Sentences with phrase «process of domestication»

«Those modern humans» selected genes under selection may prove central to a relevant process of domestication, given that these interactions may provide significant data on relevant phenotypic traits,» said Boeckx.
For comparison, a line of more aggressive foxes was also bred so that differences between the two groups could illuminate the usually slow processes of domestication.
Cat Hunting skills have never really been lost throughout the whole process of their domestication.
There are very clear reasons to expect that free - ranging cats will act as predators of small animals that are related to evolutionary biology, life history evolution, behavioral ecology, and the co-evolutionary process of domestication.
The book's purpose, Rossellini told Vanity Fair in an interview, is to convey the remarkable process of domestication, which is something she finds fascinating:
There is no doubt in my own mind that the process of the domestication of Protestantism within national cultures is steadily taking place.
During the process of domestication, plants undergo changes in certain traits that make them more amenable to humans and agriculture such as larger seeds, larger fruits, a compact growth habit, and so on.
Charles Darwin thought the process of domestication was «insensibly slow».
Whole genome sequencing of modern and ancient horses unveils the genes that have been selected by humans in the process of domestication through the latest 5,500 years, but also reveals the cost of this domestication.
The new work not only sheds light on where pigs come from, but it also speaks to how complex the process of domestication is compared with what we thought it was.
In 1959, biologists Dmitri Belyaev and Lyudmila Trut set out to do just that, by starting with a few dozen silver foxes from fox farms during the Soviet era and attempting to recreate the evolution of wolves into dogs in real time in order to witness the process of domestication.
The researchers suggest that these results help us understand how dogs have changed during the process of domestication.
During the process of domestication, dogs have become able to accept humans as social partners and thus have adapted their social skills to include interactions with them, concomitantly losing the ability to learn by watching other dogs.
The depth and diversity of that tree suggest that the process of domestication took place over a widespread area and a long period of time — and it's no accident that the timing coincides with the emergence of agriculture.
The study provides insight that the process of domestication can also affect an animal's causal understanding.
Genomic analysis of other village dog and gray wolf populations and additional phenotyping will no doubt further enrich our understanding of the process of domestication and artificial selection in dogs.
The theory put forth in one study is that cats are still in the process of domestication, and are not yet fully domesticated.
Cats, as a species, have become more socially flexible during the process of domestication to an extent, but individuals still vary hugely in how accepting they are of other cats.
And seen in this way I regret the process of domestication of the «wild ones» that sets in now and promotes so much homelessness.»
To explore some possibilities, Caza looks at the place of art within familiar spaces, within homes, for taming involves a process of domestication.
The decorative is both complicity and implicitly cited in the selected artworks in this exhibition, and conveniently so, for taming involves a process of domestication.
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