Sentences with phrase «problem of theodicy»

With the modern problem of theodicy, the readings of Job that attract Larrimore's attention are increasingly embedded in larger philosophical, literary, or academic projects.
While this view may not solve problems of theodicy, at least it does not pit theology against biology to see which has more explanatory power.
Furthermore, since God required Satan to tempt men for the balancing of good and bad motives, an entirely new problem of theodicy was introduced (DN 223 - 29).
This is the classic problem of theodicy — how to reconcile a good and loving God with the experience of human suffering.
The same problem of theodicy was also stressed at the international conference on Darwin's theory, in Rome in 2009.
Although the present chapter can not compensate completely for these failures, it will attempt at least to treat more explicitly the most serious problem of all — the so - called problem of theodicy.
However, you have opened yourself up to the old problem of theodicy.
(Romans 8:22,23) The bloody horror of nature's ways, the destruction and tragedy, the manifest injustices and problems of theodicy — all these must be given full scope in any adequate Christian reflection on the world reality in which we are situated.
Finally, then, «Whitehead's delineation of God provides a link between natural beauty and human dignity, and also untangles the problem of theodicy.
This drives us back to a more precise definition of freedom, to speculations about time and timelessness, to problems of theodicy, to discussions about God's will (s), and the like.
I suggest that the problem of theodicy confronting process theism focuses considerably on the question of God's «design» for bringing into being new aims, desires, and wants.
Perhaps it is the fate of theistic religion always to be raising the standards and thereby guaranteeing that it will always be hounded by the problems of theodicy.
We are all familiar with the standard form in which the problem of theodicy is posed.
This is the problem of theodicy again.
One may need to look up words not used in ordinary conversation to understand what Berger means when he writes: «the problem of theodicy was solved in terms of eschatology» or «one should not confuse epistemology (i.e., knowledge) with historical gratitude.»
I think the problem of theodicy is a major nail in the coffin of «faith» mind sets.
Suffice it to say that the problems of theodicy are not likely to go away, even though process theism introduces a genuinely novel and conceptually sophisticated voice into this ancient controversy.
In the first place, the idea that suffering is punishment and that we deserve what we get, instead of being an answer to the problem of theodicy, often causes even more suffering in the needless guilt that we experience when we look into our lives to dig out some hidden fault or misdeed which we suspect may have aroused God's wrath:
And so it is inevitable that our reflections on the problem of theodicy move from the individual toward the universal context of the individual's existence.
This is known as the problem of theodicy.
I shall approach this position by entering more explicitly into the problem of theodicy than I have done up to this point.
In terms of these religious convictions the problem of theodicy is also fundamentally that of how to harmonize the pervasive fact of disintegration and chaos that accompany adventure, with the alleged love and concern of God for the universe.
It has led to insoluble formulations of the problem of theodicy.
Overwhelming suffering and the callous destruction of human life bring to the fore Leibniz's problem of theodicy: How can one believe in a God of love if the seeming exercise of God's power results in such repeated calamity?
Even more notable in this regard was the wrestle with the problem of theodicy, which, it is apparent, implies a standard independent of God and in some way beyond him — a standard to which his conduct is amenable just as that of man.
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