Sentences with phrase «process as a boundary»

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The apparent reckless abandon with which a Muslim leader could call for the death of a writer offends not just our notions of due process or even the boundaries of state jurisdiction but our view of this life as our hallowed destiny.
She says, «The type of immortality which a process conceptuality suggests is subjective, retaining the living experience of the entity, but it transcends personality... «11 And she adds,»... the boundaries of personality have been left far behind as pertinent solely to finite existence in the temporal world.
exhibit interest in the social and discursive processes of «demarcation» by which orthodoxies define, and thereby in some sense create, heresies — not only as the inevitable cartographic by - products of the impulse to draw boundaries and create centers, but also (paradoxically, and in multiple ways) as necessary sources of «nourishment» for orthodoxies themselves.
As the higher level imposes boundary conditions on the lower processes, the latter may continue blindly and independently of the comprehensive net flung by the former.
As the population expanded around those centers, political processes incorporated the suburbs into separate towns whose residents could pretend not to be dependent on the city and whose political concerns did not stretch beyond their own boundaries.
As the flexible packaging market began to grow and stretch it's boundaries into food, beverage and medical applications, end - users began to demand higher levels of quality and, in some instances, full validation of the sealing process.
Because children have these fantasies and parents tend to be very arbitrary about where they set their boundaries, as opposed to having an ongoing process and transparency about what's going get paid for or not within the family.
It would be easy to dismiss the naked experimentation as exhibitionism, but I'm sure some riders may have been struggling with their body image or health concerns; for some it may have been a healing process from being bullied, targeted, or abused; and perhaps others simply wanted to walk through the wall of a conventional boundary.
As your child learns about her emotions, her peers, behavior boundaries, and gears up to head off to school, it's crucial that she gets enough sleep throughout the day and night to make these processes easier.
Ms Harman asked Mr Clegg whether the process of boundary changes would now be stopped in its tracks as a result of Lib Dem opposition.
The old boundary lines for the Syracuse - based 25th Congressional District were redrawn this year as part of the once - a-decade redistricting process.
Corbyn has hinted that MPs may face selection battles as a result of the boundary review process, but that is simply in line with party policy.
After the decennial redistricting process, where a state body redraws political boundaries to accommodate for population change, her Beechhurst co-op was drawn into the same district as Sen. Tony Avella (D - Bayside), which would have pitted them against each other in a primary.
A state body called the Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment released redrawn political boundaries last week as part of a process that happens every 10 years to accommodate population growth.
Common Cause's Susan Lerner took aim at the trial balloon floated by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's office, which said the speaker would support an equal bi-partisan commission drawing the boundaries next year as opposed to the lawmaker - driven process in place now.
Many Labour MPs have strong misgivings about doing this as it may boost the prospects of other contenders when the new selection process starts in 2013 to reflect the new boundaries and the reduction in the total number of MPs from 650 to 600.
Declaring war on rebels as he launched his leadership campaign, Mr Corbyn said there would be a «full selection process» in every seat before 2020 once a review of constituency boundaries has taken place.
This year, new questions about Rangel's vulnerability arose after the boundaries of the congressional district covering Harlem were redrawn as part of the once - a-decade redistricting process, with some of Manhattan being taken out of the district and parts of the Bronx added in.
He has been involved in the redistricting process both as academic observer (for example The Boundary Commissions, MUP, 1999) and as advisor to the Liberal Democrats.
I don't think the process of normalising constituency sizes is as big a thing as it seems, a «normal» boundary review (which would have been due anyway) would typically move some seats from Labour to Conservative due to the current trends of internal migration.
As Gurwitsch hypothesized: «The place of the embryonal formative process is a field, the boundaries of which, in general, do not coincide with those of the embryo but surpass them.»
These uplift rates can not be accounted for by plate - boundary processes, as previously thought.
In the case of a black hole in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild sphere there are no stationary potentials as there is a constant process of collapse, the boundary of the «hole» moves away and the energy spectrum is continuous.
That's because Congress itself has twice adjusted the monument's boundaries to exclude small towns and exchange state lands with Utah, as well as paid the state $ 50 million in the process (Greenwire, May 2).
