Sentences with phrase «procrastinated so»

Even if you procrastinated so much that you have NO AFTER PHOTOS, I expect you to fess up and tell us what happened.
Well, I procrastinated so long that I never even decided on a project!
[49] «I remember feeling that Roger was cornered, because I thought I understood from the fact that Roger had procrastinated so long that this enterprise was something he didn't really want to be involved with.
Since we procrastinated so long on posting our 7 links, finding a blog that hasn't already been nominated ended up being a difficult task.
First off, I would like to say how similar we are that we both procrastinate so much when we think up recipes.
I'm also procrastinating so hard on homework and studying for finals right now.
Perhaps you are in fact feeling bored and you're procrastinating so you're turning to food for a quick dopamine («feel good hormones») rush that will mask the icky feeling of being bored.
Thank you from an indie author who needs to write more, not market / procrastinate so much!
Obviously, you don't want to procrastinate so much that you never actually get anything done.
I think that's why I've been procrastinating so much lately!

Not exact matches

It will be easier to digest these smaller objectives, so you should be able to waste less time procrastinating!
So don't procrastinate.
Don't waste time, don't procrastinate, focus on your sales mission — all simple rules to ensure you achieve your goals... but so often overlooked.
I could be wrong, but I suspect people waste so much time reading about procrastination, time management and personal productivity because they're procrastinating.
So, what are the biggest mistakes that people make if they procrastinate?
I was so excited to join Vegan MoFo this year, but then I procrastinated and didn't prepare anything in advance, so now I will only be able to participate sporadically.
The book store has gone the way of the dodo and the my copy of Olives & Oranges was donated long ago, but I still have fond memories of procrastinating homework to pore over recipes, making lists of how I should stock my humble pantry, and dog - earing just about every other page or so for recipes to try on my own or to make for Cory when we moved in together.
I was procrastinating before, browsing through old recipes and thoughts, I stumbled upon this post and I was so happy that those moments existed somewhere here so that I could read them again.
so as long as we do nt procrastinate.
It's so easy to put off things like eye exams and procrastinate taking care of yourself, especially if you are a mom.
It is already August, so if you have been procrastinating preparing for back to school it's time to get busy.
So if you were procrastinating buying yourself some new sandals for this summer, you don't have to anymore!
So, the best way not to procrastinate the potty training process is to be prepared before they turn the age too potty train them.
Is there anything suggesting that the NATO might have decided to procrastinate actions in Crimea for a few months, so that the Russian gas leverage would be much weaker?
«Health is paramount so I can assure everyone here that we are not going to procrastinate.
So you find yourself procrastinating by getting busy with other small but urgent tasks.
So being productive, not procrastinating and having good habits help.
So, yeah, this paper - writing thing: I'm procrastinating like a big dog.
So what to do if you're overwhelmed, paralyzed, or procrastinating?
Many of us procrastinate and delay our dreaded task again and again so it hangs over our heads.
So often we sit on the sidelines of life, watching others catapult their dreams into reality, while we procrastinate by putting off our dreams until tomorrow — yet sometimes, tomorrow never comes.
So you've made a mistake — you snapped at your loved one, you procrastinated instead of doing work, or you skipped your morning workout.
â $ So even if he doesnâ $ ™ t ejaculate, youâ $ ™ re still at risk of both pregnancy and a sexually transmitted infection.â $ In other words: quit procrastinating.
So it's like the 12 - year - old boy procrastinating on the homework.
So please, don't procrastinate and «think about it».
The Rhys Method ® 12 Chakra Gateways give you the translator to their many voices so can move beyond guessing and procrastinating about what you should do and be called in each moment to do it fearlessly.
When's the last time that you ate a meal for that cheap?!? So stop procrastinating, set yourself up for success, and buy this product!
We're talking grain - free pizza pockets, nachos, three kinds of cheesecake, tart cherry gumdrops, gummy worms and salami basil fig bites, so no procrastinating, mmmkay?
There's a lot of work to be done and many errands need to be taken care of, so no time for procrastinating known as daydreaming in my case.
My family tends to procrastinate that till a day or two before Christmas so it's usually my little brother and I hanging ornaments and detangling lights while my mom is cooking.
I always procrastinate on cleaning my brushes, but it feels so good to have them fresh and clean again!
I have a week off work in February and I'm hoping to fill it with some fun activities and much procrastinated productivity, so here's hoping next month leaves me feeling revitalised and ready to get my pinup on with my usual enthusiasm.
This little budget dresser makeover took a little time to get to and it wasn't just because the last 6 weeks have been so busy with work and the back to school craziness and it wasn't just because I was procrastinating.
Isn't it strange... I so often procrastinate worst when it comes to something I really love doing.
The sale ends though in just about 48 hours so I wanted to pop in and share a few last minute picks for those of you that have procrastinated and / or for those of you that might be thinking ahead to the holidays since a lot of these items will make great gifts.
Your rainboots are so fun And I am with you, I am excellent at procrastinating!
If truth be told though, I've really spent the whole time procrastinating but, it uses the same amount of energy so there's really no difference.
This weekend I decided to take care of those things immediately so I could just stay home the majority of the time and work on some things I've been procrastinating at my leisure.
Oh, I am so procrastinating my spring closet cleaning!
So I did what any bored procrastinating girl scrolling pins would do and clicked to see what it was all about.
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