Sentences with phrase «produced by aerosols»

That is appropriate since it is the radiative forcing produced by aerosols, ozone etc. in the recent climate state, not in the 1850 climate state, that determines their effect on recent temperatures.

Not exact matches

Then, in 1949, Robert Abplanalp, a 27 - year - old machine - shop operator from the Bronx, gladdened the hearts of whipped - cream lovers everywhere by inventing a cheap, reliable aerosol - can valve that could be mass - produced.
Experiments Prather and her team conducted in California's Sierra Nevada produced the first conclusive evidence that dust aerosols can change the amount of precipitation produced by clouds.
Despite its smaller ash cloud, El Chichn emitted more than 40 times the volume of sulfur - rich gases produced by Mt. St. Helens, which revealed that the formation of atmospheric sulfur aerosols has a more substantial effect on global temperatures than simply the volume of ash produced during an eruption.
Ultimately, scientists hope to learn how aerosols affect clouds, how much aerosols are produced by humans and nature and how they travel in the atmosphere.
Droplets from bursting bubbles are the principle means by which aerosols are produced above the open ocean, said first author Luc Deike, a Princeton University assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI).
The researchers created a model for predicting the velocity and height of jet aerosols produced by bubbles from 20 microns to several millimeters in size, and in liquids as viscous as water, or up to ten times more viscous.
Previous research focused on ways to limit the ozone - damaging reactions produced by nonreactive aerosols.
«I had done some work modeling aerosols produced by volcanic eruptions for other projects, so I started looking into how we might detect an eruption and what it would tell us.»
The recently published research results provide further evidence that forests can affect the climate by producing low - volatility vapours that are able to condense and grow aerosol particles.
While a large amount of aerosols that exist in the Earth's atmosphere are naturally occurring — created by processes such as mechanical suspension by wind or sea spray — much is produced as a result of industrialization.
The results may help to explain discrepancies between observations and theories about how volatile organic compounds produced by vegetation are converted into atmospheric aerosol — especially over forested regions.
If aerosol quantities are known, they can of course be compared with how much lightning is later produced by the cloud in question.
CLOUD shows that organic vapours emitted by trees produce abundant aerosol particles in the atmosphere in the absence of sulphuric acid.
Undersea volcanoes could not produce this effect because the dust and aerosols would be absorbed by the sea before they reached the atmosphere.
Although the use of e-cigarettes (called vaping) is believed by many experts to be less toxic than cigarette smoking — and could even help some people quit smoking — recent research at Penn State College of Medicine and other institutions indicates that inhaled aerosols produced by vaporizing e-liquids are not harmless.
Secondary organic aerosols, or SOAs, are created when hydrocarbon gases, given off by everything from pine trees to snow blowers, undergo a series of chemical reactions in the atmosphere to produce particles.
Let me try to be more explicit: if you want to assume (or, if you prefer, conclude) that aerosols produced by the increased burning of fossil fuels after WWII had a cooling effect that essentially cancelled out the warming that would be expected as a result of the release of CO2 produced by that burning, then it's only logical to conclude that there exists a certain ratio between the warming and cooling effects produced by that same burning.
And the sort of FF burned during the first half of the 20th century was produced by the fuel most likely to generate sulfate aerosols: coal.
But at that time we were producing a lot of sulphates and other aerosols that helped cool the planet but that is also complimented by natural variability.
If you want to assume that aerosols resulting from pollution produced by the burning of fossil fuels were responsible for the cooling evident from 1940 through the late 70's, then you have no reason to claim ANY degree of warming due to CO2 forcing during any earlier period.
With the cosmic ray effect we have ~ 0.3 C of solar warming combined with ~ 0.2 of CO2 warming, which is then offset by human - produced aerosols to yield ~ 0.3 of waring.
Such factors include increased greenhouse gas concentrations associated with fossil fuel burning, sulphate aerosols produced as an industrial by - product, human - induced changes in land surface properties among other things.
On the one hand it repeats the oft argued claim that the cooling after 1940 was largely due to sulfate aerosols produced by «industrial activities,» but on the other hand, she is honest enough to admit that «the situation is complicated» by factors rarely addressed by cli - change advocates:
the plateau is commonly, and credibly, attributed to industrial aerosols produced by Northern hemisphere industrialized countries.
What's in question is not any rise in temperature produced by the dissipation of aerosols.
