Sentences with phrase «procedural maneuver»

"Procedural maneuver" refers to a specific action or strategy used within a set of established rules or procedures to achieve a desired outcome. It involves using tactics or moves that are within the defined rules to gain an advantage or accomplish a goal. Full definition
«It is unacceptable that despite the support of a majority of senators, an irresponsible minority in the Senate has again blocked the energy bill using procedural maneuvers.
And Young offers precedent for an argument that «removal before service» may be even more appropriate when the history of the case suggests that the plaintiff had already engaged in some sort of procedural maneuvering before the case was even removed.
The new chair of the House Rules Committee came under attack for proposing a constitutionally questionable procedural maneuver to pass the controversial Affordable Care Act in 2010, refused to hold town hall meetings during the height of the Tea Party movement, and compared Republicans to Nazis during a fight over abortion access in 2011.
On Thursday, the Democrat took to the Senate Floor, attempting to utilize a rare procedural maneuver — known as Rule 14 — to try to force Senate leadership's hand to advance sexual harassment legislation.
Meanwhile, in the confusing procedural maneuvering late last week, some 500,000 government workers across the country, including Education Department employees, were sent home for half a day Thursday, as the Administration accused the Congress of failing its responsibility to provide budgets for several departments for the 1985 fiscal year that began Oct. 1...
The rest of the news coming from today's hearing in Brooklyn Supreme Court once again centers on procedural maneuvering.
In the lead - up to trial, a lawyer experienced with felony and misdemeanor cases will attempt to weaken the prosecution's case through procedural maneuvers, such as motions to suppress the evidence against you.
The U.S. Senate plans to use procedural maneuvers to technically stay in session even when senators eventually go home for the Labor Day recess.
President Donald Trump once again took aim at the Senate filibuster, a procedural maneuver that can thwart legislation without at least 60 votes to end debate on the subject.
But Schumer said Democrats in Congress can use procedural maneuvers to force votes on gun control measures, which are being sought in the wake another mass shooting at an Oregon community college.
The budget's passage will allow the GOP to use a procedural maneuver to pass tax legislation through the Senate with 50 or more votes, removing the need for support from Democratic senators.
The ability of a simple majority to change the need for a supermajority is why it's called the «nuclear option»: a procedural maneuver with potentially serious consequences, to be used as a last resort to overcome political opposition.1
For instance, once the majority party breaks a filibuster through cloture, the minority party is allowed 30 additional hours of post-cloture debate — a procedural maneuver Democrats can use to drain the clock and bog down the confirmation process.
Democrats have used this procedural maneuver to drain the clock and bog down the confirmation process.
Justice Wiggins was particularly critical of the governor's use of a procedural maneuver that allowed legislators to vote on the Marriage Equality Act immediately after the bill was drafted, rather than waiting for three days, as is normally required.
This latest decision underscores the divide among PTAB panels concerning the procedural maneuver of joining serial IPR petitions.
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