Sentences with phrase «produce measurable outcomes»

Participation must be accurately tracked by a valid accounting method in order to produce measurable outcomes.
Simulations of practice (for example, roleplaying exercises and teaching model lessons) positively impact professional practice and produce measurable outcomes.
To recognize those who are supporting maternal mental health through innovative initiatives that have produced measurable outcomes.

Not exact matches

[9] Using a different, continuous weighted scoring system — which admittedly was, like Byrd's scoring, «an unvalidated measure of CCU outcomes» — Harris et al. concluded that «supplementary, remote, blinded, intercessory prayer produced a measurable improvement in the medical outcomes of critically ill patients», and suggested that «prayer be an effective adjunct to standard medical care.»
According to the research team, the failure of these types of outcomes monitoring systems to produce measurable improvements in outcomes may be related to difficulties in identifying mechanisms that translate reports into changes in how surgical care is provided.
U.S. News & World Report's annual rankings are «based on these key principles: that a great high school must serve all of its students well, not just those who are college bound, and that it must be able to produce measurable academic outcomes» of that educational success.
Produce lasting learning outcomes by improving knowledge retention and skill application through a measurable learning experience that promotes rapid time to performance.
Although a teacher can produce measurable effects on student achievement in a single year of instruction, a principal's efforts are likely to require several years before their full effect on student outcomes becomes evident.
Proponents of these assessments find them useful in guiding decision making regarding a student's learning despite research yielding «sparse evidence that it has produced measurable or observable improvements in educational outcomes» (Hansen, 1993).
Yet, the evidence is mixed, at best, that this investment of time, money, and resources has produced measurable change in student learning outcomes, or in teaching practices that effectively leverage the capabilities of technology to improve student learning (Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Peck, 2001; Mehlinger & Powers, 2002; National Center for Education Statistics, 1999, 2000; Windschitl & Sahl, 2002).
The observable, measurable outcome of this campaign is to achieve that 90 percent level of family participation, meaning active, informative contribution that produces actionable feedback resulting in much greater student achievement than ever before.
Unlike sports, the practice of law does not produce many measurable and comparable outcomes that would predict merit as a judge.
Effective content marketing and Digital content strategy creates or expands brand awareness, generates demand, and produces measurable business outcomes.
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