal and pasta made from wheat flour can cause problems for dogs with allergies.
These are a major problem for all dogs and is life threatening when live worms are in the heart, blood vessels and lungs.
Your veterinarian can help you find the right medications and treat minor issues before they become big problems for your dog.
Common examples of garden plants that cause problems for dogs include chives, garlic, onion, and tomatoes.
Much like your dog's overall health, bacterial and fungal infections can cause skin problems for your dog.
Many dog foods are composed of unhealthy, processed ingredients, which can cause several problems for your dog, including obesity.
These products contain nutritious substances instead of artificial ingredients that may cause allergic reactions and digestive problems for your dog.
So there are certainly ways for you to help reduce the chances of ticks causing problems for your dog.
Flies can create many problems for our dogs, but are easily kept at bay as long as things are sanitary.
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