Sentences with phrase «produced by the neurons»

To look for signs of neurogenesis, the researchers hunted for specific proteins produced by neurons at particular stages of development.
When an electrode is close to a neuron, it can record the current produced by the neuron when it fires.
«But our research showed that the Tau produced by neurons from people with the Tau mutation is different; so it is red - flagged by the cell and targeted for destruction.
These electrodes are used to record the electrical activity produced by the neurons, and also to electrically stimulate the brain.
Additionally, aging of the organism as a whole is modulated by hormonal signals produced by neurons and other tissues.

Not exact matches

He begins by noting that groups of neurons firing simultaneously produce complex interrelated patterns of brain waves within the electromagnetic field which is the brain itself.
At the center of the room sat a one - ton, six - foot - tall machine resembling a huge hair dryer that contained scanners capable of recording the minute magnetic fields produced by the firing of neurons.
This allowed them to shut down Fos - producing neurons, by adding a drug that works only when the enzyme is present.
Thus, tail shock (the unconditioned stimulus) produces greater facilitation of the monosynaptic EPSP from a siphon sensory neuron to a siphon motor neuron if the shock is preceded by spike activity in the sensory neuron than if the shock and spike activity occur in a specifically unpaired pattern or if the shock occurs alone.
Menthol produces these effects by binding to receptors on sensory neurons which mediate signals related to pain, temperature and irritation.
The symptoms of Parkinson's — which is characterized by stiffness and can lead to a loss of motor and speech function — are triggered by the progressive death of neurons in a midbrain region called the substantia nigra that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine (implicated in the pleasure and reward systems as well as in the maintenance of proper movement control).
By tweaking different fly genes and counting how many neuron types were produced as the flies matured, the team identified a network of five genes that work together like coordinated control switches to guide the precursor cells» transformation to mature neurons.
Scientists have long known that a bath of protective proteins in the brain, known as neurotrophic factors, can help curb the progression of Parkinson's disease by keeping those dopamine - producing neurons healthy.
Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of neurons in the brain that produce dopamine, a chemical that shuttles signals between neurons and is responsible for controlling the body's movement.
They then induced Parkinson's symptoms in laboratory rats by killing the rodents» dopamine - producing neurons with toxins, and injected the viruses into the damaged tissue of some of the animals.
While analyzing molecules excreted by TRPV1 cells in search of anything that might be itch - specific, Hoon and his colleagues came across a small group of the neurons that produce natriuretic polypeptide b (Nppb), a hormone that regulates heart function and can also act as a neurotransmitter.
The new study by the Inagaki lab showed that neurons will produce four times more traction force when placed on adhesive substrates coated with laminin than those without laminin, assuring the axons reach their final destination.
This week in the JCI, a study conducted by David Engblom's lab at Linköping University in Sweden has demonstrated that the aversive effects of inflammatory pain are driven by prostaglandin signaling specifically on serotonin - producing neurons in the brainstem.
The researchers implanted stem cells from mouse embryos into the brains of rats and mice whose dopamine - producing neurons had been obliterated by a toxin.
When they deleted CBLN1 in glutamate neurons, they recreated the same impaired sociability produced by increased UBE3A.
It is caused by the loss of brain cells (neurons) that produce dopamine, an essential neurotransmitter that allows neurons to «talk» to each other.
A high - precision motor gave a carefully calibrated tug to the sheet to subject the neurons to mechanical forces Parker calculated to be comparable to those produced by an explosion.
The scientists discovered that a class of mechanoreceptors in the skin that detect painful mechanical stimuli are part of a feedback circuit in which excitatory neurons that produce the hormone somatostatin are inhibited by neurons that synthesize dynorphin (a natural analgesic molecule that produces effects similar to opiates).
Research carried out by the Perception and Memory team (Institut Pasteur / CNRS), directed by Pierre - Marie Lledo, a CNRS Director of Research, has recently revealed the specific role of these neurons produced in the adult brain.
Red cells are newborn neurons, and orange and yellow are slightly older cells produced by the stem cell.
Duman and his colleagues are trying to learn lessons from ketamine, an anesthetic and painkiller that is also sold illicitly under the name «Special K.» The group has shown in rats that ketamine rapidly causes neurons to make new contacts with one another and, apparently by so doing, produces antidepressant effects.
Nerve growth factors produced by the body, such as GDNF, promote the survival of the neurons; however, clinical tests with GDNF have not yielded in any clear improvements.
