Sentences with phrase «produces higher productivity»

Safety training produces higher productivity that is absolutely necessary in today's competitive marketplace.
Hired top tier talent and provided training and evaluation that produced higher productivity and lower costs — successfully increased service satisfaction by 34 %.

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«Lulu enjoyed several years of extremely strong growth as a faddish demand for its product produced record setting levels of sales productivity and the highest ever operating margins we've seen for a specialty apparel retailer.
«At our manufacturing sites, our specific focus is on driving more for less — producing consistent good quality cheese, while concentrating on high productivity and factory optimization.»
Pay for high - quality food produced by small, local, family farmers and enjoy fewer illnesses, children with happier demeanors, reduced medical bills, no medications and better productivity in yourself and your children.
We've arranged to produce more knowledge workers than we can employ, creating a labor - excess economy that keeps labor costs down and productivity high.
«In pursuit of quick wins to increase productivity to meet demand in developing countries, a strategy adopted by these nations over the last half century has been importation of specialized, high - producing breeds,» Sere says.
Content management and collaborative authoring in a single source workflow to produce compelling eLearning or print content in a high productivity environment ensuring high standards of quality while maximizing content reutilization.
It's a way of delivering bite - sized learning content that's accessible on the go and often produces higher engagement rates and increased productivity.
Long - run investments he recommends: Treasury bonds and high quality bonds, income producing securities, food and other consumer staples, small luxuries, USD, rental apartments, health care, productivity enhancers, North American energy
High - productivity plantations, efficient harvesting and good logistics are fundamental in producing biomass at costs that allow for competitively priced energy generation.
From OneNote to Word and Excel, Microsoft arguably produces some of the highest quality productivity apps on the market.
You haven't shown examples of how what you know how to do (e.g., prospect for new customers, manage a staff) translates into the benefits they will produce (e.g., higher sales, increased productivity, cutting - edge products).
Improved area in overall productivity and percentage to goal, becoming the highest producing area in the entire market, exceeding annual plan by 31 %.
With its solid base in engineering and scientific education, Cleveland produces high volumes of job seekers proficient in today's most challenging and competitive markets as well as those who possess both the knowledge and hands - on application of some of the most cutting - edge technological developments, which their future employers can harness to boost quality, innovation, and productivity.
A proven and VERIFIABLE record for: * Producing higher performance standards and enhancing productivity during a period of shrinking budgets.
For the industry, technology will continue to be a factor that drives consolidation in companies and higher productivity from the top producing agents.»
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