Sentences with phrase «produced by other sources»

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This confirms what sources close to the company have been saying for some time, which is that it is de-emphasizing Medium's in - house publications and focusing on hosting content produced by other publishers.
Our approach corrects for the sample bias inherent in other private sources, producing results that are much closer to statistics published by the Census Bureau and HUD.
By drawing on these two sources of data, the researchers were able to produce an analysis that is better than that of the two other major quantitative researchers in the field, George Barna and George Gallup; it is the standard against which other research on teens should be tested.
These same beliefs and symbols articulated by the New England Puritans merged with parallel, similar, and, at time, even dissimilar values and beliefs from other sources to produce a new ideology which formed and shaped the resistance of the American colonies against Crown and Parliament.
Tropical Traditions also restored traditional methods of producing coconut oil by hand, and also worked to provide consumer access to other traditional products that had fallen out of favor in the U.S. market, but for which there was a demand from health - conscious consumers interested in sourcing food outside the corporate commodity food supply kept cheap by government subsidies.
A body not in balance is the result of all of the humours not being in balance, and thus, the recommendation for Diaby is that he be purged of all excess Blood, Phlegm, Bile and other Expulsions from the Body until his body is back in balance, with express interest shown on the Fluids produced by the Liver, which is the Source of Life, and, if not in balance, the Cause of Bodily Disturbance.
There are some MPs who clearly spend a lot of time listening and responding to the concepts that are produced by think tanks and other sources of ideas.
Morris calls the work «exciting» but notes that due to the very low total numbers of photons used in the analysis, of the dozen putative black holes some might actually merely be statistical flukes produced by coincidentally timed emissions from other sources.
The study also concludes that, over a 15 - year period, cutting the black carbon produced by burning fossil fuels, vegetation, dung and other sources could reduce the warming the Earth has experienced since the Industrial Revolution — about 0.8 degrees Celsius — by 17 to 23 percent.
Cutting the black carbon, or soot, produced by burning fossil fuels, vegetation, dung and other sources could reduce global warming
However, there were other possible sources of water: interplanetary dust particles produced by cometary activity and asteroid collisions, icy rings, or one of the 60 Jovian satellites.
FACT: Seventy percent of our electricity is produced by burning coal and other fossil fuels, sources linked to global warming.
The underlying technologies of high temperature storage and thermophotovoltaic conversion could also be used to produce grid - scale batteries able to rapidly supplement other power sources by storing heat for quick conversion to electricity.
In a traditional X-ray machine, a filament emits electrons when it is heated above a certain threshold, and those electrons fly through the body and hit a metal electrode on the other side, creating images; CT scans produce three - dimensional images by rotating the electron source.
Currently, the relatively high - cost of electricity produced by solar cells compared to electricity from other energy sources is an inhibitor to a more widespread adoption of solar energy.
Detections by the transit method are contaminated to a large extent by «false positives», produced by sources other than transiting planets.
We are also investigating targeting the normal source of HB - EGF, inflammatory cells, to determine whether HB - EGF alone or in concert with other cytokines produced by inflammatory cells is necessary for tumor formation.
It's secreted by the adipose tissue, largely, but also a number of other tissues have been shown to produce leptin, but the major source is the white adipose tissue which is basically fat cells.
- Nuts and nut butters — while most almond, cashew, walnut and other nut based trail mixes or nut butters tend to be much healthier than the average peanut butter, they are also very high in heated oils (which produce cell - damaging free radicals) and inflammatory omega - 6 fatty acids — which can tend to dump inflammation on an already stressed athlete's body when overused to the extent most people implement such sources (by the handful and heaping spoonful).
Utah, like a number of other states, still has extensive «school trust» lands, which were given to it by the federal government at statehood to produce a continuing source of income for education.
Among many other outstanding sources, one may simply want to check out this cleverly called blog here, «VAMboozled,» or see what Diane Ravitch has said about VAMs (among other places, see, for example, here), not to mention the well - visited site produced by Mercedes Schneider here.
Many people swear by organic produce and do not buy fresh foods from any other source.
Spinosad, one of its active ingredients, is produced by a bacterium first isolated from natural sources (a soil sample collected in the Caribbean).3 Spinosad demonstrates selective toxicity to the flea's nervous system but has low toxicity to mammals and other nontarget organisms.4 However, as with all medications, sensitivities due to individual animal variation can occur, sometimes resulting in side effects.
Microscopic eggs produced by intestinal worms in infected dogs and passed in their feces provide a source of infection for other dogs.
This landfill free solution is recommended as a «clean, reliable, and renewable source of energy» that «produces electricity with less environmental impact than almost any other source of electricity» by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
With the exception of some omega - 6 fatty acids, dogs and other mammals do not produce all that they need by themselves [source: Benson].
This programme has been constructed in the awareness that style is less a question of stylistics than ethics, i.e. a way of keeping its subject at a distance, of including the out - of - frame as a dynamic produced by the viewer, of thinking not only about the production of images, but also about their distribution, and how they cohabit with other sources of images.
63 percent of respondents said the United States should move forward to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of what other countries do... In the same poll, the public supported — by a margin of 63 percent to 37 percent — requiring electric utilities to produce at least 20 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources, even if that would cost the average household an extra $ 100 per year.»
