Sentences with phrase «problem in the region»

It is a process in which the local persons, together with the foreign experts, try to understand what the real problems in their region are.
We were both there to speak of an ongoing problem in our region: the failure to learn lessons from past floods.
Auto theft is a serious problem in this region, so make sure you take precautions.
This horrible industry has been directly linked to rabies outbreaks in humans, a common health problem in regions where the trade is most common, such as Yulin.
As the Romanian Academy, an academic forum, stressed, the mining project is «not a solution for sustainable development and does not solve the economic and social problems in the region».
But this time, Cuomo is also facing mounting political pressure from riders and commuters to find a fix to the transit problems in the region amid the self - styled «summer of hell.»
HMS Cumberland, Britain's contribution to the international effort acting against the growing piracy problem in the region, was attempting to apprehend a dhow when the incident took place.
«It has caused a great problem in the region,» Ramos says.
Bodybuilders and powerlifters frequently develop problems in that region from the years of heavy pressing movements.
In the panel discussion of the second day of conferences titled «Partnering for Protection of Refugee Children», experts from relevant agencies, private organisations, public sector in the UAE, media fraternity, and scholars discussed how the different stakeholders could collaborate jointly as partners and how it could ease the refugee problem in the region.
Add to those enrollment numbers the stagnant pay, attrition, retirements, an improving economy and politicized fights over tenure, and you've got the makings of a genuine problem in some regions.
Humane societies and animal control agencies should work together to define the dog problem in their region.
While some cities (i.e. Curitiba and Santiago) are sustainable transportation leaders, cars are clearly still major problem in the region:
We further note that previous suggestions by the ISO that renewable energy could exacerbate fuel security problems in the region have been thoroughly debunked — by ISO New England itself.
Forest fires and haze have become an annual problem in the region over the past 30 years as vast swathes of forest have been degraded by logging and converted to plantations.
IndyACT Executive Director Wael Hmaidan told the Beirut conference, «We can not isolate ourselves from what is happening to this planet; all our political and economical problems in the region dwarf in comparison to the threat of climate change.»
Even two years after the storm, mental health problems in the region are growing among the nearly 70,000 families still living in temporary housing provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
They blamed governors for most of the problems in the region and called for efforts to reduce their powers.
Low - level cyanide poisoning is a problem in some regions, like Africa, where cassava is often poorly processed, agrees plant geneticist Wilhelm Gruissem of the Institute of Plant Sciences in Zurich, Switzerland.
«The figures confirm the trends found in a WHO report in 2014 showing that antibiotic resistance is now a problem in every region of the world.»
«However, in many ways, the problems in this region symbolise more than anywhere else the growing educational divide between the South and the rest of England that I highlighted in my last Annual Report.»
There are a few key facts about the transmission of Heartworm disease that provide practical insight into the timing and use of preventative medication against this problem in our region of Vermont and New Hampshire.
We have a problem in our region (Illinois).
Global warming and the death of ocean biomes affect us all, and failures to address these problems in any region can make the situation worse for everyone.
Fran Ulmer can speak from experience about the importance of the Arctic Council and its work on finding solutions to problems in the region.
Over-harvesting has been a problem in some regions of Latin America, but the school is working to help these plants regenerate more quickly and the community has earned Forest Stewardship Council certification for their Xate exports.
I realize that I have been part of the problem in my region by not reporting activity that is inappropriate.
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