Sentences with phrase «process of actualization»

His function is to foster and direct the process of actualization carried on by his creatures, and to redress the inevitable loss involved by integrating all of its results into his living experience.
His is not the only kind of complex that is continually in process of actualization.
If with Whitehead one conceives the process of actualization to be a creative advance, then it makes sense that he posits «conceptual valuation» of the datum as the basic function of the «mental pole,» prior to «conceptual reversion» (PR 26/39, 248/379).
The creativity is the actualization of potentiality, and the process of actualization is an occasion of experiencing.
The process of actualization must have some being to rescue from the indeterminacy of the future, but it can not yet have the complete being of the satisfaction without already being actual.
The claim is that, in order for the process of actualization to be possible at all, «antecedent limitations» must be applied to the multiplicity of possibilities, and these are carried out in the «conceptual envisagement» of the total multiplicity of eternal objects, or ideal forms, by God.
But power may be defined more broadly as the capacity to influence the outcome of any process of actualization, thereby permitting both persuasive and coercive power.
Whitehead suggests that God experiences the past actual world confronting each individual occasion in process of actualization, and selects for it that ideal possibility which would achieve the maximum good compatible with its situation.
Because of this divergent process of actualization — the material past is dead, the mental past is alive — a distinction must be made between cosmology or pseudo-history and history proper (i.e., the study of human thought).
Whitehead's teleology is then descriptive of the event's process of actualization; it says nothing about the event as striving to give rise to a specific character determined beforehand by its essential nature (PW 188/207), nor is it in conflict with physical determinism (PW 206/226).
Yet the future may also be described by combining (M, M) and (M, P) as the direction taken by a process of actualization of previously unactualized possibilities.
The Whiteheadian actual occasion is conceived along similar lines, but instead of being a substance persisting through time in apparent relation with other substances, the occasion is a process of actualization of a set of real relations.
Antecedent phases of concrescence are not additional causal influences the occasion must integrate, but the means whereby the causa sui expresses itself in this process of actualization.
It includes both formation through evangelization and enculturation — the processes by which we are converted and initiated into the church and its tradition and thereby come to acknowledge ourselves as a people in covenant with God — and education, or those processes of actualization that help us to live out our baptism by making the church's faith more vital, conscious and active in our lives; by deepening our relationship to God; and by realizing our vocation in the world so that God's saving activity may be manifested in persons and in the church.

