Sentences with phrase «problem in one's society»

Debt - to - Income Ratio is a serious problem in society today that many people do not pay enough attention to.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity, and it's not just a problem with adults.
But a discussion has been opened up because of it... one which addresses many levels of what is a real problem in our society... «the rape culture».
Sometimes in many cases parents are found to be guilty on such major problems in society.
This is a great overview of this growing problem in our society.
Not believing the victims has been an ongoing problem in society.
What we now know is that it's the sugar not the fat that is causing the bulk of metabolic problems in society.
While these apps are fun, they are also the cause of so many dating problems in our society.
It's no secret that dog and cat overpopulation is a sad problem in our society.
In addition to these medical reasons, it prevents unwanted pregnancies, a significant problem in our society.
:) I think a lot of problems in our society come from letting other people raise our kids.
The loneliness of clergy spouses may reflect a growing problem in society as a whole, but the sense of isolation is intensified for clergy spouses because it occurs in the midst of people and activity.
While I still feel that «Food Revolution» fell short when it came to showing viewers the hard realities of school food reform, the show was invaluable for its vivid depiction of serious problems in our society, problems which we hear about so often in the media that it's easy to tune them out.
These questions are, as you know, at the heart of many problems in our society today, and it is against the background of such questions that I want to reflect upon the significance of human cloning.
Thus I would not blame buybacks for other problems in society; I might blame too much investment in residential housing and financial institutions, but even then, I would not be certain.
I have taken mindful action to provide her with a diet I felt would help develop her palette a particular way (the food thing was mentioned by Candace) and sleep in a particular way (I used the eat, play, sleep method which helps prevent food from becoming a source of comfort, which is a huge problem in our society).
Appleton takes issue with many of Lynas» claims and dismal prophecies, and lucidly argues that catastrophic narratives offered by environmentalists may owe more to anxieties about wider problems in society than scientific observations.
driving and substance abuse is a persistent problem in our society that can be finest dealt with through a mixture of public awareness, counseling and education.
The very problem in society today is that people truly believe you are being dishonest or a hipocrit to embrace some of what BOTH have to say.
today, as more people in European countries drift from Christianity, they are revealing more and more intrinsic problems in their societies that mainly come from the selfish nature of the individual over the whole.
I am just frustrated with the canned answers that the anti-abortionisits, who yes, do happen to be a good portion of the christian right, give based off of a book, when there are far more, pressing problems in our society of fully agreed upon «alive» human beings.
what they are really saying is, «We don't want to admit the true problem in our society, and so we are going to invent a culprit and then ban it so that people will think we are fixing the problem.»
With the Olympics I had the opportunity to meet with some of the top law - enforcement leaders in our nation, right down to the beat cop, and all of them say the same thing to me, that cocaine is at the root of criminal problems in society and at the root of degrading society in our country.
Yes, there are patriarchal societies that have gender inequality and allow religion - based polygyny only, and people cite problems in those societies, but the problems are not caused by polygamy.
When you take a close look at how many problems in our society go back to cruddy food, it's amazing!
New legislation will be introduced to tackle some of the deepest social problems in society, and improve life chances.
Pointing out that harassment and misogyny were widespread problems in society, they said that Labour was committed to overcoming them both within the party and more widely.
«These results are relevant because sleep disorders and insufficient sleep are highly prevalent problems in our society,» Vanini says.
Waste production, either from urban, industrial or agricultural source, is a major environmental problem in our society.
Revolutionary technologies and artificial intelligence could potentially solve important problems in our society, such as climate change, poverty or even mortality.
Commenting on the «Feminist Aesthetic,» Louise Bourgeois describes her own solutions to the universally familiar female problems in society, including the importance of forgetting over desire.
We have enough problem in society today because the Keynesians have adopted the same aggregations and therefore nonsense as have natural scientists, and look what these economists have done to our economy by misapplication of principles that any philosopher should be able to discredit.
«I am indeed impressed to see so many talented minds collaborate and come up with feasible solutions to solve certain legal problems in society
Some of the most glaring health problems in our society, such as the gap in health and life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians are barely mentioned in this Budget.
Child sexual abuse is an on - going, pernicious problem in our society, but parents are not helpless.
Accepting reality is an effective antidote for a common problem in our society: struggling against the pain and suffering that is inherent to life as a human.
«We believe the greatest infrastructure problem in society is not our bridges or roads but rather the real estate where we care for our aging Americans.»
But McCartney's argument all comes down to feelings — which is a real problem in our society — that is, infanticide is wrong and abortion isn't becuase a mother will feel the death of a newborn more grievously than a miscarriage of a fetus.
Once family life becomes stabilized, then education and many other problems in society will be remedied as well.
Chronic inflammation is a huge problem in our society that contributes to many non-infectious diseases including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, autoimmune disease, and more, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
He said:» That's exactly what we don't understand, simply because there is so much positive work taking place, based on the announcement it looks like we are the problem to the wider problems in society, rather than the solution».
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