Sentences with phrase «problems of a certain level»

It's actually not much of a problem anyway; as we discussed earlier you can negate the problems of a certain level of sebum production by getting enough antioxidants.

Not exact matches

The problem was that once I reached a certain level of revenue, I would become comfortable.
The problem is Jeffress seems to be selective about who he's willing to offer a certain level of forgiveness to, especially if that forgiveness entails allowing them to maintain leadership roles.
There are ways of assuring access to a certain level of care at a cost that won't break people just barely making it as it is, but there is nothing in this plan that gives any but the most starry much faith that the real problems have even been addressed, let alone solved.
The problem is your level of faith in the matter; You azzume a certain TYPE of mindset behind the «causal agent» that has certain feelings and desires — and thus you are being dishonest.
Instead of hiding behind the numbers in their so called «expert» response, I would have liked to see them take ownership of the sodium problem and announce specific goals to reduce them to a certain level in their products ahead of regulatations.
You experience certain problems by giving such foods to your child that may contain high levels of inorganic arsenic.
Experts are more concerned when a food contains higher levels of inorganic arsenic — a potent carcinogen that can lead to health problems later in life, including certain types of cancer.
These problems will not remain confined to certain parts of the world; they are going to become global problems that could rise to the level of a crisis.
Well, in fact, with a certain level of highly sophisticated data processing, that is now possible to bring to the problem.
In patients with substance - use problems, we see low levels of dopamine and certain dopamine receptors in the striatum, a brain region known to influence reward - related behaviors.
The problem here is that doctors and the medical system simply just test for so - called «anti-thyroid antibodies», and if they find the presence of these antibodies over a certain level, they diagnose the patient with Hashimoto's.
Like other hormones, testosterone should stay within a certain range, and there's a risk that using pine pollen supplements may make your hormone levels too high and lead to side effects such as blood clots in the legs, cardiovascular problems, increased risk of prostate cancer, acne, sleep apnea, and low sperm count.
Aging, stress, prescription medications, dietary factors, such as high sodium levels and lack of muscle building exercise can deplete calcium levels and this may manifest in disorders such as high cholesterol, heart problems and certain cancers, including colon and pancreatic.
Deficiency of magnesium can occur in people who abuse alcohol or in those who absorb less magnesium due to: • Burns • Certain medications • Low blood levels of calcium • Problems absorbing nutrients from the intestinal tract (malabsorption) • Surgery
While I have personally never experienced psoriasis, I've certainly seen over one thousand psoriasis patients in my 26 years of practice who have, because I have specialized in certain conditions that not only include Candida yest infections, but psoriasis as well.For years, many of my patients have suffered with poor skin, including not only symptoms like psoriatic plaques, but also low energy levels, headaches, sleeping and energy problems, indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems, food cravings, and a hold host of other health complaints, but many didn't give up hope of one day finding an eventual cure.
There are some potential side effects of alfalfa sprouts that should be taken into consideration, such as an increased risk of certain cancers, worsening of autoimmune diseases, potential infections, dangerously low blood sugar levels and bleeding problems.
If one is in the subset of people who have abnormal cortisol levels, it is feasible that correcting cortisol levels — primarily through addressing the lifestyle factors mentioned in this article that cause low morning cortisol, such as being a night owl, taking certain medications, not being sedentary, losing excess body fat, and correcting sleep problems — may help alleviate some symptoms and help in recovery.
This language expressed a certain level of pragmatism that understood that problems will always exist, but the important thing is the way that we process and react to those problems.
But as indicated in the Blackwell's study, the primary problem is that most dog owners are unaware of the strength of these dog shock collars, and have no idea the pain a certain level of shock may deliver to the dog, or by how much they are increasing the strength when turning it up and what the delivered shock actually does to the dog (10).
Overall, the panel's reports have never focused much on research examining how humans respond (or fail to respond) to certain kinds of risk, particularly «super wicked» problems such global warming, which is imbued with persistent uncertainty on key points (the pace of sea - level rise, the extent of warming from a certain buildup of greenhouse gases), dispersed and delayed risks, and a variegated menu of possible responses.
Part of problem is that even with current levels of emissions, the inertia of the climate system means that not all of the warming those emissions will cause has happened yet — a certain amount is «in the pipeline» and will only rear its head in the future, because the ocean absorbs some of the heat, delaying the inherent atmospheric warming for decades to centuries.
Actually sometimes it takes a certain level of intelligence to say «We've looked at this from all angles and the conclusion is we don't really know let's wait for more data, or come up with better ways at looking at the problem» That seems to be what these guys are doing and it seems to be the RIGHT answer.
The problem is that the costs of abating CO2 to any levels that might make a difference are both enormous and certain (vs. global warming costs which may or may not be large and are uncertain).
The problem with those negotiations in terms of transparency is that a successful outcome requires a certain level of mutual trust between negotiating parties with room to talk freely and to change positions during negotiations.
VR games with gamepad inputs lack a certain level of immersion, which wouldn't have been a problem, save for the fact that HTC introduced the Vive, with its room - scale tracking and wand controllers, a week after Oculus released the Rift.
That's because if they care about getting a certain level of writing skill (and many employers do, even for jobs that don't revolve around writing), there are going to be problems when they discover that that's not who they hired.
This is one of the big problems with relationships: being close to others requires a certain level of risk.
If the worrying and certain associated behaviors reach the level of obsession, they are likely to cause problems in one's career, job, and / or relationships.
In contrast to the above findings that negative coparenting is associated with anxiety or its temperamental precursors or internalizing problems, support for the alternative hypothesis that a certain level of negative coparenting may decrease child behavioral inhibition and anxiety (Park et al. 1997; Belsky et al. 1996) comes from two studies.
Certain strategies may be primarily implemented at the cognitive level, such as thinking of solutions to a problem.
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