Sentences with phrase «produced at a coal plant»

Herzog pointed to the American Electric Power Mountaineer coal power plant project in New Haven, West Virginia, where carbon produced at a coal plant was to be sequestered deep in Mount Simon sandstone.

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Yet, the government has launched a pilot project to address the problem by capturing and storing the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by using coal as a fuel for electricity generation at a power plant dubbed GreenGen.
«Despite the large amount of emissions produced by shipping the coal such a long distance, our analysis shows that the total emissions would drop because of the superior energy efficiency of South Korea's newer coal - fired power plants,» said Dalia Patiño - Echeverri, assistant professor of energy systems and public policy at Duke.
NuScale claims it will be able to produce power at about seven to nine cents per kilowatt - hour — roughly the same as big nuclear plants, only a few cents more than the cheapest modern natural gas — fired or coal - fired plants, and one - third the cost of a typical diesel generator.
Solar panels could produce electricity at the same price as coal - and natural gas - burning power plants by the end of this decade if countries direct resources at this rapidly advancing corner of the energy industry, according to the Paris - based International Energy Agency.
Because nine of every 10 tons of the nation's coal vanishes into power plants, many Americans hold the illusion that coal is no longer a major energy player, but here's the reality: Coal produces at least half of the nation's electricity, and we're burning more ocoal vanishes into power plants, many Americans hold the illusion that coal is no longer a major energy player, but here's the reality: Coal produces at least half of the nation's electricity, and we're burning more ocoal is no longer a major energy player, but here's the reality: Coal produces at least half of the nation's electricity, and we're burning more oCoal produces at least half of the nation's electricity, and we're burning more of...
It's why China has been retiring coal plants for decades — at first in favor of ultrahigh efficiency modern supercritical coal plants that delivered twice as much power per unit of pollution produced, and now increasingly solar and wind.
Thus reducing the price of CO2 emissions from coal based power plants and in the end coal - produced electricity gets (or at least looks) cheaper.
At a plausible GHG emissions price of $ 50 / t CO2eq under a future US carbon mitigation policy, such co-production systems competing as power suppliers would be able to provide low - GHG - emitting synthetic fuels at the same unit cost as for coal synfuels characterized by ten times the GHG emission rate that are produced in plants having three times the synfuel output capacity and requiring twice the total capital investmenAt a plausible GHG emissions price of $ 50 / t CO2eq under a future US carbon mitigation policy, such co-production systems competing as power suppliers would be able to provide low - GHG - emitting synthetic fuels at the same unit cost as for coal synfuels characterized by ten times the GHG emission rate that are produced in plants having three times the synfuel output capacity and requiring twice the total capital investmenat the same unit cost as for coal synfuels characterized by ten times the GHG emission rate that are produced in plants having three times the synfuel output capacity and requiring twice the total capital investment.
For electricity, it is assumed that the electricity was generated at a coal fired power plant — about 50 % and increasing of electricity in the US is produced in coal fired power plants.
For example, coal - fired power plants produce nearly twice the global warming emissions of natural gas - fired power plants, while renewable sources like wind and solar power produce virtually no emissions at all.
At power plants, combustion of coal produces a medley of air pollutants, especially in older plants that lack modern emissions control equipment.
Additionally, OPG has been directed to convert the Atikokan and Thunder Bay coal generation plants to biomass and both are expected to produce marginal electricity at an inflated cost.
Whether smaller - scale coal plants make economic sense is another matter, particularly as the cost of producing renewable energy comes down, and natural gas prices remain at near - historic lows, well under $ 3 / MMBtu.
At the same time, however, the minister acknowledged that making a significant dent into the level of carbon emissions produced by gas - fired power plants will not happen «overnight», and was even at pains to stress that his department will not be imposing the same emission constraints on them as have already been announced for coal - fired plantAt the same time, however, the minister acknowledged that making a significant dent into the level of carbon emissions produced by gas - fired power plants will not happen «overnight», and was even at pains to stress that his department will not be imposing the same emission constraints on them as have already been announced for coal - fired plantat pains to stress that his department will not be imposing the same emission constraints on them as have already been announced for coal - fired plants.
Google said it will «make strategic investments and grants that demonstrate a path toward producing energy at an unsubsidized cost below that of coal - fired power plants
The potential exists at one particular Arizona mine with 10,000 acres of waste rock and tailings to produce up to 1 gigawatt of combined solar and wind power, about as much as an average coal - fired power plant, said Blair Loftis, national director of alternative and renewable energy for Kleinfelder, a large engineering consultant firm.
The socialist states at that time were producing gargantuan amounts of CO2 and other gases implicated in global warming from unfiltered coal - fired power plants and factories; when those unprofitable industries withered, countless thousands of workers went on the dole — but the air got cleaner.
Gerard Harbison says: July 10, 2014 at 1:01 pm «You know how many MW your power plant produces, and you know how much coal you burn.
Global Wind Energy Council, Global Wind 2008 Report (Brussels: 2009), pp. 3, 56; Erik Shuster, Tracking New Coal - Fired Power Plants (Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory, January 2009); «Nuclear Dips in 2008,» World Nuclear News, 29 May 2009; 1 megawatt of installed wind capacity produces enough electricity to supply 300 homes from American Wind Energy Association, «U.S. Wind Energy Installations Reach New Milestone,» press release (Washington, DC: 14 August 2006); number of homes calculated using average U.S. household size from U.S. Census Bureau, «2005 — 2007 American Community Survey 3 - Year Estimates — Data Profile Highlights,» at / servlet / ACSSAFFFacts, viewed 9 April 2009, and population from U.S. Census Bureau, State & Country QuickFacts, electronic database, at, updated 20 February 2009.
The world currently has enough coal - fired power plants to produce about one terawatt of electricity — the equivalent to each of the seven billion people on Earth using two 75 - watt light bulbs at the same time.
In addition to being used to simply produce cyclic carbonates, North believes it could also be retrofitted on coal - fired plants: «If our catalyst could be employed at the source of high - concentration CO2 production, for example in the exhaust stream of a fossil - fuel power station, we could take out the carbon dioxide, turn it into a commercially - valuable product and at the same time eliminate the need to store waste CO2.»
True, if you look at it strictly from the point of view smog - producing chemicals like sulfur dioxide, new coal plants are cleaner than the old coal burners of yore.
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