Sentences with phrase «problems than a child»

For example, when a father is involved in low - level antisocial behaviour, his child will exhibit more conduct problems if s / he doesn't live with him than if s / he does; when the father is engaged in high levels of antisocial behaviour, the child who lives with him will exhibit more conduct problems than the child who lives in another household (Jaffee et al 2003, cited by Flouri 2005).
Another study found that with its data, co-sleeping children were no more likely to develop a sleeping problem than children that don't co-sleep.
Children from divorced homes have more psychological problems than children who lost a parent to death.
My research has found that children trained before age 2 have triple the risk of developing daytime wetting problems than children trained between 2 and 3.
First - and second - graders who were retained in kindergarten had more school performance problems than children who didn't repeat.
In the same study cited above from the Real Estate Economics journal, children of homeowners exhibit 1 - 3 % less behavioral problems than children of renters.
According to Time Magazine, a recently published Swedish study confirmed that children who live in two households with each parent, experience less stress and have fewer problems than children who live with merely one parent in so - called split custody arrangements.
However, this study indicates that a child whose mother has an alcohol - related diagnosis is significantly more likely to have poor attendance problems than children whose mother does not have a diagnosis.
Graham and his colleagues pointed out that left - behind children in the Philippines did not have more psychological health problems than children living with their parents.
Children left behind in a community where many parents are away for employment do not showed more psychological health problems than children living with their parents.
Research has consistently found that children who are exposed to family violence have higher levels of emotional and behavioural problems than children who have not.
Research has shown that children of divorce often experience difficulties in school, and exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems than children from intact homes.
Research tells us that children with disabilities have a greater chance of developing mental health problems than children without disabilities2.
The overall results of these studies suggest that while children from divorced families may, on average, experience more major psychological and behavioral problems than children in intact families, there are more similarities than differences.
Research shows that children exposed to violence and impoverished conditions are more vulnerable to aggressive behavior, drug and alcohol abuse, and other psychological problems than children from higher socioeconomic statuses.
Children in the KEEP foster homes also had lower rates of behavior problems than children in the «as usual» control condition.
Similarly, Evans et al. (2001) have shown that children who report that they have a place to go to where they can be alone show better task persistence and fewer behavioural problems than children who do not, even with the same crowding levels.
[3] Children living with two married adults (biological or adoptive parents) have, in general, better health, greater access to health care, and fewer emotional or behavioral problems than children living in other types of families.
Children of highly conflicted parents score lower on the Piers - Harris test and were rated by their parents as having more psychosomatic and behavior problems than children in low conflict families.
In a recent study from Sweden, researchers showed that children who live in joint physical custody situations have better overall health and fewer psychological problems than children who primarily reside with one parent.
Children living in disharmonious homes had significantly more problems than children from harmonious homes, and control for confounding variables, such as the mothers» mental health, did not alter this relationship.
Specifically, children in the control condition with more emotional problems had higher levels of conduct problems than children in the control condition with fewer emotional problems, whereas children in the intervention conditions with either more or fewer emotional problems had similar levels of conduct problems (Fig. 1e).
That is, in families rated as having poor parenting practices, children with high levels of emotionality were less likely to exhibit conduct problems than children who had low levels of positive emotionality (Lengua, Wolchik, Sandler, & West, 2000).
Siblings of chronically ill children showed no greater likelihood of receiving scores in the clinical range of behaviour problems than children in the general population.
This may be because the quality of parent emotional support is less relevant to child internalizing problems than the child's own knowledge of appropriate emotion regulation strategies.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, Barra said that as CEO she is looking to address the problem of women who start viewing their positions as «jobs» rather than «careers» once they have children.
The 33 - year - old establishment has spread to more than 500 locations in 48 states and six countries, and is known as a children's birthday party haven, but some security experts say that this demographic is part of the problem.
Economists treat parental leave, both for women and men, as a simple cost - benefit problem: in theory, at least, if a woman's wage is greater than the cost of replacing her in the home, then she should spend her time working and hire someone else to care for her children.
The problem of tax evasion in Greece has been pointed out many times during the debt crisis: Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, got into hot water over the summer with her comments that she felt more sympathy with children in Africa than tax evaders in Greece.
