Sentences with phrase «produce less oxygen»

They found that soluble iron in the earliest oceans quickly combined with oxygen to form rust — forming reactive oxygen molecules, which damage biological tissue and make the cyananobacteria grow more slowly and produce less oxygen.

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As a result the plant produces more oxygen, consumes more carbon dioxide and has less environmental impact.
Cans are cheaper to transport because of their lighter weight, faster to chill, limit light and oxygen exposure, are easily recycled and cost less to produce.
No oxygen is needed for this conversion, but the downside is that it produces much less energy.
In cancer cells there is a switch to using glycolysis, a process that requires less oxygen and produces lactate as a by - product.
The enzyme converts heme, a cellular compound that produces damaging oxygen radicals, to less harmful compounds, some of which neutralize oxygen radicals.
The more oxygen the yeast cells are exposed to, the more they multiply, but the less alcohol they produce.
The body consumes less oxygen and produces less body heat.
As a general rule, the shorter the carbon chain, the more efficiently the MCT will be turned into ketones, which are an excellent source of energy for your body — far preferable to glucose, as ketones produce far less reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they are metabolized to produce ATP.
Fat oxidation on the other hand occurs in the oxygen CO2 exchange ratio of 1:0.7 so not only do you produce less CO2 as a by product which allows for slower breathing, but you also aren't dealing with the ever increasingly acidic environment created by glucose metabolism.
Dr. Joe Kahn: CoQ10 is a very powerful antioxidant and because oxygen is being used in the mitochondria in the process of producing ATP energy molecule, the mitochondria is very sensitive to oxidant stress and CoQ10 is an anti-oxidant and about age forty we just start producing dramatically less and less CoQ10 every decade of our lives.
A future hydrogen economy could use the gas as an energy carrier As this method doesn't produce oxygen which needs to be kept separate from hydrogen, safety from explosion of the two gases is much less of a problem with electricity in the national grids carried by ageing cables, it would be useful to replace them by passing the hydrogen along gas pipes used currently for natural methane gas.
For the important ultraviolet photons which are desired to be removed from the solar radiation are those less energetic photons which decompose the ozone molecules to produce another oxygen atom which again can reform another ozone molecule.
With less mixing, respiration by organisms in the mid-water layers of stratified oceans will produce oxygen - poor waters, so - called oxygen minimum zones (OMZs).
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