Sentences with phrase «problems after vaccinations»

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After vaccination, dogs can lose control over their legs or experience disc problems in the spine.
There is a growing list of joint and collagen related changes that occur after vaccination and they are implicated in joint disease which has become a significant problem in today's dog population.
Initial problems like lack of vaccinations, neutering, etc. will likely be taken care of by the shelter you adopt / foster from, but some abused dogs will have ongoing issues or issues that crop up after leaving the shelter.
Signs produced by protein deficiency or an improper protein: calorie ratio may include any or all of the following: reduced growth rates in puppies and kittens, anemia, weight loss, skeletal muscle atrophy, dull unkempt hair coat, anorexia, reproductive problems, persistent unresponsive parasitism or low - grade microbial infection, impaired protection via vaccination, rapid weight loss after injury or during disease, and failure to respond properly to treatment of injury or disease.
This problem usually develops 1 to 2 weeks after vaccination when it occurs, so I suspect that it is not likely in Heidi's case, because she was most likely vaccinated several months ago.
A licensed veterinarian is the only person who can legally vaccinate your dog and should only do so after a thorough examination to rule out any health problems that may be aggravated by vaccination.
I often find that a health problem began shortly after vaccination.
More frequent vaccination will often make the problem worse, as well, because it takes up to two weeks for immunity form after a vaccination is given; it's not instantaneous.
If the site of the vaccination remains swollen or is getting larger a month following vaccination, or is still present 3 months after vaccination, please make an appointment with us right away, as this could be the sign of a more serious problem.
After initial vaccinations are done, take Fluffy to the veterinarian for regular checkups, usually once a year, for boosters and a routine examination, and take him when you suspect or find a problem and when he's ill.
Long term vaccine reactions: If the site of the vaccination remains swollen or is getting larger a month following vaccination, or is still present 3 months after vaccination, please make an appointment with us right away, as this could be the sign of a more serious problem.
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