Sentences with phrase «problems of one's time»

This graduation gap is the most important economic, civic, and social problem of our time.
Through all three debates, climate change — one of the most pressing problems of our time — barely came up.
It should lead its members in action relevant to the most urgent problems of its time.
The fact that this is a general problem of our times and our society is of course no excuse.
In your opinion, then, the religious problem of our time involves changing individual hearts so that individuals are able to hear and to see religiously.
He deals with the questions and problems of all times precisely by acting in a particular time.
We must now see what light it throws on certain vital problems of our time.
Maybe we have the answers to solve the most pressing problem of our time.
When we say that the most urgent problem of our time is the spiritual problem we are opposing directly the popular opinion.
We keep our costs low by providing top quality through employing the very best writers which means that we avoid costs associated with dealing with problems all of the time as well as having our clients keep returning for additional work.
100 & Change is a distinctive competition that invited proposals promising real progress toward solving a critical problem of our time in any field or any location.
Three Finalists Awarded $ 15 Million Each in Global Competition for Bold Solutions to Critical Problems of Our Time
Predicting our climate change future, and particularly impacts on the natural systems responsible for making this planet a habitable environment for mankind, is clearly one of the most challenging problems of our time.
How does all this bear upon the questions we set out at the beginning of this chapter, namely how a postmodern worldview may illumine the momentous problems of our time: peace, justice and ecological sustainability?
The more I research, the more I am convinced that magnesium deficiency is going to be one of the biggest health problems of our time for a variety of reasons.
Even in our own country, proud of its long heritage as the cradle of liberty and the land of the free, the issue of freedom, whether in the field of civil rights or of economic opportunity, is still the most fundamental problem of our time.
So we now ask in what way the philosophy and religion of the previous chapters illumines the momentous practical problems of our time.
He holds that the population explosion is «the gravest problem of our time,» more serious than war or peace, in the long perspective.
They are described in an original way by their views on the many - faceted political problems of the time when the story is set.
To take one particular example, consider the significance of the Gospel precepts about forgiveness for the historical problem of our time.
All that is to say, the real lesson from last month's paper, as with the NOAA study before it, is that science is working, methodically grappling with the most complex problems of our time and inching closer to something we can understand as truth.
Research also shows poor cortisol rhythms may be contributing to some of the biggest health problems of our time.
«It's the biggest and most human problem of our time
You will help us attract the rising stars, educate future generations of students, build community connections and continue vital research that elevates Calgary as a source for solutions to some of the most pressing business problems of our time.
The essential problem of our times, for Europe and for the world, is that although the fallacy of the Communist economy has been recognized, its moral and religious fallacy has not been addressed.
I felt better when he cautioned, «We must not soft - pedal the toughest moral problem of our times out of timidity or in the name of public or alumni relations.
Perhaps the greatest theological problem of our time is an understanding of the meaning of the death of God.
The final problem of time is precisely that it does produce permanence, the stubborn past, which weigh too heavily on the worldly liveliness of human actors.
mstances and most importantly, applicability to a particular problem of their time, they made those rules / laws in their holy books.
these gentlemens notions of anything are strictly a result of their enviroment and the thoughts and problems of their time period.
The council goes on to speak of its urgent desire that «every effort be made toward the gradual realization of this unity, especially by prayer, and by fraternal dialogue on points of doctrine and the more pressing pastoral problems of our time» (no. 18).
Pastors who do this from the pulpit have the authority of the Bible behind them when they speak to specific problems of our time even though they may not have this authority for the actual judgments they make.
The reason I wrote the book is to provide you with the perfect solution to the common problem of time, money and inspiration, which I've found over the years, is often a stumbling block to healthy eating.
For a time he was income tax consultant to Joe Louis Enterprises and thus is accustomed to dealing with the more insoluble problems of our time.
One of the most compelling intellectual problems of our time remains unsolved: How do we tie together the realms of quantum mechanics and general relativity — the very small and the very large?
The draft also called the Paris Agreement a «historic achievement» and «proof that with shared political will and mutual trust, multilateralism can succeed in building fair and effective solutions to the most critical global problems of our time
At the rate that plastic is being used and discarded and the length of time that plastic takes to degrade, it seems logical that plastic overuse could become the biggest health and ecological problem of our time.
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