Sentences with phrase «produced film submissions»

Festival organizers received over 680 student - produced film submissions from 65 countries around the world.

Not exact matches

RFK assassination; Munich Olympics massacre; Teheran US embassy takeover; Pan Am Flight 103; US Marine barracks in Beirut blown up; Pope John Paul II shot; cruise ship Achille Lauro hijacked — disabled man murdered; TWA 847 hijacked — US Navy diver murdered; WTC bombed; US embassies Kenya Tanzania bombed; USS Cole bombed 17 crew killed; 4 airliners hijacked to destroy WH, Twin Towers, Pentagon; Daniel Pearl kidnapped / beheaded; 13 US Ft Hood Soldiers murdered; Theo Van Gogh murdered for producing film «Submission»; US Ambassador to Libya assassinated; US Embassy in Cairo ransacked; Toulouse, France, 4 Jewish children murdered
The video provides actors with a roadmap for writing, producing and performing in a short film that is eligible for submission to the Foundation's biannual showcase, which is a great way to get noticed by major studios.
Submissions in Irish are actively encouraged as films for either scheme can be produced in English or Irish.
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