Sentences with phrase «product logo»

We'll name the brand of one of the inventory items in the game after you and also create an artistic product logo for it (subject to our approval).
An Indian child who participated in this study matches product logos with the associated item.
Whether it's clothing brands or soft drinks, television and movie producers cover up product logos or (as is often the case in reality television) blur logos out.
Carefully painted with product logos and text, they are like fragmentary ceramic versions of Warhol's «Brillo Boxes.»
To go into more detail for you, certified organic composts with the Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input or the Registered Garden Product logos are called «Allowed Inputs.»
Choosing products wearing the Australian Certified Organic logo saves you time at the store because it represents all the good things you expect from a product
Andy Warhol looks young and seedy, too, as he paints his first product logo, apart from Warhol's first display in the windows of Bonwit Teller.
His text - driven Pop Art creates product logos for a transformation of America, but Christopher Wool is still looking for trouble.
His rolling papers for tobacco, Zig Zag, lent their brand name to his work, but not only as product logo.
The work in Transport seeks to destabilize the power of the autimotive product logos that surround us.
The lens here captures everything but the main event: the feet which the camera snapped by accident, the movie you only ever saw as a poster, or the secondary - brand product logos, all disposably immortalized as towels, toilet paper, curtains.
The stuff of daily use finds its way into the work of art: from Duchamp's 1913 bicycle wheel to Robert Rauschenberg's 1961 auto - tire combine, from Andy Warhol's 1961 hand - painted advertisement for a water heater to Ashley Bickerton's 1988 self - portrait as a succession of product logos.
It was, of course, a display of his own, with his paintings after product logos (said to obey laws of evolution discovered in laboratory tests) and messages in black all but tailor - made for Christopher Wool — from Another Painting to Career Suicide.
Eighty - two percent of online adults recognize the Energy Star logo and 86 % recognize the recycling arrows, but only 16 % recognize the certified organic product logo.
And in true entrepreneurial form, schools will become more and more like race cars... covered with product logos and insignias of all sorts.
The Advertising and Marketing Grand Prize Winner was Crazy Uncle Jesters» Company or Product Logo / Label.
The letters soon grow, closer both to product logos and to abstraction, even as he is determined to put the Post in Post-Minimalism.
He takes icons of commerce — product logos and Marilyn Monroe — and applies them, in scattered composition, to canvas.
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