Sentences with phrase «problems in both hocks»

She was diagnosed with joint problems in both hocks, her back and a bad knee at the right leg!

Not exact matches

«There's still a lot to be done and we're not going to say this is going to solve the whole forecasting problem — but this is a large step in the right direction,» Wayne Hocking said.
FDA documents show that cows injected with rBGH are 79 percent more likely to contract mastitis.4 In 1991, a report on Monsanto's BGH test herd at the University of Vermont found the same kinds of problems identified by the FDA, plus an alarming number of dead and deformed calves born to cows treated with BGH.5 Other problems include reproductive difficulties, increased need for antibiotics, digestive problems, enlarged hocks and lesions, and foot problems.
Some cats with diabetes can have nerve problems and lose hind muscle mass or become «dropped in the hocks
There is another, less serious, condition in the hock that poses no special problem in regard to veterinary bills and very little interference with leading a fairly normal life.
«Sore Hocks» or ulcerative pododermatitis is another common problem, especially in large, sedentary, obese rabbits.
This doesn't appear to cause the dog any problem, but may result in early degenerative joint disease in the hocks or in reduced exercise tolerance.
A bigger problem, it seems to me, is that the national leadership in this country is so pathetic, and in hock so far to lobbyists and major industries, that we will be lucky not to continue to increase our CO2 emissions, let alone reduce them.
The problem comes in where you make up problems to hock your product.
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