He mentioned mouse studies by Chris Fiorillo, now at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), who inserted genetic sequences that code for a light - sensitive protein called channelrhodopsin - 2 into dopamine - producing neurons of mice.
The analysis suggested that a protein produced by a gene called Olig2, which is only expressed in the neural progenitors that create motor neurons, promotes motor neuron formation by interfering with the activity of several members of another gene family — the Hes genes.
He improved the technique by culturing the stem cells with astrocytes, cells that guide the maturing neurons, that he had taken from the dopamine - producing region of the rat brain.
The team discovered that a protein called Sema3a is produced much more abundantly by astrocytes close to motor neurons than by astrocytes from other regions in the spinal cord.
Chang got a genetic foothold on this sensory system by labeling GPCRs in mice and engineering them to produce channelrhodopsin, a molecule that allowed the scientists to use light to manipulate the cells» function and study the neurons sorted by different GPCRs.
By and large, current methods are essentially switches to turn the neuron on or off and can produce dramatic changes in neuronal activity that can manifest in significant behavioral changes.
Now, by dampening the activity of a small group of neurons deep within the mouse brain, researchers have produced cognitive deficits similar to those found in those with schizophrenia, a discovery that they say could potentially lead to new treatments for the disorder, which affects roughly 24 million people worldwide.
«If we can find a way to target those neurons in humans, maybe we can reduce the «high» produced by the drug and reduce the withdrawal symptoms,» said Olivier George, assistant professor at TSRI and senior author of the new study.
That prospect brightened this week, with the announcement from a team led by Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that dopamine - producing neurons grown from genetically «reprogrammed» mouse skin cells can ease Parkinson's - like symptoms in rats.
More than 50 years later, scientists have found a way to use radioactive carbon isotopes released into the atmosphere by nuclear testing to settle a long - standing debate in neuroscience: Does the adult human brain produce new neurons?
Individual neural progenitor cells in culture produce different neuron types as time goes by, starting with the innermost cells (green) and followed by more superficial neurons (red).
quinolinic acid, a chemical produced naturally in the brain that can harm neurons by over-stimulating them
The neurons, isolated from rats, produce bursts of electrical signals in various patterns, which can be â $ œtunedâ $ by the inputs they receive.
Thin - film microelectrode arrays produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have enabled development of an automated system to sort brain activity by individual neurons, a technology that could open the door to recording and analyzing unprecedented amounts of neural signals over time...
In addition, amyloid - β, produced by nearby neurons, may be an antimicrobial peptide that gets recruited to fight the pathogen; the peptide surrounds and seals off the pathogen (4).
This is also why levodopa — the chemical building block of dopamine — is the go - to drug for PD: giving the surviving dopamine - producing neurons more building blocks allows them to eke out more dopamine, going a long way toward correcting the subset of PD symptoms that are caused by loss of dopamine - producing cells (particularly in the early stages of the disease).
Dec. 12, 2017 - Thin - film microelectrode arrays produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have enabled development of an automated system to sort brain activity by individual neurons, a technology that could open the door to recording and analyzing unprecedented amounts of neural signals over time...
These mice developed hallmark signs of PD in their brains and behavior: loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc, impaired generation of new neurons in one of the few regions capable of producing them in adult organisms, and impaired muscle coordination similar to human victims of Parkinson's (as evidenced by difficulty in rearing up on their hind legs)(Figure 2).
To find out, the team looked at the effects of astrocytes on dopamine - producing neurons as mediated by the SASP.
Whereas PD motor symptoms are driven by loss of dopamine - producing neurons, many of the nonmotor symptoms are instead linked to the accumulation of Lewy bodies and other malformed clumps and fibrils of the protein alpha - synuclein (AS) inside and between neurons.
BDNF is a protein produced by the brain that pushes neurons to withstand stress and make new connections.
The researchers then successfully prodded what they call keratinocyte - derived iPS cells or KiPS cells to distinguish them from fibroblast - derived iPS cells into becoming all the cell types in the human body, including heart muscle cells and dopamine - producing neurons, which are affected by Parkinson's disease.
Drugs called calcium - channel blockers, which are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, produced normal neuron migration in the mini-brains, Pasca said, apparently by patching the defect that makes the neurons too jumpy.
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