Their study will include the hydrologic responses such as runoff and streamflow over land and atmospheric processes above the boundary layer.
development of two - way coupling between WRF and CCSM to represent the upscaled effects of climate hot spots such as the Maritime Continent, the subtropical eastern boundary regime, and the monsoon regions where global climate models fail to simulate the complex processes due to feedback and scale interactions.
Coastal and boundary current systems with a focus on processes that link the nearshore and continental shelf to the open ocean, such as along - and across - shore transport processes, stirring and mixing of water masses, and the coastal response to larger - scale forcing events; long - duration, high - resolution observations using autonomous underwater gliders.
The research reveals that the powerful winds have the ability to shift the boundary of the gas giant's magnetosphere back by as much as a million miles, creating a stunning X-ray aurora in the process that is observable by the powerful X-ray capabilities of the Chandra telescope.
While this undoubtedly represents progress, image - processing methods have struggled to analyse high - grade breast cancer cells as these cells are often clustered together and have vague boundaries, which makes successful detection extremely challenging.
During the day, we will give an overview on proposal writing, NSF's merit review process, and programs that fall within our seven scientific and engineering directorates, as well as funding opportunities that cross disciplinary boundaries.
Boundaries also mean you can mourn and go through the process of grief — of reliving the good times, crying over the loss and the bad bits, and running the whole gamut of emotions as you move through time — without the fear of regression.
Throughout the process of meeting someone new, it's always a good idea to bring up boundaries and reminders of where you're at in your life as far as connecting with others.
As anthropologist Jenell Williams Paris said in Christianity Today, «Christians can use online dating in ways that express discernment, modesty, and self - control, not only in sexual boundaries, but also in the very process of getting to know another person gradually.»
Decide what your boundaries are before you start the dating process in order to save yourself much confusion as you proceed.
Anything that you can do as a teacher to assist the process and help parents be more aware of the impact of the situation on the child (without overstepping your professional boundaries, or those set by parents) will ensure you're playing your part in supporting your students.
There is also a detailed PDF resource for note taking on processes at plate boundaries as well as a number of interactive resources.
However, the school will need to ensure that pupils are aware these marks are subject to change by the moderation process, and schools should not provide a grade for the work as grade boundaries are not available at that time.
Of course, no clear boundaries exist between these orientations; many schools as well as families are in the process of deciding for themselves an orientation that best matches their beliefs about freedom, structure, and learning.
The occupation also involves determining the boundaries of an accounting entity; recognizing and measuring revenues; matching revenues and expenses by applying methodologies such as accrual accounting and depreciation; defining and measuring costs by application of methodologies such as standard, process, job - order, and activity - based costing; and full disclosure on financial statements.
They all worked to create a new definition of the concept of the artwork, going against the traditional genre boundaries and regarding the viewers» mental and / or physical activity as part of the work process.
Working alongside Color Field painters such as Kenneth Noland and Thomas Downing, Gilliam elaborated upon Color Field processes and aesthetics while subverting Greenbergian notions of the «integrity of the picture plane,» and disrupting the boundaries between the visual world of painting and the tangible world outside it.
Series IV: The Colin de Land Files consists of various records that reflect Colin de Land's process as a dealer and artist, reflecting the blurred boundaries that existed between his professional and personal lives.
Exploring techniques such as working additively, reductively, and often quite physically in pulp to build line, color and form, these artists build on the rich history of abstraction, allowing the processes unique to handmade paper to push boundaries in their work.
His primary mission as an artist is to blur disciplinary boundaries often utilizing appropriated material and algorithmic processing.
As the title Still Life suggests, this exhibition utilizes material and process to transgress the boundary between stillness and life.
Often hailed as the leading Korean artist of her generation, Bul's work has always defied boundaries by exploring a multitude of different mediums to experiment with form and process: from sculptures to performances and installations.
In his recent body of work New York native, Ben Grant, continues to push the boundaries of his process as he returns to the idea of illusionistic space.
Employing the language of textiles as form and process, the artist's latest body of work transcends the boundaries of traditional quilt making.
Asboe's creative works prioritize process over product and explore the boundary between practice as improvement and practice as way of life.
Trained as a painter, Chapline incorporates traditional methods of mark making, sketching, and painting with rendering softwares in an artistic process that obscures the boundary between analogue and digital modes of production.
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