Sentences with phrase «produce verifiable»

I regularly ask Joel Shore and others to produce verifiable evidence of global damage caused by the rise in CO2.
What will prove to be difficult for the German company, however, is reconciling the readers» interests, the authors» interests, and the advertisers» interests; to date, both publishers and advertisers have both been wary of how digital is going to produce verifiable revenue based on the user experience.
To learn how to translate these questions into experiments that will produce verifiable results,
Then do the hard work and produce the verifiable evidence to back up your claims.
I'm still waiting for you to produce verifiable SCIENCE in Genesis.
It is won by producing verifiable, reproducible evidence that any other scientist can replicate, and by successfully disproving counter-arguments, again with evidence and experiment.
Furthermore, for that theory to be useful it must be capable of producing verifiable predictions (e.g. the probe will get to Jupiter no matter what year I launch it).
Created social media page to generate interest and produced verifiable increase in enrollment attributable to marketing efforts.
REDHEAD: The buyer of this property produced a verifiable pre-qualification letter from a bank.

Not exact matches

If you could produce the evidence (remember your request above... verifiable evidence), you would create a string of followers never before seen in history.
Either group of atheists will most likely lose a majority of its «members» when verifiable evidence of any god is produced.
I've tried to get this answer from many theists, and not one has been able to produce any hard, verifiable evidence for their god - belief.
I'd be happy to believe if you could produce one shred of verifiable evidence that he / she / it even exists.
No one yet has ever produced actual (physical, objective, independent, verifiable, factual) evidence for any alleged (but never proven) god.
This is the truth and based on that, can we really say anything in the Koran is verifiable if it was produced in such a way.
My proof that a belief in Gods is not justified — is the absolute failure of theists to produce a single shred of hard verifiable, testable evidence, even after thousands of years of desperately trying to do prove God's existence.
We have tried to follow a method which, in our opinion, is likely to produce relatively verifiable conclusions in relation to the documents we actually possess.
Because HFC - 23 projects produce huge numbers of easily verifiable credits, European governments have rushed to purchase them even though they know that the reductions they signify are dubious.
The effect of this assault is far - reaching and has produced a veritable and verifiable crisis in cultural production across the region which has had both negative and, as we will see, occasionally positive ramifications.
As to «Americans freezing in the dark», thanks to the EPA, we'll keep that in mind next time we hear how climate scientists are «alarmists» for producing peer - reviewed, independently verifiable science.
The burden of proof has always been on co2 alarmists to produce a rational and verifiable science transaction if wants a specific regulaton to be justified.
(A) has entered into an international agreement to which the United States is a party, under which such country agrees to take actions to produce measurable, reportable, and verifiable greenhouse gas emissions mitigation; or
(B) is determined by the interagency group to have in force national policies and measures that are capable of producing measurable, reportable, and verifiable greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.
-- «Global climate models are unable to produce an output that is verifiable» — April 2009
While these numbers are not verifiable (there is very little data available on the fashion industry's global footprint), we do know how that the amount of resources required to produce clothes on the scale that they're currently made is enormous.
I would admit that Nuccitelli is right when / if verifiable measurements of AGW are produced, tested, and found to be attributable specifically to human activity.
Given that text documents are still very much the core material produced by legal professionals, and that references to text documents will remain the basis for grounded and verifiable legal reasoning regardless of the actors and technologies employed, current generation standards in the legal domain are providing a layered organization of their offerings: presentation - oriented XML is being replaced with structured XML with ample room for metadata and annotations; naming mechanisms based on URIs and IRIs provide linkable anchors both to entire documents and to smaller fragments; and document - oriented ontologies provide the necessary glue between abstract legal reasoning and the textual pieces of supporting evidence.
A proven and VERIFIABLE record for: * Producing higher performance standards and enhancing productivity during a period of shrinking budgets.
It's costly, time consuming and unnecessary to have a CPA do such work more than once a year, especially since current accounting software can produce high quality and verifiable statements.
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