Sentences with phrase «produce graphs»

Ever since then climate change deniers have loved to produce graphs that start in 1998, although when 2005 broke through as the new warmest year on record, another new favourite start year was born.
You can produce these graphs for yourself in about 1 minute if you're so inclined.
How do we measure the data needed to produce these graphs?
To answer that question they produce graphs comparing the yearly $ dividend increasing over time.
The default variables are used to produce the graphs below.
Simply add the students» names and their scores and the spreadsheet will update and produce graphs.
The students then use spreadsheets to analyse the data and produce graphs which they then present as a news story.
They used excel to produce the graphs.
It simply charts all trading activity by producing a graph which is actually a record of every trade that takes place over a chosen period of time.
I asked CCHQ if by producing the graph above it was seeking to mislead those who read it into confusing apples and pears - in other words, into believing that UKIP is primarily a threat to Miliband rather than Cameron.
But the IFS said the government was ignoring a third of the welfare changes it was making and was producing graphs that did not stretch until 2014 - 5, when many of their changes were fully felt.
It builds up a profile of every pupil and class producing graphs trends and statistics, designed to improve behaviour, reduce teacher workload and help schools monitor and evidence behaviour more holistically.
To produce this graph, take change in GDP divided by change in debt.
Steve Jones above asked at response # 6 > if we told the model that produced that graph the forcings > from 2005 — 2012 and let it calculate the temperatures and asked again at # 53
I think most people would agree that producing that graph was a clever way to illustrate the empirical evidence given the limited amount of time he had to respond, and the largely non-technical audience.
i'll see about learning how to use a spreadsheet to produce a graph.
I think the graph I would like to see is if we told the model that produced that graph the forcings from 2005 — 2012 and let it calculate the temperatures and then compare those temperatures with the actual ones measured.
I reproduced your graph here (basically the same except it has a coarser smoothing algorithm), then produced a graph covering only the recent warming period: (1975 - 1985) to (1995 - 2004), shown here.
Any related modeling will only be funded if its machinations can be used to produce a graph or other pictorial product which supports public argument that human activity is doing something injurious.
But Bloomberg has now produced a graph that makes the seemingly opposite mistake of industry and government analysts by suggesting that nuclear will definitely decline in the United States.
This is equivalent to producing a graph that shows annual number of deaths of Jews in Europe and no bump on the graph during WWII to indicate anything out of the ordinary happened.
Your conclusions are based on all ocean temperature variables — wrong — I need the data numbers that produced this graph please!
Milloy produced a graph comparing three different sensitivity estimates (Figure 4).
Mann juggled the evidence to produce the graph he wanted.
Finally the Meteorological Office finally produces a graph revealing there is now no discernible global warming trend for the past 15 years, and I believe only one newspaper reported it.
Note: On NOAA / NCDC charting page, choose «January»,» 3 - Months»,» 1995» and» 2014» to produce graph with U.S. winters over 20 years (starting with the Nov 1994, Dec 1994 and Jan 1995 winter).
By 1980 Hansen and GISS had already produced graphs which were starting to neutralize the decline.
GWEC produces graphs showing the exciting growth of the wind power industry around the world.
In April 2009 I produced a graph that nearly mirrors Nicola's graph A but is based on the Jupiter perihelion / aphelion distances.
Landscheidt inspired Carl to produce his graph, which is the Rosetta Stone, this indeed must be recognized.
It carried out its own analysis and produced a graph almost identical to CRU's (9).
He produce a graph of temperatures since 2001 in a YouTube clip of one of his Australian shows that he claims is «statistically significant».
• Used MS Project, Excel and Access heavily in support of the engineers • Produced graphs showing progress of various projects • Scanned and filed schematic drawings and blueprints • Eagerly learned new software required to support the department

Not exact matches

The app produces a set of graphs so you can compare the effect a factor had on your symptoms over time or compare the severity of two symptoms.
«We realized that our algorithms had the power to produce results on a broader set of data than the social graph,» Phillips says.
Over the next few weeks and months, Facebook will make changes to its Graph API, which determines how your website or app interacts with Facebook to produce link previews.
While growth in China is trending lower, the share of global output produced in China will continue to rise, as per capita incomes converge towards those in the more advanced economies (Graph 6).
The blue line looks almost flat on that graph, but it increased by over a hundred-fold, and produced about a 10.5 % annualized return.
I'm also thinking someone here has got to be thinking about compiling all this data and producing charts & graphs and tables of percentages.
You can also see from the results graph below that this system has produced consistent year - to - year returns.
«Cow & Gate produced adverts saying its baby milk was «closest to breast milk», a claim which is disallowed under the code, until the Department of Health clamped down on them; and Heinz published a graph suggesting its formula was close to breast milk and better than competing brands.
This week, the Telegraph's James Kirkup produced an informative graph that showed with only one exception, in every election since 1992 Labour has ended up with worst support on polling day than at the 100 day from the election mark.
Graphs were produced and borrowing habits analysed as the housing bubble popped, yet the crash was often presented as an overnight phenomenon.
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm) is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical voltage in the heart in the form of a continuous strip graph.
By graphing how much of certain carboxylic acids each person produced, the researchers could identify patterns among the twin pairs.
Quantifying this decline [graph], the report concludes: «It can be calculated that the same resources that produced 100 publications in 2001 would have produced 129 publications in 1990.»
Both the graph and animation were produced by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
In addition to producing a picture, this microscope produces a line graph with peaks corresponding to the elements present.
Functions are equations that can be drawn as graphs on an axis, like a sine wave, and produce an output when computed for any chosen input or value.
Charles Hall, a professor at the State University of New York who researches energy and wealth, in graph after graph showed that almost every oil - producing country has reached its peak of oil production.
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