Sentences with phrase «to produce oxygen»

And on an environmental level, plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, creating more restful and restorative sleep.
The chemical changes necessary in cells to provide energy also produce oxygen by - products, or free radicals.
Green roofs provide habitat for butterflies and birds, while green walls produce oxygen for human inhabitants.
That observation suggested the laser must also have produced oxygen gas.
While hydrogen is the more valuable component, it can't be produced without also producing oxygen.
The first is to produce the oxygen atom from oxygen molecules.
Although these trees produce oxygen, they also release compounds that can react in the air to create lung - damaging ozone.
They are more than organisms producing oxygen or cleaning the air for us.
B - vitamins improve energy levels and iron helps our bodies produce oxygen - rich red blood cells.
Here's why: Plants that grow on a continent's soil produce oxygen, which then enters the atmosphere.
Just basic daily activities such as digestion, and movement such as walking or exercise is enough to produce oxygen free radicals.
«If you want to get serious about life on Mars, you want to make trees,» which he says are important for producing oxygen on massive scales.
Plants and certain types of bacteria produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Although the catalyst does produce oxygen from water, it does not produce hydrogen gas (H2) that can be burnt in a fuel cell.
Most scientists believe photosynthetic bacteria produced the oxygen.
A future hydrogen economy could use the gas as an energy carrier As this method doesn't produce oxygen which needs to be kept separate from hydrogen, safety from explosion of the two gases is much less of a problem with electricity in the national grids carried by ageing cables, it would be useful to replace them by passing the hydrogen along gas pipes used currently for natural methane gas.
Photosystem II is the light - driven enzyme that oxidizes water to produce oxygen in plants, algae and cyanobacteria.
Living in colonies, the cyanobacteria produced oxygen during the process of photosynthesis, which generated the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere that many living beings require today.
Wood is a carbon neutral product that produces oxygen during its growth cycle and stores carbon during its service life (Source: University of Wisconsin Wood Products Program Solid Wood Flooring Life Cycle Analysis).
Not just crop plants, but all plants, as well as algae, cyanobacteria, lichen, and even a bunch of anaerobic bacteria that use photosynthesis but don't produce oxygen.
In the first engineered «nuclear reaction,» in 1919, Ernest Rutherford produced oxygen from nitrogen by dislodging positively charged particles he called protons.
«When tiny bacteria in the ocean began producing oxygen, it was a major turning point and changed the chemistry of the Earth,» explained Katsev.
They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — producing oxygen through photosynthesis and, in another process, forming the calcite plates that Huxley found so interesting.
Gentle heating produces oxygen alone, while stronger heating drives off red - brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
Unlike Gamelin's system, Sun's device is already producing both oxygen and hydrogen gas.
Dissolving ores in a molten electrolyte and passing a current through it could reduce iron oxides to a more usable form and produce oxygen at the same time.
The loss of hydrogen, in turn, upset the balance of elements back on Earth and 400 million years later produced an oxygen glut.
In turn, the seagrasses produce oxygen that gives the bivalves an extra boost in energy production.
Published today in the journal Plasma Sources Science and Technology, the research by the universities of Lisbon and Porto, and École Polytechnique in Paris, shows that the pressure and temperature ranges in the Martian atmosphere mean non-thermal (or non-equilibrium) plasma can be used to produce oxygen efficiently.
Because producing oxygen from splitting water is a barrier to using artificial photosynthesis (the splitting of water into H ₂ and O ₂ as a renewable energy, many research programs focus on designing catalysts that assist with this oxygen - producing step.
The Vertical Forests — skyscrapers covered in trees, shrubs, and flowers, top to bottom — look magical, but also clean the air, reducing CO2 while producing oxygen.
THE PLANET: Rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet because they absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and produce oxygen upon which all animal life — including human life — depends for survival.
Oxygen enters the ocean through two ways: interactions between its surface and the atmosphere, and as a photosynthesis byproduct from phytoplankton in upper layers of the ocean, much in the same way plants on land produce oxygen.
Further evolution led to increasing diversity of photosynthetic organisms producing oxygen as a byproduct.
Now a simple process made an electrode that absorbs sunlight and produces oxygen on tiny cobalt islands on a silicon electrode.
Like Nocera's original device, Gamelin's technology is also only able to produce oxygen gas and hydrogen ions.
In its stratosphere I conclude the important photodissociation reaction that of carbon dioxide with ultraviolet photons which produces oxygen atoms and carbon monoxide molecules.
Trees produce oxygen and they're good for the environment.
The latest experiments from Strasser's research group indicate that substantial increases in efficiency may also be possible for the reaction splitting water to produce oxygen in electrolysers, for which the even more expensive noble metal iridium is used.
Using nondestructive neutron scattering techniques, scientists are examining how single - celled organisms called cyanobacteria produce oxygen and obtain energy through photosynthesis.
Yet what of the ecological systems that complement the earth, allowing life to exist and be enjoyed, from (1) the water cycle of evaporation and rain to (2) the carbon and oxygen cycle of plants producing oxygen that humans and animals need and giving off carbon dioxide for the plants to (3) the nitrogen cycle that causes the production of proteins?
The bacterium produced oxygen or made vitamins, providing a survival advantage to both itself and the amoeba.
A new theory suggests that Earth's crust absorbed bacteria - produced oxygen for 400 million years.
Through design or the accident of chaos, that life here, on our particular rock, has evolved into green plants that produce oxygen, or jellyfish, or walking creatures who look up at the stars and try to figure out where they came from.
It's not that they produce oxygen, he says.
New materials are also being integrated into HTT's designs, including cement that absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen, vertical gardens around pylons, and a system that absorbs dew from air and releases water to farmers.
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