And for those of you who want to insist that aerosols produced by the uncontrolled burning of coal neutralized the effects of AGW from 1940 to 1979, please explain how the same argument could not be made for the effects of coal - induced aerosols during this earlier period, when no constraints on the polluting effects of coal combustion were present at all.
Unfortunately poor Victor has yet to notice the implications of his words — «What's in question is not any rise in temperature produced by the dissipation of aerosols.
These are at the moment causing warming about the same as the dimming produced by sulphate aerosols.
«Estimates of the Climatic Impact of Aerosols Produced by Space Shuttles, SST's, and Other High Flying Aircraft.»
Hansen's group estimates that aerosols probably counteract about half of the warming produced by man - made greenhouse gases, but he cautions that better measurements of these elusive particles are needed.
The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica was created by human - produced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that came from things like aerosol cans and air - conditioners and refrigerators.
Meanwhile, other types of aerosols, often produced by burning fossil fuels, can change surface temperatures by either reflecting or absorbing incoming sunlight.
However, because of its acidity, H2SO4 (and potentially MSA) can enhance the formation and growth of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from organic compounds (5, 44, 45), including those produced by homogeneous nucleation of low - volatility species (46).
In addition to producing full, up - to - date and compelling views of our planet, the images taken by EPIC will provide scientists with valuable atmospheric data on the ozone, plant cover, aerosols and clouds.
In response, the IPCC added a cooling factor to its models of the atmosphere, consisting of tiny aerosol particles produced by the emission of sulfur dioxide from electric power plants.
To make a long story short, and this is really a WAGNER (wild assed guess, no explanation required) what if the large amounts of SO2 injected into the northern hemisphere atmosphere by WWII and the unrestrained coal burning (see London, smog) produced huge amounts of sulfate aerosol which shadowed and cooled downwind rural measurement sites.
The slight downward trend in temperature from about 1945 until about 1975 is due to the increase in Sulfate Aerosols (SO4), largely produced by burning coal that contains sulfur.
We divide our aerosols into categories according to whether they were produced by transportation, power generation, industrial activity, domestic burning or open biomass burning.
The formation of cloud droplets and cloud ice crystals is associated with suspended aerosols, which are produced by natural processes as well as human activities and are ubiquitous in Earth's atmosphere.
For example, under the ranges stated by the IPCC, the world might well have cooled 0.1 degrees over the six decades — greenhouses gasses could have produced 0.5 degrees of warming and aerosols -0.6 degrees — and Nuccitelli would still be worrying about global warming.
28 29 Physical Mechanisms Linking Cosmic Rays to Cloudiness 30 31 The most widely studied mechanism proposed to explain the possible link between GCR and cloudiness is 32 the «ion - aerosol clear air» mechanism, in which atmospheric ions produced by GCR facilitate aerosol 33 nucleation and growth ultimately impacting CCN concentrations and cloud properties (Carslaw et al., 2002; 34 Usoskin and Kovaltsov, 2008).
The most widely studied mechanism proposed to explain the possible link between GCR and cloudiness is the «ion - aerosol clear air» mechanism, in which atmospheric ions produced by GCR facilitate aerosol nucleation and growth ultimately impacting CCN concentrations and cloud properties (Carslaw et al., 2002;
Instead of responding only to the cooler temperatures, the tree rings also included signals from reduced light availability (from the shading effect of volcanic aerosols) and the two effects together produced a signal greater than what would have been produced by cooler temperatures alone.
«Residual analysis does not provide any evidence for a substantial cooling effect due to sulfate aerosols from 1940 to 1970... sulfate aerosols produced by volcanoes or industrial emissions no doubt have a cooling effect»
This result is consistent with the MODIS and MISR AOT records as well as with the recent gradual reversal from brightening to dimming revealed by surface flux measurements in many aerosol producing regions.
What was intended, I guess, is that CO2 increase by itself would have produced more warming than was observed, but that atmospheric aerosols reduced the warming below what would have been due to CO2 alone.
2) A considerable part of that effect (apparently larger than thought before, according to the SOD) is produced by the direct effect; aerosols scatter sunlight and cool the surface.
Forster et al. (2007) described four mechanisms by which volcanic forcing influences climate: RF due to aerosol — radiation interaction; differential (vertical or horizontal) heating, producing gradients and changes in circulation; interactions with other modes of circulation, such as El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO); and ozone depletion with its effects on stratospheric heating, which depends on anthropogenic chlorine (stratospheric ozone would increase with a volcanic eruption under low - chlorine conditions).
The aerosol plume produced by biomass burning at the end of the dry season contains black carbon that absorbs radiation.
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