Sentences with phrase «process of planetary formation»

Though scientists are fairly certain the rings indicate that planets are beginning to form, the structure pictured defies the time line they would have predicted in the process of planetary formation.
So it probably isn't part of the natural process of planetary formation.
The results should fill in many more brushstrokes — not just for Pluto's portrait, but also for the entire process of planetary formation.

Not exact matches

The discovery of strangely ordered planetary systems around other stars showed that the formation process can not be so tidy after all.
«As plans are underway in and outside of Japan to explore the satellite system of Jupiter and the satellites of Mars,» said Ohtsuki, «we will continue to unravel the origin of satellite systems, which is key to understanding the formation process of planetary systems.»
The Mars Exploration Program studies Mars as a planetary system in order to understand the formation and early evolution of Mars as a planet, the history of geological processes that have shaped Mars through time, the potential for Mars to have hosted life, and the future exploration of Mars by humans.
The belt contains essential information about the planetary formation processes, including both the «cold disk» that harbors the objects that are thought to formed in situ with the whole planetary system, and the «hot / scattered disk» that is the refuge of objects that are dynamically scattered into it during the dynamical evolution of the inner solar system.
Observations of the planets, satellites, and small bodies in the Solar system provide indispensable information about planet formation and evolution processes that remain unattainable for other planetary systems.
The superior sensitivity of the latest generation of ground - based instruments has allowed astronomers to discover a wealth of exoplanets (most of them in multi-planetary systems) around red dwarfs, while overturning our conventional notions and expectations regarding planetary formation and evolution processes around metal - poor stars.
ALMA studies all phases of planet forming: it probes protoplanetary discs — planetary embryos — at high resolution; it can capture the increasing brightness and temperature of planets in the process of formation and directly detect how giant planets cleanse their orbits within the discs.
Such braking is an important process because it assures a source of matter of relatively low angular momentum (by the standards of the interstellar medium) for the formation of stars and planetary systems.
Its detection helps astronomers understand the chemical processes that occur during the formation of planetary systems and that ultimately lead to the creation of the ingredients for life.
Naoyuki Fujii and Masamichi Miyamoto, «Constraints on the Heating and Cooling Processes of Chondrule Formation,» Chondrules and Their Origins, editor Elbert A. King (Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1983), pp. 53 — 60.
To capture clear image of planetary forming regions and uncover the planetary formation process; and 3.
Despite their relatively youth, many A-type stars are already old enough that most of the dust found around these relatively short - lived are not a remnant of the star formation process but are instead generated through collisions of larger proto - planetary bodies.
At the booth, visitors were asking questions on the planetary formation process and distant regions of the universe to be explored by ALMA.
Previous infrared missions, from IRAS to Herschel, have revealed a great deal about the obscured... ▽ More Measurements in the infrared wavelength domain allow us to assess directly the physical state and energy balance of cool matter in space, thus enabling the detailed study of the various processes that govern the formation and early evolution of stars and planetary systems in galaxies over cosmic time.
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