In other, less windy regions lacking kinetic energy, there is still in the air, abundant CAPE (residual solar), existing either naturally (day, evening, summer), or through augmentation by transfer to air from waste heat sources, to produce a virtually inexhaustible supply of electrical energy.
Incidentally, we also know that the extra CO2 results from human activity because lab tests can tell the difference between CO2 produce by burning fuel and CO2 that comes from other sources.
Among other issues, doubling the state's electricity supply by 2050 while cutting emissions is only possible if there is some way to compensate for the inevitable large fluctuations in solar or wind supplies using some large source of electricity — but one that produces no emissions.
Recent reports indicate that there is much more gas and oil around the UK (more than we have used already) now that higher oil prices make recovery of it more economic We are also getting better day by day at producing energy from other sources and reducing the energy we need for specific functions.
Powerful impetus from other sectors is enough to keep oil demand on a rising trajectory to 105 mb / d by 2040: oil use to produce petrochemicals is the largest source of growth, closely followed by rising consumption for trucks (fuel - efficiency policies cover 80 % of global car sales today, but only 50 % of global truck sales), for aviation and for shipping.
AgEnergy is simply asking that energy produced by the plant be eligible for state programs like other renewable energy sources
According to EIA, the quantity of oil and other liquid energy sources produced by the three countries could outpace their liquid fuels consumption as soon as 2020.
if Clinton and Quad Cities were retired, all of the 25 million megawatt - hours they produce annually would be replaced by generation from other sources, mostly coal, that would belch millions of tons of CO2.
«Gross Revenues» means the total monies received by Grantee from a utility company or other power purchaser (provided, however, that if electricity is sold to a subsidiary or affiliate of Grantee, then, and only then, the gross receipts from the sale of electricity under such contract shall be calculated using a sale of not less than the arithmetical average of the prices quoted by market sources of information, which information may be based upon the price paid by any purchaser or purchasers, including Grantee or any subsidiary or affiliate of Grantee, for electricity produced in the Iowa region of the Midwest Independent System Operator («MISO») from operation of wind turbines during the calendar year immediate!y preceding the year in which such electricity production from the Wind Energy Project occurs, taking into account the aggregate terms associated with such transaction) derived from the sale of electric energy and capacity produced and sold from the WTG's installed on the Premises, net of proportional energy losses associated with the power collection system or utility interconnection.
(Sec. 388) Amends the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant, on either a competitive or noncompetitive basis, a lease, easement, or right - of - way on the outer Continental Shelf for activities not otherwise authorized under specified laws, if those activities: (1) support exploration, development, production, transportation, or storage of oil, natural gas; (2) produce or support production, transportation, or transmission of energy from sources other than oil and gas; or (3) use, for energy - related or marine - related purposes, facilities currently or previously used for activities authorized under this Act, unless prohibited by moratorium.
Summer heat, plus nitrous oxides (primarily from fuel combustion), plus VOCs (some naturally produced by trees and others from urban sources) produce Ozone which is held in our area by inversion layers.
In China, manufacturing and construction account for two thirds of emissions by source (one third of that is steel production, a quarter is cement, chemicals and plastics produce 17 %, aluminium and other metals a further 13 %).
«We are working to reduce the cost of solar electricity by a factor of 25, making it cheaper to produce than energy from coal or other non-renewable sources.
However, if the party is not bound by any requirement specifying the format or other characteristics of the produced documents, then the costs of imaging may not be covered, but only the lesser costs of copying from the source media to the production media, the court added.
Medicine that may be approved in other countries or produced by unknown sources may have slight variations or different ingredients that could cause you to get sicker, develop a resistance to your medicine or cause new side effects.
com GLOBAL CARTEL REPORT: ANTITRUST ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES REMAIN ACTIVE DESPITE NEARLY 50 % DROP IN FINES Produced by the firm's leading antitrust and competition team, the cartel report is a compre - hensive analysis exam - ining the following 2017 trends in antitrust compli - ance programmes and antitrust criminal liability: • A significant uptick in enforcement directed toward domestic cartels and individual criminal prosecutions • Continued scrutiny of the auto parts, financial services, and shipping in - dustries • A prioritization by more countries of anti-cartel enforcement, particular - ly in Asia • The expansion of glob - al authorities» extraterri - torial jurisdiction (Source: Morgan Lewis) Consistent with recent years, global enforce - ment authorities re - mained extremely ac - tive in 2017, opening many new investigations and advancing others, according to Morgan Lewis's latest Global Car - tel Enforcement Report.
The open - source community has also produced a number of custom Android recoveries that offer additional features such as backup and restore, the ability to apply updates that haven't been approved by the manufacturer or carrier, the ability to selectively delete data, and some other bits and pieces of extra functionality.
Spurred by declining costs to produce solar power and an increase in state and federal incentives for adopting the energy source, search - engine giant Google Inc. and other property owners are turning to the sun for their energy needs...
Our approach corrects for the sample bias inherent in other private sources, producing results that are much closer to statistics published by the Census Bureau and HUD.
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