Sentences with phrase «produce different brain»

And it's unclear how the headphones would handle a situation where I am concentrating on work, but switching between doing tasks that might produce different brain waves, like doing research for an article and writing the actual thing.

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Dr. Marianne Neifert, a pediatrician and author of «Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding,» explains that nipple incisions for implants should be avoided if breastfeeding is important to the patient [because] all the milk ducts that drain the different lobes or sections of the breast kind of convene there [and] it's possible to accidentally cut milk ducts or the nerve that sends the signal to your brain to release more hormones that then helps you to produce more milk.»
Fats are needed for ideal brain development because they provide the right substances for producing myelin, the fatty shield that protects nerve fibers so they can safely carry information to different parts of the brain.
At night, the sleeping reptiles» brains produced rhythms that could be separated into two different patterns — one at very low frequency, about 4HZ, and another, higher frequency about 20HZ, the team reports today in Science.
Bierut: The brain is a very complex organ and what's clear is these different types of brain wave patterns are related to numerous complex in our actions between neurotransmitters and some of the brain receptors, and it's some of the balance between how much of these proteins are produced — how are they regulated — are likely to be involved in some of these biologic predispositions.
The team found the painful and painless procedures produced markedly different brain - wave patterns.
At the outset, Joel shared a popularly held assumption: just as sex differences nearly always produce two different reproductive systems, they would also produce two different forms of brains — one female, the other male.
It measures blood flow to the brain by sending light signals from sensors mounted in a 3 - pound headcap, then producing images of blood oxygen changes — representing brain activity — by recording the absorption of light at different colors.
Brown and his colleagues have previously analyzed the electrical waves produced by the brain in different states of activity.
To determine how the brains of echolocators process these cues, researchers have recorded the echoes produced by echolocator's clicks on different materials (a blanket, fake foliage and a whiteboard) and looked at the response these sounds produced in the brains of sighted people, of blind non-echolocators and of blind echolocators.
Next steps for the researchers are to explore different regions of the brain with this sensor, including the dorsal raphe, which produces most of the brain's serotonin.
One type of stem cell can produce multiple types of nerve cells at different stages of the brain's development.
If we want to communicate a thought through speech, Duffy said, we first formulate our language in the brain and then activate 100 different muscles using about 140,000 neuromuscular events per second to produce speech.
«These include different types of MRI scans, which use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the brain, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, which use a small amount of a radioactive drug, or tracer, to test how tissues in the brain are actually functioning.
That variety cropped up in a different part of the brain than the other strains, and it also produced clumps of proteins akin to the amyloid plaques found in sporadic Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease, a fatal brain disease of unknown origin that usually affects those over age 55.
We would like to consider doing it on a larger scale, maybe having several universities studying patients with different diagnostic categories to see how a controlled psychotherapy trial produces physical brain changes as a result of treatment.
Darwin also was the first to discover that selective breeding for tameness produced similar side effects in different animals, including smaller brains.
Throw a question at the brain and it can produce a thousand different answers, canvassed from a chorus of quirky neurons.
The brain was able to produce rhythmic, alternating activity that would underlie the swimming behavior, showing these two species produce their swimming behavior using very different brain mechanisms.
THE brain has such fine control over the muscles used to speak that every sound produces a different pattern of neural activity.
Domenic explained about alpha, beta and theta waves — different low - frequency voltage oscillations that the brain produces — while Lindsay soaked three electrodes in electrolyte solution.
In the researchers» petri dishes, different cell types develop, connect into a network, exchange signals and produce metabolic products typical of the active brain.
Chronic autoimmune inflammatory damage to the brain produces waves of demyelination (blue line in the graph) and cumulative axonal loss (green line in the graph) in different intensities along time leading to all MS phenotypes.
But Greene argues that different cultures produce different kinds of moral intuition and different kinds of brains.
Few labs could afford to grow enough mini-brains to be useful for research, Song says, and those that did produced tissues with cells specialized for different parts of the brain mixed together at random.
Investigation of movement patterns produced by different patient groups and healthy adults provides a window into the brain with respect to the control of voluntary movement.
By encouraging interaction among these initiatives, researchers are learning not just how the myriad cells of the brain work individually, but how they work in concert to produce behavior — as well as how the neural circuitry of behavior is modified in response to different forms of learning.
They have discovered that these functions are produced by specialised brain systems, which they have analyzed at different levels and using different approaches.
During this study — the first to use ICE to study how the brain interprets grammatical rules and produces word — researchers had the patients read a series of words and then reproduce them in different grammatical forms: for example, the inversion of a noun into a plural, or the conversion of a verb into the past tense.
Although numerous different elements may impact the amount of this chemical, such as genetics, hormones, drugs and alcohol, a few studies have shown that dopamine in the brain is produced under the influence of some foods — actually it is produced by components of these foods.
It is linked with producing different cognitive deficits in both humans and animals and is required for a developing brain and proper cognitive functions in animals.
In case of vitiligo, eczema or psoriasis it is skin; in Parkinson's disease it is dopamine producing brain cells; in lupus it can be different parts of the body including joints, skin, liver, etc..
The novelty of the different produce will excite a child's developing cerebellum and boost neural growth patterns in this important area of the brain.
The brain produces feedback signals when we are learning, sending different signals when something is correct or not correct.
Chewing on a hard object produces a different kind of sensation that somehow overrides the pain signals sent to the brain by the erupting teeth.
The scientist Semir Zeki has researched and produced interesting results which showcase different brain responses to Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Magritte, Malevich, and Picasso paintings.
Producing evidence - based and accredited information about encephalitis and acquired brain injury that may follow, available in different formats on their website ( and from their office.
Different artificial light sources produce different color temperatures that the human brain interprets as neutrDifferent artificial light sources produce different color temperatures that the human brain interprets as neutrdifferent color temperatures that the human brain interprets as neutral light.
But tweaks to the body that sits around the brain — the hardware — can produce different behavior.
This is because the brain produces melatonin at a different time of the day.
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