The New York Times recently highlighted the long - term impact difficult schedules can have on family wellness, in an article called: «A growing body of research suggests that a child's language and problem - solving skills may suffer as a result of their parents» problematic schedules, and that they may be more likely than other children to smoke and drink when they're older.»
The Vision document has four main elements: equipping children academically and emotionally for the world; providing places of healing for children who have mental health problems or who've suffered bad experiences; providing a welcoming place for all rather than just Christians, and; upholding the dignity and respect of each individual, who is made by God.
Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioural problems than those who just lived with their mother.
They should concentrate on there own house, such as child molestation, which I think is more of a problem than this.
The fundamental (excuse the pun) problems with far - right Christianity are exactly the same issues our Savior spoke about to the Pharisees: judgmentalism, hypocrisy, intolerance, and the hyper - extremity of observing the letter of the law rather than its spirit (as evidenced by statements from various preachers that people such gays and disobedient children should be killed).
First: abortion performed due to r ape and health reasons of the mother TOTAL less than 5 % Second: The medical profession today makes evaluations balancing the rights of mom and child in problem pregnancies where abortion is not a legal option.
Even when talking about what our children might face, the response more often than not will be, «Well, that» r be their problem, they can deal with it.»
In a day when the problem is too many children rather than too few, the wider gifts tend to become more important and the initially primary one less so.
Nothing is simpler than to point to deficiencies in the way our huge, increasingly heterogeneous nation grapples with the problem of delivering basic services to its needy members or to persons who, like so many of the Kauai children, are at serious risk.
Anyone that reads your «explanation» will see that you're more mentally ill than most, have no problem with children being ki11ed because they're «unclean» while their sisters aren't so unclean as to marry them off to the men who ki11ed their families.
«Amazingly, children - at - risk from different parts of the world [who have] similar problems have more in common with each other than with other types of children within the same culture.
Sex slavery and forced child prostitution a bigger issue than most realize, and it is is huge problem right here in the United States.
(132) The energy bursting from this story is admirable, but this is a long way from the problems of an averageCatholic family in Britain, who are more likely to be worrying about what the local primary school is teaching their children, rather than the best way to shoot a rat.
A freedom of information request found the majority of authorities do not have systems in place to measure the scale of the problem, other than collecting statistics on the number of children already receiving help from social services.
Kenneth agree with you totally its not just adams and abrahams problem its us guys we give in to our wives to keep the peace we should learn that the best way is always Gods way not our way or mans way.That to me is the message behind the story.The issue is rather than taking on the burden of his wife Abraham should have taken it back to the Lord its in our weakness he strengthens us.In the end he did what any married man would have done in order to please his wife.We are no different we put our wives or children church work before the Lord just as he did and loo at the consequences that came from that decision the arab nations became a thporn in there side.In my mind we need to put him first always.When we please the Lord he will bless us and our relationships when we do it our way there will be consequences.brentnz
You see, if evolution is true, science has an even bigger problem than Cain's wife to explain — namely, how could man ever evolve by mutations (mistakes) in the first place, since that process would have made everyone's children deformed?
The Catholic sex - abuse stories emerging every day suggest that Catholics have a much bigger problem with child molestation than other denominations and the general population.
«We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else,» said Ernie Allen, president of the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.
What's interesting is that though both these reports by independent and secular organisations (NSPCC and JJC) either state or imply that child sex abuse is part of a problem in society as a whole and not a particular problem for the Catholic Church, in other words that Catholic priests are no more likely than anyone else to be involved in it, Dr Pravin Thevathasan, the author of the third document on this subject published around the same time, «The Catholic Church & the Sex Abuse Crisis», published by the CTS, is not inclined to deploy this fact to get the Church off the hook.
The bill's backers insisted that runaways are a social rather than criminal problem, and that receiving homes, crisis centers and mental health agencies are better prepared to handle abandoned children than punishment - oriented law - enforcement agencies.
Research on Golden Rice continues to be motivated by its potential contributions to solving the global problem of VAD that afflicts more than 200 million people, especially women and children.
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