Sentences with phrase «produce cirrus»

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When they did, it was usually because of the odd optical phenomena that cirrus can produce, including haloes and bright spots called sun dogs.
But cirrus don't produce rain, snow or storms, which is probably why scientists took little notice of them until recently.
Methods: Scientists have known since the 1940s that seeding with silver and lead iodide can produce artificial ice nuclei in cirrus clouds.
The function of the DNA was not to produce proteins or regulate or translate them, but rather the nucleotide function was simply to provide an electrical feedback to convection processes that occur w / cirrus clouds that can trap heat, compress air and cause rain over ambient, lifeless winds and climate inputs.
The reprocessing of ISCCP produced a better distinction between the radiative effects of high opaque and cirrus clouds, in better agreement with the 3I results.
The researchers found that cumulus cloud towers produced less cirrus clouds when they moved over warmer ocean regions.
Also, note that aerosol droplets from volcanic eruptions are much more dispersed than those from say aircraft exhaust plumes that do produce a form of cirrus clouds under certain conditions.
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