Not exact matches

Yet that metaphor of the mirror is too Platonic, because God's epiphany in the world is not through mere surface shadows, but is in the coming to be, development, and passing away to make room for novelty of primary natural units, each of which truly exists and acts in its own right and according to its own nature and structure for its time, and interacts with other units in a process of mutual actualization and eventual replacement.
An object is a process of momentary actualization.
Microgenesis refers to the actualization (Aktualgenese) of a cognition over «layers» in mind and brain that retrace growth patterns in phyloontogeny.1 The recapitulation that is the cornerstone of historical theory is a repetition of the antecedents of a behavior that phyletic or ontogenetic process lays down.
A process God who is associated with the total self - actualization of all individuals would be limited, benevolent and powerful.
Concrescence, in processes of finite actualization, consists in the progressive reduction of these alternatives to one form, which is actualized by the matter derived from the past.
The last is challenge that can be met and mastered in an on - going process of self - actualization.
The death of God in Christ is an inevitable consequence of the movement of God into the world, of Spirit into flesh, and the actualization of the death of God in the totality of experience is a decisive sign of the continuing and forward movement of the divine process, as it continues to negate its particular and given expressions, by moving ever more fully into the depths of the profane.
Indeed, if we may understand prehensions as signals, and the ingression of prehensions as the initial phase in a selective process of self - actualization, then an actual occasion consists purely of information.
Where our concern is with the concrete actualization of these qualities in relation to the world process, our attention is directed to the sense in which God's perfection is relative to each stage of process, for God continually surpasses previous states of his being, as new developments in the world become a part of his concrete actuality.9
The actualization of the expression may be shorter or longer in its process of becoming.
The requirement in a process metaphysics that freedom inhere, to one degree or another, in every subject whatsoever is the route to establishing responsibility for one's actualization of sin.
If the views of these theologians are correct, then the good accomplished in redemption lies in a different dimension from the goad realized by human effort, and we can not sustain the thesis that the work of redemption involves as an integral aspect a process in this world, and the actualization of love in this life.
A key element in the process of reality is incarnation, the embodiment of the transcendent in the world, the actualization of spontaneous love.
Every decision is a response to a lure or solicitation; that is how God effectively «acts» in a creative process from which he is nowhere absent, by permitting things to «make themselves» as decisions are undertaken that «decide» the degree and kind of actualization that will occur.
Process thought typically roots the presence of sin and evil in the world in the refusal or deficient actualization of the divine aim offered to every self - realizing occasion.
Yet Whitehead held, and I concur, that the actualization of the unity of all ideals is impossible: «Tennyson's phrase, «one far - off divine event, To which all creation moves,» presents a fallacious conception of the universe» (Process 111).
So at the end of this analysis we are faced with the paradox that the actualization of the cause of the process goes on in the object of the process, indeed has to be thought identical with it (202a1 3 - 21).
He conceives such a process as the actualization of a state of potentiality in the object of the process, an actualization that comes about through the influence of the cause of the process (201a10; 202a14).
Aristotle lays out the difficulties that the ordinary understanding places in the way of his conception: the actualization of the cause of the process seems to be distinct from that of the object of the process, for the one is an effecting, the other a being effected.
In that way prehension comprises that highest form of natural process ascribed by Aristotle to living beings and which Scholasticism conceived as motus sui, as actualization of itself through itself.15 Whitehead matches Aristotle in so many main points not least because both are mainly concerned with living beings and their self - development.
In Whitehead's view this process can mean the actualization of new and higher forms that were not yet «there» in the development of the world.
Whitehead, like Aristotle, takes process to be the actualization of one thing in another.
And now Aristotle explicitly declares that it is by no means absurd to situate the actualization of the cause of the process in the object of the process, to suppose that the actualization of the one is the actualization in the other (202b5).
What Whitehead conceives as the objectification [242] of an actual entity appears in the Aristotelian conception of process as anticipated in the actualization of one being in another.
We can also say that with these initial conditions the subject of the process comes forth as a potential subject, insofar as its complete actualization has not yet occurred.
The way I teach potty training, we learn our children, teach our children, and help them wrap up the process - giving them the gift of self - actualization and their dignity back - and we, the parents, initiate this training when WE are ready (not the child).
And thank goodness, as we begin the healing process, there is one man that we can all hold aloft as an exemplar of self - actualization.
Then again, that all of this human misery, all these murmured conversations and all of these women trooping in and out of his life would be summoned solely to assist in one successful midlife white male's self - actualization process, is just one of those Things, I guess.
EDL 5303 «Human Relations in Educational Administration,» which prepares students in their supportive role in the supervision of professionals in education to comprehend how positive interpersonal relationships contribute to the process of potentiality, actualization and efficacy development;
Among some of the themes explored are cultural vs. personal identity, self - actualization as the quintessential American Dream, development of individuality vs. sacrifice for family and future generations, and the creative process in a foreign language... as well as the perils of success found by sticking to the familiar.
Of course, we have already talked about actualization in my works, and the shape of numbers or their signifying characteristics must be subjected to the same processes of alternation and bastardizatioOf course, we have already talked about actualization in my works, and the shape of numbers or their signifying characteristics must be subjected to the same processes of alternation and bastardizatioof numbers or their signifying characteristics must be subjected to the same processes of alternation and bastardizatioof alternation and bastardization.
That's because the «main theme» of each painting — let's assume there is such a thing — is laid out according to different, personal processes of visual actualization.
Healing is a connective process that requires the engagement of present - thinking, higher power vision, invincible courage, and fearless vulnerability; skills she has developed over the decades for self - actualization and personal growth.
I get it, I am fine as long as I took an idea instead of actualization of an idea, and I think that is the case here, since I took idea of conceptualizing human's cognitive processes (work A) and social behavior (work B); where I changed the definition of the terms (work C) and also the terms itself (work D).
Areas of Clinical Interest: Existential struggles, relationship issues, career coaching, phase of life challenges, faith - based / spirituality challenges, depression, anxiety, couples therapy, and processes toward self - actualization.
Through the process of effective psychotherapy people often move beyond the removal of problems or symptoms towards acceptance and awareness of self, and further towards actualization of personal potential.»
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