Sentences with phrase «processes work together»

Goals include identifying underlying family and child processes linking maternal depression and child development, how do these processes work together and change over time, child gender differences in effects, and the role of child characteristics.
Sam Falls is a multi-talented contemporary painter, photographer, writer and videographer of international renown, whose captivating works combine photography, painting, and sculpture, exploring the ways in which color, digitally manipulated photographs, and natural processes work together in a single piece of art, investigating artistic potential of each medium.
The five blueprint processes work together to improve schools.
Future research needs to examine how both the demand and supply side processes work together in a complex system to place students in schools.
These processes work together, and are not mutually exclusive.
How do these two opposing processes work together?
These processes work together, along with insulating factors like blubber or fur, to help animals keep warm or cool down, he said.
These aspects of the process all work together to allow the client to maximize his or her potential, and research shows that coaching and training is a far more potent combination than training alone.
Aerosols are but one among many «basic physics» processes occurring at the same time, and the net result of all of these processes working together is what translates into actual effects we can see taking place in real life.
The model output is evidence of the result of the many processes working together, much as the Pythagorean theorem provides evidence about the hypoteneuses of a large set imperfectly studied right triangles; or long term simulations of the planetary movements based on Newton's laws provide evidence that the orbits are chaotic rather than periodic; or simulations provide evidence that high - dimensional nonlinear dissipative systems are never in equilibrium or steady state even with constant input.
The model relies on the two processes working together, learning and adapting as we build the experiences.
As a participant in the treatment process we work together to develop treatment goals that fit your unique needs.»

Not exact matches

«So Mark, may I suggest that we lay out the process for how we'll have this discussion of whether we have a great mutual fit to work together?
During the interview process, Laurence discussed opportunities for making various parts of the Rogers portfolio work together, Tory added.
With educators better equipped at understanding a student's learning process, classrooms are being formed around small groups, with students who match each other's skill level working together.
But through that process, we realized we should work together more,» says Angelina.
Starting early to define which processes merging teams will use — long before people actually work together — creates an environment built around a shared comfort zone.
If it's a service, show how the pieces of the process are in place and how they are going to work together in delivering that service to your target clientele.
«We focus on connecting the client with the right expert, and making the process of them working together as seamless as possible,» adds Hawke.
The Agile approach is a unique take on the process of working together both independently and as a group, suitable for both small and large businesses.
Mobilizing people, process and tools can bring company, employees and work closer together and help do the job of peer management by providing ways to handle peer feedback and appraisal.
The novelty requires employees to work together and create team process skills to complete the activity successfully.
When the hiring process goes slowly, you both get the opportunity to feel what it would be like to work together, negotiate and resolve differences, and so on.
Not all of them are immediately intuitive, and some of them require work to perfect, but together, they can turn you into a master compromiser, and will earn you respect in the process.
The Members of the Article 29 Working Party will work together in this process
The process is more involved than other SBA loan programs because there are multiple players working together to fund the loan.
The unique skills of each member work together to provide clients with a strong foundation for our «Disciplined Dividend Growth» process and client service.
The unique skills of each team member work together to provide a strong foundation for our disciplined portfolio process and client service.
The CNGC oversees the Board and committee evaluation process, and the CNGC Chair and Lead Independent Director work together to develop and implement the Board and committee evaluations.
As an employer, Intermountain Healthcare strives to create a work environment in which physicians and employees work together as partners in the healing process.
«EXCITE provides an opportunity for industry, government, academia, medical experts and the health system to work together in a single, efficient process to bring breakthrough medical technologies to patients and to the market.»
To ensure that the right action is taken with the right lead and that marketing, sales development and sales work together like a highly tuned orchestra, a comprehensive sales enablement process is needed to drive real results in a reasonable timeframe.
Together, we determine a scope of work together and then I lead you through a recommended process to get you market ready, explore that exciting career change or help you land Together, we determine a scope of work together and then I lead you through a recommended process to get you market ready, explore that exciting career change or help you land together and then I lead you through a recommended process to get you market ready, explore that exciting career change or help you land the job.
Our engineers work together with the product teams to ensure that all of Help Scout's code and infrastructure follows a secure development lifecycle process.
With today's economic situation, now is the time for industry and the Alberta government to work together on solutions that will make Alberta a world - class province to do business... Today's announcement has been the result of a fair and credible process, one Albertans can trust.»
He has helped mold a process by which the three work out issues privately, then come together as a united front behind the best choice.
After being able to acquire these different details such as particular applications, financial statements and other pertinent documents, you can go ahead and begin the processing with an insurance provider which often may be working together with your organization, making it easier to gain information and access.
Recognizing that the Trans - Pacific Partnership, which links together countries that represent nearly 40 percent of global GDP, would advance these objectives, Canada and the United States are working to complete their respective domestic processes.
He will talk about the Proof - of - Process protocol and how it makes it easier for companies to work together.
Create a single, consistent selling process by making sales, service, and marketing data work together.
The pilot program aims to achieve a secure distributed ledger across financial institutions, enabling banks to work together to process transactions.
Molecular biology, contrary to the article, does not support evolution by natural chance because evolution can not occur without inheritance, inheritance can not occur without DNA and DNA is so complex it could not have evolved by chance unless we are to assume that molecules just happened to arrange themselves into the DNA molecule at the same times as a nucleus formed to hold the DNA, at the same time as the cell membrane just happened to form around it, at the sametime as all the cell maintaining process in the cytoplasm just happened to come into existence to form a single cell and that all these aspects just happened to come together and work harmoniously.
Survival of the fittest, the law of instincts and habits, social process, dialectical materialism, cultural cycles — all work together to form a more tenacious and oppressive belief in fate than has ever before existed, a fate which leaves man no possibility of liberation but only rebellious or submissive slavery.
Rather than working with a parsimonious specification of master trends, social laws, or correlations among variables, the analyst works with a complex set of concepts and empirical observations, piecing them together in ways that reveal underlying processes and interconnections.14
These Christians can be helped by working together to clarify the assumptions underlying their institutions and professions and to begin the process of critical evaluation.
But that is far from saying that, influenced by the links which unite them, our grouped minds working together are not capable of achieving results which no one member of the group could achieve alone, and from which every individual within the collective process benefits «integrally», although still not in the total sense.
Peter Gerlam, operations manager at Lochcarron of Scotland, said: «It has been an interesting process working with the Church and getting the colours and design together was straightforward.
Artists in every medium have an imagination and an intelligence that enables them to pull together what they perceive in the world and contemplate in their souls in the process of creating new works of art that in turn help the rest of us apprehend reality in entirely new ways.
Being away together for an intensive weekend of growth work and play often accelerates the process of awakening tired relationships (sexually and in other ways).
At the same time, they were generous in their guidance, taking me through the process step - by - step and making sure all of the design elements worked together
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